

Sarah *Sighs* what am I going to do? I have to kill my own sister...Then her daughter Sophie comes into the room.Mommy when is daddy going to come and see us again? I miss him and as Sarah looked at her daughter she knew she was to young to understand so Sarah replied soon honey daddy had important bussiness to take care of. Sophie replied okay mommy im sleepy can I sleep here with you? Sarah said sure princess so sophie jumps on the bed and she asked mommy can you tell me a story? Sure sweetie.Once upon a time their was a beautiful little girl who lived in a beautiful home with her family the little girl was blessed that she had everything she had ever ask for.As Sarah was done she seen her daughter sleeping so soundly she tucked her in and she got up quietly to check her son and she saw her son and tuckrd him in and kissed him on the forhead. closes the door quietly she walks down the stairs quietly and looks at the picture of Phillas and her and them together as a family then she set the picture down... After she had a malicious smile Kathy you will no longer be in the picture. For years I was in your shadow everyone prasining you mom and dad always treating you like a princess while I get the second hand now its my turn to take whats yours....