
The Greatest Sage

to be in control of reality, your destiny? aren’t these all desirable goals for all mankind? A young and driven university student suddenly pulled away from the life he knew, into a life he didn’t. to conquer his own powers and the strengths of the world’s, and the desire to gain control of his destiny by his own resolve. However everything is not so simple, being placed in a new world Lotus is forced to make controversial decisions in-order to get to where he wants, he no longer is burdened with the laws of earth. Encountering all sorts of dangers and chaos. Lotus continuously battles his circumstances and the world he's been thrown into, known by ‘the nine lands’ each land with a different personality and mana, the life force energy for everything and everyone, giving rise to an evolution of beings and locations. Will you, reader, follow him as he navigates this mystifying and unfathomable world? Join the quest to not only conquer the world but also the mind? ……………….. Authors ext!! Lotus is not a hero, nor is he a villain, he is only driven by that in which benefits him and those he cares for! so some of the things that occur in the story may be a bit heavy for some with light tummies. Ariel is also just as important to the story as Lotus. p.s. stick through the shaky start thankssz

nateXmani · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Who are you?

She was astounded by the beauty of the dome; iridescent stalagmites reflecting bright fluorescent crystals, waves of sparkling air radiating a deep wood scent in the air. every inhale gave her a sense of euphoria

Yet, all of this was seen as nothing compared to the overbearing sight of the beastly dragon that took presence.

Upon entering the dome of the cave the wrathful Creature immediately sensed another's mana in the vicinity.

Erratically its head peered around while it's eyes glowed red in bloodlust, "Who else dares intrude? is this another one of her affiliates trying to take my treasure!"

'Another intruder?' the wanderer first thought, she thought many other things but regrettably, she was in no position to ask questions.

Although her exterior presented a calm and posed demeanour only she knew how terribly nervous she was at the sight of the dominating beast in front of her, everyone of her cells screamed run away but alas how could she.

"Most mighty Dragon Igdrasil, My name is Ariel, I am not here to steal or intrude but to take the 'test of caliber' and be your successor"

The respect that the girl who is now established as Ariel showed the dragon, quelled his anger greatly, as a dragon, known as the highest among those and seeing everyone else as lesser beings naturally he was guided by his ego, Lotus' disregard for his status and power, even going the extra length disrespecting him by claiming him unworthy, largely was the reason for the amount of fury Igdrasil had towards Lotus, however, Ariel soothed his ego and validated him allowing him to cool down. If lotus was here, he would probably want to take notes.

"Hmph girl, you may not be unfilial, prove yourself to me, let me witness your most powerful skill, you have wind abilities yes"

"yes!, how did you recognize" Ariel responded readily

"Girl, Us dragons are masters of Mana and can easily sense your affinity

'remarkable' she muttered to herself before conjuring up as much mana as she could, with sweat dripping down her face and an exhausted expression, she had formed a vortex ball of wind and with vigour shot it at the wall.

Once the ball met the wall it did not blast through it but simply sucked the wall into itself going through and through like an unstoppable black hole.

"very well, not to bad".

'eh… not to bad that was my strongest attack, I'm basically out of mana now' a sepulchral feeling arose within her.

"to be honest, from what I'm sensing, your mana is perfectly compatible with mine and I am in the last years of my lifeline, you would've been the perfect successor for me and not even needed the test of caliber".

"I see, thank you for your acknowledgement o great one"

although she spoke with the utmost respect inwardly 'ugh shut up old man just give me the treasure, egotistical bastard' but of course, she couldn't say that out loud

"may I ask why you said 'would've' is there a problem"

"Indeed there is a problem !" the dragons aura increased and Ariels cells screamed danger, she never in her life felt so, unsafe , despite her circumstances. but there was a reason dragons caused fear in the hearts of all those that opposed it.

Sorry guys uploading is erratic, going through some life struggles, but we shall voyage onwards!!

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