
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Memories of a Nazi Ghost: Genius doctor

I went back to my room and went to sleep and now I am in one of the dreams, looking at the furniture of the room and the swastika symbol spread everywhere, I can easily say that I am now seeing one of Bridget's memories

Bridget sat on a chair in a large room filled with many desks , This room is filled with men and women in white lab coats

Tap! Tap! Tap!

I heard footsteps behind me


Bridget turned and saw a blonde woman who looked about forty

Bridget smiled as she got up from her chair, "Is there a problem, Mary?"

Mary's face was sad, "I heard they refused to fund your medical project..."

" This is correct...". Bridget's voice became bitter. "Government officials told me that the government is financing the army that fights at the front and they have no ability to finance medical projects…"

Everyone in the hall fell silent, looking at Bridget with pity

"I can't believe they deny your efforts...". A fat woman sitting at a desk spoke in an angry voice. "You are the one who saved the lives of millions of our people…."

"Flora is right...". Mary nodded her head in agreement. "The rest of the world is still fighting epidemics and diseases, while we were able to treat most of these diseases in less than fifteen years, and all of this is thanks to you..."

"Don't forget that Bridget was able to find a cure for the Spanish measles that killed millions...."

"It would be unfair if they didn't support Bridget..."

"They should reward her..."

"She deserves to receive a reward from the Führer personally..."

The scientists began to discuss with each other, all of them supporting Bridget and mentioning her achievements

"It doesn't matter anymore...". Bridget said resignedly. "Now all I want is for Killian to return from the war unharmed…."

All the women fell silent when they heard Bridget, there was sadness on everyone's faces

Everyone in this room has lost someone in the war or had to send someone important to him to the war

The door to the room opened suddenly, and everyone's eyes turned to the new visitor

He was a man in his late thirties, blond hair with some gray hair, dressed in an elegant military uniform and holding a military cap in his hand.

The man smiled as he stepped forward. "Looks like I arrived at the wrong time...". His steps were confident and he didn't seem affected by the looks cast at him

"Officer Muller, we didn't expect you to visit us at such a time...". Mary asked

"How can I neglect one of the most important laboratories in our entire country, You are all among the most important scientists in Germany, and it is my duty to help you when needed...". Muller stood in front of Mary

"But we don't need anything...". Mary smiled, trying to hide her nervousness

Everyone in the room was silent, and they didn't dare to open their mouths or breathe loudly. Because of Officer Muller's presence, the air inside the room became heavy.

"I heard that there are some complaints about the recent decisions issued by the government...". Mueller looked at Bridget, who was standing next to Mary

Bridget shivered when she heard Muller's words

Mary sweated profusely. "this..."

But Muller interrupted her, raising his hand. "There is no need to justify your position...". Muller sat down in the chair Bridget had been sitting in earlier. "I understand your complaint. You have made amazing medical achievements that deserve to receive the highest awards..."

Muller was silent for a moment, everyone was focusing on him, Muller surveyed everyone present in the room, it seemed that he was trying to put pressure on everyone's nerves

His method was successful, because everyone was on the verge of breaking down, those people who were shouting loudly earlier and calling for their rights, but now they are silent with their heads down and don't dare to look into Muller's eyes.

"We don't want anything...". Bridget took a step forward, although she was trembling a bit, she bravely stood in front of Muller. "We serve our country, our people and all humanity..."

Muller looked at Bridget in admiration. "Professor Bridget Tennenbaum, you don't have to worry, I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to tell you that the government knows about your concern, and the High Command and the Führer will make sure to give you a decent reward after the war is over..."

The scientists looked at each other with astonishment on their faces at Muller's words

Muller looked at Bridget, "I heard your husband went to war..."

"Y.. that's right...." Bridget's voice trembled a little

"I will make sure that he will be placed in a safe area away from the front, and so that you do not feel unfair. Your husband will return after he has finished only half of his service period. There is no need for him to stay there for a long time...."

Bridget's eyes brightened, and she looked at Muller gratefully. "Thank you..."

"You don't need to thank me, these are the Führer's orders...". Muller got up from the chair, put his military cap on his head and made sure to adjust it with his hands

Muller headed for the door. "It's time for me to leave, Good night ladies...." Muller walked out of the room

When Muller closed the door behind him, everyone let out a breath of relief. Having an officer in this place was something stressful for everyone.

But Bridget was the only person who was comfortable, and she seemed happy

The news of her husband's military service being cut in half is something to celebrate

Bridget came out of the room before anyone could talk to her, and went to the bathroom

She washed her face, and looked in the mirror for a few moments

She put her hand through her clothes and pulled out a necklace that was hanging around her neck

But I could discern something special in the stone that was attached to the string of the necklace

That stone was similar to the stone from which the orb was made

A white stone, it looks normal at first glance, but if you look closely at it, you will discover that this stone emits a slight glow.

I was shocked to learn that Bridget possesses part of the orb

The orb was relatively large, about the size of a child's head, but the stone Bridget had was very small, like a stone you could find anywhere.

Is this the connection between me and Bridget? Am I able to see her memories because we have the orb

I remembered hearing about Bridget's medical achievements

I have no doubt that Bridget was able to achieve these feats using the knowledge the orb had bestowed upon her

As did Thomas Weir when he arrived in this world

The orb Bridget was holding emitted a white glow, Bridget staring at her reflection in the mirror

I could see that the orb's glow was gradually increasing until it reached a stage where I could see nothing but this glow.