
The Great Demon Lord


Zero_Zoro_5347 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Boiling Over

Eager for the day ahead, Forcent lay comfortably on a boulder, focusing all on himself, worrying little for his fellow wolves beneath him. Checking out his paws proudly, whilst carefully being observed by the White Persudo Wolves and the unevolved Gray Persudo Wolves.

Without caution, Forcent begins to hum, which gains light growls from the Wolves around him. He chuckles at the hostility amused.

"The overgrown beast of our kind," A wolf said, stepping forward.

Forcent once amused face turns into a frown, he gets up on his feet. He took note of this wolves white fur around his neck and on his legs, "So the leader finally showed himself," Forcent said smugly, "So Persudo, what's your name?"

The wolf lets out a slight chuckle, "Does it matter in the end?... But why not... I'm Erinot, leader of the Grand Pack."

"I'm Forcent. Now, to make it easy, yield," Forcent said, glaring down on Erinot, using his size to intimidate.

Erinot remained silent, showing no fear to Forcent, knowing size will not be a factor in deciding this battle.

"I'll take that as an answer," Forcent remarked, jumping down to face Erinot.

Ominously, Forcent begins to circle Erinot. The wolves growl fiercely, just clinging on the edge of attacking.

"Now, I must ask the purpose of calling yourself a Persudo?" Erinot asked, curious about Forcent's intentions.

"Is it to hide from someone?

"What I want is to reclaim what was taken from me, I will lure it out," Forcent responded.

"And you think you'll find it here?" Erinot questioned, lunging at Forcent intending to decrease his mobility with his jaws. Just nearly missing leg, if not for Forcents quick reaction. 

Going in straight for the kill, lightning crawls from the sides of Forcent racing towards Erinot.

[[<Baseline Skill>]]

[[Hell Beam]]

Unleashing a beam from his mouth. It pierces throughout the crackling lightning, just to nearly land a decisive blow to Forcent.

Forcent growls, expressing a hint of frustration, seeing the use of a skill.

Keeping him on his toes Erinot charges in, utilizing a skill once again to unleash rapid shots of hell's bullet at Forcent.

Slamming his paws into the ground, a light blue translucent force field is created, to block Forcent from the deadly bullets.

Erinot narrowed his eyes, waiting to get a glance of Forcent through the clouds of dust and smoke.

Piercing blue eyes penetrate through the smoke, then vanishes in an instant after.

Scanning around Erinot couldn't land a sight on Forcent even with the finally dissipated smoke. He focuses his other senses trying to get a catch of his scent or any sound he could make.

In a mere second Erinot is abruptly knocked down by an invisible force, sending him tumbling on the ground, for a moment before he regains his momentum to get back up on his feet.

[[<Baseline Skill>]]


Right in front of his eyes, Forcent materializes bit by bit.

"Quite fortunate for you I lack my most potent skills… But the ones I have are still far above your caliber," Forcent boasts.

Knowing Erinot has a decent pool of Perivállon left, he prepares to finish up this fight in one attack that won't be able to be dodged and stop so easily.

Once again Forcent slams his paw into the ground, sending a thin almost invisible field of energy that rushes towards Erinot, crashing into him with extraordinary force. In the end leaving Erinot badly injured, and to continue this battle, determining the winner.

Forcent glances around at the other wolves, each holding their head low in submission, seeing their once mighty leader defeated, as Forcent hoped they would.

He ordered his new pack to get their former leader out of his sight, giving himself some time to put the pack to use.

Meanwhile the Deviders under Roll's supervision get to work repairing the certain structures and bringing down others that are beyond saving to use what's left form them for other buildings.

Whilst Imuru tries his luck at the body of water once again, with the silent Arken behind him. His mind briefly runs to the home the Dark Deviders should be building for him, a bit aways in the Forest.

Getting back to his curiosity, Imuru glances around at Arken, questioning him about his silence.

"This requires patience, correct? We Deviders are naturally hunters and gatherers, so we understand the process of fishing Lord Imuru," Arken calmly replied, his nature sounding docile and calm since Imuru saved him and his people.

Imuru nods, finding the information about the Dark Devider's, surprising, though he is mostly judging them as a collective from Arken's behavior.

Spotting four unknown individuals, Arken immediately alerted Imuru.

Imuru turned around surprised, "Right now?..." Imuru thought, annoyingly getting to his feet, "Alright fish, I'll be back."

The two rushes back down to the village.

Imuru saw that Unop, Taz, Miic and Yosho were being held hostage by the Dark Devider's.

Roll rushes over to Imuru, before he could say a word Imuru gave him the order to lower their weapons.

His decision isn't questioned, with them following through immediately. 

Yosho, lowers the gravely injured Taz on the ground and Unop follows suit for Miic.

Imuru attends to their side worried, he gives the order for the Dark Deviders to assist them.

Unop tries to contain the tears in her eyes, just barely able to thank Imuru, before following the Dark Deviders taking her friend's.

"It must be the work of that Wolf," Arken commented.

"Forcent," Imuru thought.

He looked at the woman taking some time to figure out who she was. 

"Umm, excuse me…" 

"Yosho," She reminded Imuru.

Imuru nervously nodded, thanking her for reminding him. He tries to question her how she ended up here, not that it's important, just somewhat curious.

Yosho flashed him an innocent smile, seemingly ignoring his question.

Not willing to continue this line of questioning he gets back on the topic at hand, "Ah, yes, right Yosho. I'm not sure of the situation with Forcent… He just appeared, really upset with Arken here, for attacking another Persudo, then left right after. So I don't know what the issue is, and he doesn't seem like the talking type either," Imuru said.

"Ah, Forcent's is his name, I would advise you to be careful, he's not a Persudo but an Ennom. They're the more egotistical of wolves at times, another species attacking its kind does not go well with them, even if they do have their own problems…" Yosho explained..

leaving Imuru curious and sent Arken's heart racing, even though he remained calm upfront.

"So an Ennom? I would've beaten him up close, I'm sure of it," Arken thought, chuckling to himself.

"Unlike the Gray Persudo Wolves, they grow to typically enormous sizes and also have a strong connection to the spirits, which does define their evolutionary process, " Yosho turned to Arken, "And so do Dark Devider's."

Imuru couldn't help but ask another question if all have the capability of talking which left Yosho bewildered, as she responded to him that most can talk once they evolve to a certain level.

Imuru sighs, "Alright, Arken, I'm leaving you in charge, I have to deal with Forcent," Imuru said nonchalantly, walking off. 

"I understand. No need to worry," Arken replied.

"Why did I just leave Arken in charge?" Imuru asked himself, wondering if he made the right decision.

Yosho catches up with Imuru, letting him know what Unop told her, noting the potential location Forcent may be heading is home to her village. Taking this in, Imuru nodded, getting ready to hustle. Yosho made the decision to ask if she tag along, promising she can more than keep up and Imuru doesn't doubt her.

Continuing on with his assault, marching on the path to The Collon's village at a very measly pace, his steps purposefully heavy.

His Grand Pack was sent to deal with the two guards ahead of him, his walk the closer he got going from peaceful to chaotic. Forcent gets sight of the village, he sends in his wolves to subdue everyone.

Brought from his work, back to his surroundings, Collon hears the howls of wolves and screaming of his terrorized people. Worried he leaves his office immediately, entering the merchant side of the guild his eyes meet the fearful eyes of the inhabitants.

Collon asked the meaning for the screams. His people were more than willing to let him know they're being attacked by wolves.

"Wait wolves?... Not Gray Persudo's?" Collon thought.

He explained to everyone he may be able to speak with the leader of the pack to resolve the situation, which they were all against, recommending he should take someone with him. Collon warns them it'd be way too dangerous, adamant no one else should follow him, as he left without another word.

The moment he stepped outside he saw a guard getting tossed by a Gray Persudo through a cart and into the side of a building.

It growled at Collon for a moment, getting distracted by the sound of a guard yelling to Collon to get somewhere safer.

Collon wanted to take this moment to find the leader, luckily for him, Forcent already found him. 

"A particular scent indeed," Forcent muttered.

Without a hint of fear, Collon walked up to Forcent eager to try and work something out.

"Name?" Forcent asked.

Collon responded with his name with some hesitation, admiring the glow and spirit flames from Forcent for a moment. 

Calming himself, Collon questions Forcent for his attack.

Forcent found his bravery for a human in the face of force more powerful than him intriguing.

"I'm Forcent, and as a show of my generosity, I'm here to give you and your people a chance to leave."

Collon narrowed his eyes, "Leave? And I must ask why, Forcent?"

The captain of the village defense team Malt leaps into the air, planning to take Forcent out in one hit, now that he's distracted.

Picking up on the sound of him moving through the air, Forcent slams his paw into the ground, creating a barrier overhead that shatters Mult's sword upon impact. Forcent glance around at him for a second, before returning his gaze onto Collon.

Mult grunts out of frustration, "A barrier. I should've expected the unexpected," He thought.

Collon orders Malt to not make another move, for all their sakes.

"Now to answer your question, I'm looking for someone… Something that locked most of my skills, but if you want to stay then do," Forcent said threateningly.

Collon's eyes open wide, finally understanding Forcent's objective.

"And how do you expect to find this thing?"

Forcent chuckles, "By destroying this forest… I have experience in what triggers it."

Lightning crackles from Forcent's body, an enormous amount of Perivállon releasing, enough to kick Collon off his feet, and distort his surroundings.

"Now, unlike what happened last time, I won't let it happen again," Forcent said, directing himself from the village to the forest.

[[<Complex Skill>]]

[[Fleeting Beast]]

An invisible force is unleashed from Forcent, crossing a distance in the forest, before erupting in a dome-like explosion that sends out random intervals of lightning.

The dome expands, until it reaches its maximum radius before fading, leaving in its wake 3.23 acres of destroyed forest, with a hole 100 feet deep.

A weakened and bruised Collon climbed to his feet stunned.

Not finished Forcent unleashed another Fleeting Beast, planning to continue doing this until he gets what he wants or until he can't anymore.

The dome this time around, gets engulfed by purple flames.

Forcent stared puzzled, "That must be it," he thought, eagerly heading straight to the area.

He stopped in his tracks, once he saw a small figure with two of his wolves beside him. Forcent growled giving both of them a glance.

He looked into the air, "Evening already, the night is approaching… Perhaps I took longer than I thought," Forcent thought.

Forcent shouted out asking for a name.


He looked at them disinterested, "What do you want?"

"To talk you out of…" Imuru looked behind him, "Whatever that was."

"He stopped the best I have in my arsenal?… More figures here that are superior to me? Now what would I achieve in fighting him, if I'll lose," Forcent thought. He stared at Imuru, feeling a heavy sense of discouragement and his will to fight completely faded.

"Did I just waste those years, and my strength is not at the caliber I wanted? And I'm almost depleted. This Imuru clearly doesn't want to battle, so I'll make use of his kindness."

Imuru tells the Gray Persudo's beside to let the other wolves know the attack is off. He walked up to Forcent with the will to not get into a battle.

"Seeing you stop the best I have to offer, sets it into perspective, I will submit for now," Forcent lowers his head. "This in the end was not a failure, If I'd face It, that thing may have killed me," He said in frustration, lowering himself on the ground.

Stopping down Imuru pets Forcent, "Well thankfully it didn't have to be a fight…"

"Is everything down here?" Someone whispers in Imuru's ear, spooking him.

"Yosho!" Imuru blurted out swiftly climbing to his feet,

"So this is him?" Yosho asked, staring down upon Forcent.

She shook her head disappointed that she can't do something about Forcent, in fear of triggering him.

Looking around Imuru could see there's no damage in particular to the infrastructure, instead to the guards.

He looked back for Yosho, then scanned around to find her attending to her brother.

Yosho worryingly made sure he wasn't seriously hurt. Collon smiles brightly seeing his sister, she tells him to wait out beside Imuru, so she can check around to see if everyone is doing well.

Collon called for Malt. He comes out of hiding getting to Collon's side as fast as he could. He ordered Malt to watch over his sister, in case she gets in any danger.

"I wish you sir," Malt said, taking a glance at Forcent before leaving.

He approached Imuru, maintaining an uncomfortable level of eye contact with him.

Imuru greeted Collon, finding the situation not the best to meet someone again. A bit curious, Imuru asked what the repercussions may be for Forcent. Collon was unsure of an answer, mainly due to the fact this is an Ennom, a powerful one at that, and anything can trigger him.

"Unfortunately it's not worth keeping him around for such things, as it's not possible. He'll only even consider submitting to someone more powerful than him," Collon said.

This wasn't difficult for Imuru to understand, there are more dangers to keeping Forcent around to punish him.

"I got it… So you're just gonna have to let him go?"

Collin sighs, feeling somewhat frustrated, "Yes. It's… Something that must be done."

Yosho comes running back to warn Imuru of the impending arrival of forces.

"Let's go Forcent… Just stick with me, and I'll follow through with my promise," Imuru said urgently.

Forcent got up, looking behind for the team of guards, wanting to stay, just to humble them and prove his superiority, but he's not in charge at the moment, so followed Imuru begrudgingly.

Yosho gives her brother a quick hug, before taking off with Imuru and Forcent.

Rushing in on their horse, the captain hopped on one knee to apologize for being late.

"I'm Commander Tort. Forgive me for not responding sooner, the Gray Persudo's were everywhere sir."

"We have our forces securing the borders, and most of the wolves have been fended off."

Collon nodded, thanking the Tort for a job well done. He breathes a sigh of relief, "Report on injuries?"

Tort pauses for a moment, communicating with the other's telepathically, "Perfect, so far there's been no signs of any serious injuries. They haven't come across a villager with any, the guards that engaged in combat attained a few non threatening injuries."

"Thank you, that's wonderful news," Collon responded, feeling a sense of relief. 

Bringing Forcent further away from the village, Imuru was able to take a deep breath. He stepped back a bit wanting to hear Yosho's thought on the attack.

Yosho smiled, "It's a bit of a losing situation, Forcent's strength is formidable, at the moment there's nothing I can do, so… Let's not hold resentment…" She clasps her hands, "But… An apology I will get."

"That's understandable…" Imuru replied.

Mumbles of encouragement become audible, from Forcent up ahead.

"Now this could go well as a phase," Imuru said sarcastically.

She chuckled, "Dear, my brother had a phase… And surprisingly still does. From being the leader he is now, to going out and picking up girls, and that of course comes with the more bossy personality."

"Eh!? That's… interesting," Is all Imuru could say.

The group stop in their tracks, Forcent taking large steps back almost unable to breathe. Yosho froze in shock. Unsure of who this person is, Imuru stared puzzled.