
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

The world war

I expected to see the ceiling of my room when I opened my eyes, which is normal when you wake up from a dream

But what greeted me when I opened my eyes was a battlefield

I'm not kidding, it's literally a battlefield


The sounds of explosions and shooting were coming from all directions

"What are you doing here, soldier..." A man in military uniform approached me, looking very angry. "Go to your site before —". But before he finished speaking, a bullet pierced his head and his body fell to the ground

I looked at this soldier's body for a moment, then I raised my head and started running as fast as I could, I ran like my life depended on it.

There was a ditch near me, I ran towards that ditch and threw myself into it

"ergh..". I should have gone down into the ditch quietly Instead of throwing myself recklessly

I saw soldiers who were using rifles to kill every enemy who tried to approach the trench, and there are other soldiers who are injured and receiving medical attention

I couldn't figure it out at first because of my confusion, but I think that soldier who spoke to me earlier spoke German.

I was an archaeologist in my previous world, and the nature of my work forced me to travel and wander around the world, and therefore I am forced to learn different languages

In addition to my mother language, I can speak French, German, Arabic, and Russian

And I am sure that I can communicate with the people of the Far East in the best possible way, despite my lack of mastery of their languages completely

It's not that I'm a genius, but I had to live in those countries for long periods of time, so naturally I mastered those languages by communicating with the locals.

I listened to the sounds of the screams of the officers issuing orders to the soldiers, and the injured who were trying to forget their pain by cursing and shouting.

I'm sure of that, it's the German language

I became happy when I knew that I had returned to my world, but soon the feelings of joy disappeared and were replaced by fear and confusion.

I looked at my hand, it was a rough hand covered in scratches and cracks

This is not Elia's hand

My fear and anxiety increased, I remembered what happened in Olympia

I now realize that I am now in control of another person's body

But how this happened, the last thing I remember was the glow that emitted from the orb that Bridget possessed

Now, I remembered, Bridget's memories include a war between Germany and other countries

Did I enter this memory because of the orb?

Looking around carefully, I learned my lesson from the previous disaster at Olympia

I am well aware that my actions may cause catastrophic changes, so I must be extra careful

But after some thought, I realized what is the best way out of this situation

I got to my feet and got out of the trench

"What are you doing, come back before you get injured...". One of the soldiers shouted while firing his rifle

But I ignored him, and started running towards the dangerous area that I ran from earlier

The best option is...death

If I die now the orb will return me to Elia's body

So instead of risking changing the history of this world, death and averting catastrophe is the best solution

The sounds of cannons and explosions coming from all sides

"argh." I felt severe pain in my chest and fell to the ground

I touched my chest with my hand and I saw that my hand was stained with blood, it seems that I started to bleed

Damn, this is so painful

The fact that I wouldn't die no matter what happened to me seemed to make me a little reckless

After thinking a little, I realized that the best option is to shoot myself, at least I will save myself from going through this pain.

But I do not regret my behavior, I am happy and proud that I found a way to overcome the tricks of this damned stone

Hahaha, show me what you've got, orb

I felt my consciousness become blurry

I opened my eyes and expected to go back to my room in the academy


But a powerful explosion occurred near me, throwing me several meters into the air before I hit the ground hard

I felt pain spreading all over my body

When I looked around I noticed that I was on the same battlefield

What the hell is going on? I supposed to go home, why did I stay in this place even after my death

Is there a problem with the orb or something

I will file a complaint against the person who created the orb because he cheated me

I tried to get up and I'm struggling with the pain, I think I broke a few ribs from this explosion.

But when I got up, I saw a soldier in front of me who was wearing the British flag on his clothes. The British soldier pointed his gun at me.

I raised my hand in the air and I screamed. "surrender… I surrender…"

The British soldier looked at me coldly and then pulled the trigger of his gun

This is the last thing I remember

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a huge hole filled with the corpses of soldiers, some of them already starting to rot

I heard gunfire next to me, when I looked at the source of the sound, I saw three German soldiers hiding in this hole and firing in a certain direction, and it seems that they are busy exchanging fire with their enemies

One of these soldiers noticed that I had woken up and exclaimed with joy and excitement, "Harris, you lucky bastard, I thought you were already dead but here you are back from the depths of hell...". That German soldier approached me

I tried to get up, but I fell to my knees and I was breathing hard, I had a severe headache, so I grabbed my head and shook it hard

My hand started to tremble and I could see black lines appearing on my hand

And a group of negative feelings began to appear in me

"Are you in pain somewhere?…." The German soldier put his hand on my back

When the soldier could see my face, he cried out in fear. "Jesus Christ...". The soldier took a few steps back

The soldier looked at me with great fear, as if he had seen a ghost

Unfortunately, I do not have a mirror, so I do not know what this soldier saw

"Harris, what are those black lines on your face?...Did you have some kind of infection..." The soldier was worried about me, but he didn't dare to approach me

I didn't bother to answer his question, and picked up a gun that was lying on the ground

I made sure that this gun was loaded with bullets, and I aimed it at my head

The soldier was shocked by my behavior. "What are you doing? Even if you have an infection you don't have to worry, all you need is some medical attention….Harris no—"

Before the soldier could finish his sentence, I pulled the trigger and everything around me became dark