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While Kathy was upstairs preparing for dinner she cried a little bit to herself but not too much for her husband to hear as he was making a few phone calls to a couple of "Friends" to help him with his little operation. when Kathy was finished cooking the meal she opened a glass of Phillas's Red Wine and poured it into her wine glass and as she sat down to think to her self why did this have to happen to me? After she finished her glass she cleaned the glass and put it away quickly before Phillas came in and saw his favorite Red Wine was Opened. She cleaned her self being not cautious that the Red Wine Bottle was half Empty She panicked and grabbed one of the other Red Wine and Poured it into the half empty Wine glass so Phillas wouldnt be to suspious about anything and she got rid of the other Red wine. After finishing up Kathy called him "With a Southern Accent" Honey Time for Dinner. Phillas replied Be right the "Darling" after he was on the other line talking to his Mistress.She asked when are you going to leave your wife for me I miss you and I want to see you again. Phillas replied soon soon once the business gets going we can get rid of my wife. Kathy being curious she picked up the other phone line amd listen in to the conversation and what she heard made her heart drop she falls on her knees covering her mouth as a tear falls she listens more.Phillas:How about this darling you can get rid of her when she not looking"

Mistress: Of Course Honey you and I can finally be together and our daughter and son and we can offically be a family.

Phillas: Of course Dear I never loved Kathy she was some women who ment absolutly nothing to me.

Mistress:Im glad I Must let you go I love you!

Phillas: I love you to.*Hangs Up*

Kathy was sicken that her husband had an affair and they have kids then she remembers that she had a daughter and Phillad didnt even know about it. Kathy gets up wipes her tears hangs up the phone wipes her clothes and pretends that she didnt hear anything but deep down inside she hurting and needs to tell someone. Phillas came up stairs kisses his wife on the cheek and said Dinner smells great Honey Kathy replies Thank You Dear. as she turns to grab two clean Wine Glasses and pour his favorite Wine she brings him the wine and she sat down with her glass they began eating and as the silence aired the room.He said I am going back down to the basment to finish setting up Kath replied okay dear. I will be heading to bed he replied alright darling as they finished dinner Phillas headed back down to the basment to finish and she washed up turned off the lights and went upstairs to their bedroom she stands by the door frame remembering the haunting murding from her previous client she was shaken up from it. Kathy Shook her head and grabbed he clothes went to shower and as the water hit her face she reminiscing about the conversation she over heard can not believing she might be getting murdered by her husband's Mistress. She turns off her shower and she sits by the edge of her bed by the phone contemplating whether to call the police or her sister....