
The Heavenly demon sect

In 220 B.C a sect was created known as Heavenly Demon Sect. It was created by seven martial grand masters. As the time goes the sect become stronger and stronger. By seeing their growth the other sect gets jealous, envious and afraid of them. And this leads to other sects joining hands and creating an alliance to destroy the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Devil_Yagami · Fantasy
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24 Chs

chapter 21: Declaration of war.

They are unaware of why they were called but they could feel in their heart that something bad is going to happen.

Kuo Fang appeared in front of them and the Six guardians and the elder Yuan also appeared behind him.

"As all of you know that Elder Yuan was attacked and inorder to save him i killed the Assassin but unfortunately the assassin was the son of Blood Fist sect's leader and inorder to take revenge they will attack on us"

Everyone is shocked from this statement of Kuo Fang.

"So all of you have to participate in this war but..."

Kuo Fang let out his fierce aura and everyone is terrified

"Those who doesn't want to participate they will have to fight me a here right now"

Everyone stood there silent unable to move in the presence Kuo Fang ferocious aura.

"Good. As a member of my sect you must never bow to your enemy even infront of death you must stand tall and fight through death. Even if your fate is already written and you are going to die never submit to your last breath. You must fight!"

Kuo Fang's speech has somewhat motivated them but they are still afraid to die in the war.

"Everyone I am going to give you all a technique .The ultimate Demonic transformation technique. This technique let you turn into demon"

Everyone face is frightened and shocked. The thought that was inside everyone's mind is "They will turn into a mindless demon"

"This technique is developed and upgraded by my master, the previous sect leader. I know why you are frightened but this is a supreme grade technique that has reached perfection and it has no drawbacks and this technique will not harm your sanity in any way and this technique will improve your power at a high speed"

Everyone is still in shock but they are not frightened anymore. They are in shock because their sect has a perfect supreme grade technique and it can be learnt by all disciples.

Mainly a level four sect has supreme grade sect and it can only be learnt by cardinal elders, guardians and the sect leader.

But they can learn a supreme grade when they are only outer disciple and this made them really confused.

In this world sect's are divided in six different level and the levels are mainly divided in their years of history and the amount of area they control and the amount of disciple they have

First level sect are just a gang with more than ten years of history and they control a small amount of area with more than twenty people and they hold atleast two High grade martial art.

Second level sect are just a developed gang or small sect with more than fifty years of history and they control more than three areas atleast. They have more than seventy people and they have atleast a superior grade martial arts technique. Example - Blood Fist sect

Third level sect are just what we called normal sect with more than hundred years of history and they atleast control a district. They have more than two hundred disciple and they hold atleast more than two Elite grade martial arts technique. Example- Former Heavenly Demon Sect(exception*)

Fourth level sect are Developed sect with more than five hundred years of history and they atleast control a state. They have around five hundred disciple and they have atleast a sacred grade martial art technique and more than one supreme grade technique. Example- Emei sect, Wudang sect(Decline*)

Fifth level sect are very strong and big sect with around years Thousand years of history and they control more than one state.They hold atleast a legendary grade martial art technique and they have more than thousand disciple.

Sixth level sect are just alliance of some fifth and many fourth level sect. They control atleast half of a country or a whole country. They have atleast a divine grade martial art technique and many legendary grade martial art technique.

"But this is the only thing you can learn at Outer disciple rank but since we have a war upcoming you all will be given an advance grade sword martial arts and it will a formation technique"

A formation technique is different from normal martial art technique. You need more than one person to use a formation technique.

"The rank of yourself in our sect also depends on the mastery of Ultimate Demonic transformation technique. The rank in our sect is divided into six stages. Those are Cardinal elders, Elders, Instructor, Core disciple, Inner disciple and outer disciple and the stages of this technique are Demon King, Demon general, Greater demon,True demon ,Half demon, lesser demon"

Then Kuo Fang told all other things about Ultimate Demonic transformation technique.

"Then we will start this training now. The first thing is very easy I will just Use my blood and put a demon core inside your body to train this technique"

A person among the group,

'Shit! He is going to put a demon core inside me. I have to escape from here'

He slowly and tried to move backwards but he hit something on his back. It is a flying sword.

Kuo Fang was talking about the technique but when he saw that he looked at that person and give him eerie smile.

He was succumbed in fear. He tried escape.

Kuo Fang looked at Wang Junjie and give him a gesture to catch him by moving his head

With some simple Movements of his fingers he surrounded that person's throat with three sword.

"Everyone please make some way for our guest"

Everyone moved to side and made a path for him.

"Tell me why did you betrayed me"

"You think you can defeat the Blood Fist sect. The sect leader is an expert martial artist and they have many advance martial artist"

"So because you think that in this battle we will be defeated that's why you changed side to be safe"

That person didn't say a word.

"Hahahaha. Everyone do you know what is the greatest crime in our sect"

Kuo Fang hold that person with his hair and make him kneel down and activated his Martial soul.

The newly recruited people was shocked.

'Why did they have that expression in their face. What did he done?'

He tried looked towards Kuo Fang and his corner of his eyes caught a violent ray.

'H-he is a violet grade martial artist'

That person fell into despair and lose all his strength.

"The greatest crime in our sect is betraying. Our sect doesn't tolerate a traitor and if someone tried to betray the sect he will beheaded on spot"

With this sentence he used The Fist of dark lord attack and cut his head with a black sword.

The blood splattered on Kuo Fang's face and his body. This thing made everyone scared but also loyal to him.

He threw that head up in the air and then shifted the shape of that black sword and turned it into a spear and he pierced the head with it and threw it far away.

Yuan Hong Hui came towards Kuo Fang and asked "Leader where did you threw it?"

Kuo Fang replied with a smirk "Where it belongs to"

Few miles away inside a sect.

A person sitting on a throne and many half naked woman are around him lying on floor.

"Did anyone find any clue"

"N-no sir. but we are trying"

"You know that I am not a patient perso-"

He sensed that something flying towards him. He moved back few steps.

*Bam* A spear came flying through the wall and stuck to the other side of the wall.

"Boss are you okay"

"Ha haha hahaha. So I was right"

The smoke from the blast dissipate and infront of them is a black spear holding a Body less head. The spear vanished and the head fall on the ground splattering some blood.

He picked the head from the ground.

"Hey stop the search we have found the person who killed my son"

"That's good but whose head is this"

"It's a spy I sent to the Heavenly Demon Sect and since it's here means my next victim is there waiting for his death."

He crush the Head with his hand and the blood splattered on his face. He licked the blood around his mouth with his tongue.

"You ready our sect members we will attack them two weeks later"

"Why don't attack them now since he already tried attack you"

"Haha. I will let him enjoy his last moment in this two week. Now get out"

That person left the room.

"hahahahaha. Just you wait who you are I will come and smash that puny head of yours"

The next day at Heavenly Demon Sect,

"Previous night I put an Demonic core inside all you and taught you the Ultimate Demonic transformation technique and today I will teach you the advance grade sword technique"

Previous night Kuo Fang taught the Ultimate Demonic transformation technique to all of his Sect's disciple.

The technique was easy to learn but it is hard to master. After learning this technique they have became an Demon.

There is a rule in Demon Kin that they respect every demon based on their power and that's why all of the disciples were able look the Demonic power of everyone everyone and when they looked at Kuo Fang all of them were terrified.

Kuo Fang who has a body of a twelve years old but inside that body there lurk something that shouldn't come out.

A Demon God who has slain million of peoples. A Being that is the most cruelest and brutal. A demon that were to be unleashed it wouldn't take few minutes before the whole earth turn in ruins.

Present time,

"The sword technique is called Five coloured sword flame. This technique is divided into six level. It is one of the strongest sword technique in our sect and it is compatible with ultimate Demonic transformation technique but biggest drawback is that there was only one person who was able to master it upto third level and that was the highest anyone have reached and only one person may reach the second level from all of you here"

After the explanation ends he started teaching how to use The Five coloured sword flame technique.

The first level is called Green flame sword. The green flame is describing a mortal's life. So the stronger you are the stronger the sword flame will be.

After few hours of training some were able to comprehend the technique and many was unable. They need one or two days more of practice and they will also be able to comprehend it.

And that's what happened when tomorrow everyone was able to comprehend the technique and the next day a message came from Blood Fist sect saying that they will attack Heavenly Demon Sect in twelve days.

Kuo Fang announced the declaration of sect war to his Sect's disciple.

"Everyone we are going to have a war with Blood Fist sect in twelve days and that's why we have to make the selection fast. From this selection you all will be divided into which group you all will be going"

All the six guardians suddenly appeared and stood behind Kuo Fang.

"The groups are Sword team, Spear team, Blade team, Fist team, Bow team and shield team. Every has it's share of work and you all will be selected as per your suitability to the team. And always remember you are not allowed to ran away from death but it doesn't mean that you have to fight righteously"

With smirk on his face he disappeared. Everyone is confused from his last statement.

Huang Jian Yu come forward and said,

"I am Huang Jian Yu the spear demon and it will be my first time teaching you all. All this time you were taught by Cheng Qiang but as you know we will have to go through an war soon so we are to be a little hasty with the selection"

Then Huang Jian Yu started giving his training to the disciples of the sect and kuo Fang returned home.

He straight went into his room where suddenly something jumped towards him.

It is the thunder leopard from that time.

"Hey I have came back. Were you missing me?"

The Thunder leopard snuggle to him like he was asking for some love

"Well now that I think I haven't gave you a name then how about.... Little thunder. It's match you because you have a thunder sign in you eyes unlike any Thunder leopard"

After that he put the thunder leopard aside to let him play and started practicing his Asura Body forming technique.

His body is covered in a dark red aura. He looks like he is very near to breakthrough the third stage of Asura Body reinforcing.

But suddenly all the red aura sucked inside his body and Kuo Fang screamed out of his lungs because of pain.

"Shit! What did I do wrong. Why is this happening. It's ten times more painful than the training of this technique

Kuo Fang forcely shuts his mouth to stop Bleeding from his mouth.

'I can't lose my control here. I just have to hold a little more and I will be able to breakthrough the next level'

His veins appeared all over his body. His muscles is ripping. His Eyes turned red. He lost his consciousness because of the pain.

Seeing the state of Kuo Fang little thunder is feeling worried. It went near to Kuo Fang but he is thrown because of the fluctuations of power.

It started to Roar For help but unfortunately at that time nobody was at home.

Kuo Fang's state become much worse his skin started to rip and he started to bleed from all over his body. If this goes on he will die from bleeding before he could breakthrough.

Then suddenly the eyes of little thunder started to spark with lightning. And then he covered him with a light blue lightning and send it towards Kuo Fang.

It's the Rejuvenating Thunder.