
The guardian system

bettymae524 · Sci-fi
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24 Chs

Chapter 16

   Ariel died and went to heaven, Atleast that's how she felt. The person before her had a perfectly shaped eyebrow raised with a lilt of a smirk on his devastatingly beautiful lips. His straight nose accentuated his jawline and his face just looked three- dimensional.

      His eyes, Wow, his eyes were like large 5 stars colliding together in that small green hole, keeping her unable to look away. She dared not go down to his body, which encompassed of broad shoulders, narrow waist and charmingly long legs. He wore a black coat over a woolen black shirt tucked in under slim black trousers that showcased his model like legs. 

        She swallowed. As much as she hated to admit it, she was a superficial person and she had officially fallen in love with his body. He looked lanky and in power. He radiated a powerful and suffocating aura. She blinked repeatedly.

          She remembered him being devastatingly handsome when she was a teenager but it seemed like his beauty added with age. But this was the guy who had kidnapped her and wanted to kill Chad. She was torn between running away for life or kneeling for forgiveness. She chose the former. 

          She had barely gotten three steps in before she felt a hand press lightly on her head. A feeling of Deja Vu washed over her as she remembered her protector. She quickly turned but under his dark gaze, she quickly looked away.

         "Let me go and I'll make this easy for you alright", she said in what she assumed was a menacing voice but what she didn't know was that to him she sounding like an aggrieved wife begging her husband to let her go to a party. 

           He frowned and bent down. Suddenly, she was thrown over his shoulders with her head and hands at his strong looking back and her legs dangling at his front. She kicked and punched but all to no avail as she was carried successfully back into her dark room and dumped on the hammock albeit gently. 

           He dropped his eyes to hers and said in an enchanting voice. "Don't go outside again", he drawled out. She felt indignant. "I went outside because I felt like it and I'll do it again if I want", she said. He rolled his heavenly green orbs, shook his head and left the room.

           The moment Ariel spoke, she regretted it. She had not brushed in four-odd weeks. Perhaps that was why he left without another word. It was HIS fault. If he had left her where he met her then she might have had a chance to freshen up, she probably stank now. 

          " Well, escape plan number one is a failure...but that doesn't mean I give up", she said with an evil smile. She was going to do whatever it took for  her to leave this incredibly dark room. 

          When the other guy brought her food, she couldn't help but compare them. Without comparison, the other guy was a king among billions of lion as handsome as he was. With comparison though, he was as plain as paper. "Hey, what's your name? ", she asked. He looked shocked before answering her.

           "Andrews", he said courteously. She gave a small smile and he smiled back. He was quickly becoming nicer to her and she liked that. It seemed like Nova had not warned him about her so she distracted him again. Nova couldn't possibly suspect that she would try to escape two times for two days in a row. 

            This time, she didn't really delay in looking for the right door and she just sprinted out. She didn't get past the stairs when she was thrown over Nova's shoulder again. How he found her and sped past her would forever remain a mystery to her. 

             This went on seven more times till Nova got tired. He brought food to her that day. She expected a bulky but friendly young man but what she got was a tall, slender jaw droopingly handsome green eyed man. This was a fair trade. He dropped the food in front of her and looked at her. "What exactly do you want? ", he asked. "To leave this godforsaken place", she replied indignantly.

           He rolled his heavenly green eyes in a serious way that managed to tell her not to cross her bounds. "I don't want to keep you here any more than you wanna be here, it's for your own good", he said. "You tried to kill chad", she said. "And I would've succeeded if it wasn't for you", he said. She rolled her eyes and turned away from him. "fine then the least you could do is provide a bathroom", she said angrily. He furrowed his brows confused and suddenly she felt like he was a little kitten. 

           "There's a bathroom right there", he pointed to the door in the room that she had never noticed before. She blinked and ran to the door. When she opened it, she saw a queen sized bathtub and a shower handle with shiny white tiles. She felt like commuting suicide, so you're telling her that she could have been bathing in style since she got here. Ugh. 

            "I'm... Un...comfortable with the hammock, I need a bed", she said. If he could give her a bathroom, she wanted to see how he would give her a bed. "Walk into the bathroom and open the door you see there", he said and left the room. She did as she was told and was met with a very lavish beautiful white bedroom with a queen sized bed and a TV system. 

             Her eyes twitched. Why did he drop her on the hammock then. She would kill him next time she saw him. She soaked herself in the bath for hours and showered later. When she came out, her skin was glowing brightly and she looked like the queen she was sure she was born to be, an independent queen. This didn't mean she wasn't running though. 

          This time she would plan it out very well.