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Kathy makes a hard decision should she call the Police or her sister... As she sits their hesitating she came to a conclusion that she will call her sister so as Kathy takes a a deep breath she dials her sister and she starts crying she says Sarah she said woah calm down honey your over working your self are you sure that he said those exact words? Kathy said yes I heard it from the other line because he was talking so loud from the basment that I was able to hear him but I got curious to see who he had spoken to Sarah stayed silent (Kathy very clueless that she was Phillas Mistress) then Kathy said hello Sarah are you still their? Sarah replied yes I am Kathy. dont worry everything is going to be okay I promise Kathy replied okay thank you then Sarah hung up the phone. After awhile in silence kathy sat on the edge of her bed thinking then about 10 mins after Sarah was hesitating to call Phillas... Sarah grabbed the phone and called Phillas the phone was ringing and Phillas answered Yes Darling? Sarah said I don't know if I can go through this... She my sister... Phillas answered but your my true love we have a beautiful family and I want to be able to see and hold you and my son and daughter she sighed your right... Okay I will go with the plan and kill Kathy.....