
The Greatest Sage

to be in control of reality, your destiny? aren’t these all desirable goals for all mankind? A young and driven university student suddenly pulled away from the life he knew, into a life he didn’t. to conquer his own powers and the strengths of the world’s, and the desire to gain control of his destiny by his own resolve. However everything is not so simple, being placed in a new world Lotus is forced to make controversial decisions in-order to get to where he wants, he no longer is burdened with the laws of earth. Encountering all sorts of dangers and chaos. Lotus continuously battles his circumstances and the world he's been thrown into, known by ‘the nine lands’ each land with a different personality and mana, the life force energy for everything and everyone, giving rise to an evolution of beings and locations. Will you, reader, follow him as he navigates this mystifying and unfathomable world? Join the quest to not only conquer the world but also the mind? ……………….. Authors ext!! Lotus is not a hero, nor is he a villain, he is only driven by that in which benefits him and those he cares for! so some of the things that occur in the story may be a bit heavy for some with light tummies. Ariel is also just as important to the story as Lotus. p.s. stick through the shaky start thankssz

nateXmani · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

The treasure is mine

"Girl, unfortunately, someone has already beaten you to it"

"beaten me to it?" she replied confusedly

"Yes, an intruder... Better to say an unfilial boy has already dived into calibres ocean"

"Wait what"

"He won't survive the test so there is no way he can come back alive, however, once the test is taken there is a 50-year cooldown so you won't be able to success me now"

"You are joking!" ariel was despaired, to say the least.

Just who was this intruder that dared spoil her plans and take the treasure from her

"Girl do I dare joke about matters such as this"

'Shit it's getting angry, I can feel my skin starting to burn from the temperature increase'

"Sorry most noble one, pardon my behaviour, you naturally are the greatest and jokes are not worthy of you"

"hmph girl, you know it best"

and as such, the temperature started to decrease and the atmosphere mellowed at her mellifluous attitude.

'whew, I've got to get out of here this is the worst, but who is this intruder that's able to get past a dragon?'

as she stood quickly pondering how to proceed

"girl it's probably best you leave, it is truly a shame your mana is perfect to carry on my lineage but alas"

"very well, I must thank you o noble one, I shall be on my way"

and just as Ariel was headed for the exit with a look of solemn. From the silver pool, bubbles erupted onto the surface, until emerging from the water, a figure cropping out of the water onto the ground with new bright Auburn highlights at the end of his silver hair. emanating confidence and vigor which mostly exuded from a bright sharp steeled red sword he was holding in his hands.

"that's mine!" both ariel and the dragon exclaimed outwardly

"Girl, you dare lay claim to my treasure, And boy! How did you survive the test?!"

Lotus ignored the dragon almost as if it was an ant and sceptically looked at the girl, scanning her up and down, he felt a sense of familiarity towards her but couldn't pinpoint it.

Ariel looked intriguingly back at Lotus almost as if she felt the same sense of familiarity towards him but immediately dismissed it to focus on the luminous blood red sword that pulsed in his hands. she then remembered her situation and nervously looked at the dragon, "venerable one, I do not dare, I only meant that it is I who should bestow the treasure back to you"

'venerable one?, why is she sucking up to this waist of space' Lotus scoffed to himself

"Boy, Answer…"

"what, you old dog, who gave you permission to speak " Lotus' peeve response aggravated the dragon to the point that before the dialogue between them could even unnecessarily progress

"Boooooooom!" the dragon stepped down with flares of fire spouting from the ground, immediately followed up by directly attempting to step onto lotus, however Lotus maneuvered himself to the side with unnatural speed, in line with that the dragon conjured mana into his lungs and breathed out pure wind which blew Lotus away, smacking him emphatically into the cave wall straight onto his knees

*coughs and spits out a shot of blood

heavily winded by the attack he picked himself off from his knees and in a hoarse tone looked at Ariel and stated something that shocked them both

"Hey, I don't know who you are, but if you want this sword you can have it, if you help me take down this dragon instead of standing around like a statue"

"What for real?" her eyes widened

"You dare girl"

"I'm serious I don't need this anyways, it's a cool sword though"

"a-al-alright I'll help cover you, if your serious" she responded in a tone of confusion, 'cool sword? it's rumoured divine treasure and you just called it a cool sword.

"Girl you were to be my successor and now betray me"

she scoffed "who wants to be a successor of some egotistical old bag"

"haha your cool, I like you" Lotus

was enjoying the chaos.

She blushed "who wants to be liked by you"

"hmph I shall be burying two intruders"

Lotus turned his focus back to the dragon and a look of determination showed, gripping the sword tighter he swang it towards the dragon and an arc of fire went towards it, only to be nullified by a protective force field

"I will show you those who try to claim my life will be the ones pleading for there's" Lotus said menacingly

Don't you just hate it when a dragon tries step on you ughhh!

nateXmanicreators' thoughts