
The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side

After ten years together, Santichai decided to leave Asnee. He moved to Chonburi and found a new job, and he finally forgot about Asnee. During his three-months dating trial relationship with KK, Asnee suddenly appeared in his life. The appearance of Asnee brought him back to those days he tried very hard to forget.

UndyingSoul · LGBT+
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106 Chs

Chapter 14 The Sea Currents Are Screaming

After the dance, people returned to the table and hotel staff began to serve dinner. KK went back to the table and sat down. He looked at the table and asked, "Dee, where's Santichai?"

"He's probably still in the bathroom," Dussadi said.

KK said, "Excuse me."

Dussadi grabbed KK's hand, "Pi K, he's a big boy who can handle himself."

KK said, "Be nice, I'm going to wash my hands too." He walked out of the room.

KK walked into the men's room but didn't see Santichai. He called, but it went straight to voicemail. He frowned. "Santichai, where are you?" He walked out of the bathroom and saw Mrs. Siriporn and Tipkamol coming out of the women's bathroom. He approached the two women and looked at Mrs. Siriporn. "Auntie, you were talking to a young man not long ago. Do you know where he went?"

Mrs. Siriporn, "A young man. I've talked to a lot of young people tonight. I'm not sure which one you're referring to."

Tipkamol asked, "Pi K, what's wrong?"

KK said, "I saw auntie talking to someone I know, so I just asked?"

Mrs. Siriporn said, "Oh, you mean the young man at the door?"

KK said, "Yes."

Mrs. Siriporn smiled and said, "Sorry, I didn't know you knew him. I thought he was one of the workers here, so I asked him to bring us some wine, but he was a guest here, so I apologized to him and saw him go that way." She pointed to the front door.

KK said, "Thank you." He looked at Tipkamol. "Congratulations."

KK quickly walked out of the hotel. He handed the number to the doorman. Ten minutes after the doorman pulled KK's car to the overhang in front of the hotel. KK tipped the doorman and drove his car away.

KK drove for ten minutes and passed a bus shelter. As he passed by, he saw Santichai sitting inside. He stopped the car and turned back to the bus shelter. He stopped a few feet from the bus shelter and got out. He quickly rushed to Santichai.

KK looked at Santichai, who was drenched in rain leaning his head against a metal pole. He knew that Santichai must have leaned for some time, because he could see the metal pole marks on Santichai's forehead. He asked, "Santichai, what's the matter? Why did you suddenly leave the party?"

Santichai didn't look at KK, but said, "I'm going home, but the next bus won't arrive until ten o'clock."

KK sat next to Santichai and moved Santichai's head over to his left shoulder. "If you want to leave, let me know," he said.

Santichai said, "I was about to tell you, but I didn't dare to disturb you when I saw you dancing so happily, I'll just take the bus home." He began to sob uncontrollably.

KK pulled Santichai into his arms and said, "Cry if you want. I'm here and I'll wipe your tears. If you feel too tired to lift your head up. You can leave your exhaustion on my shoulders."

Santichai continued to sob in KK's arms. The last bus stopped, and the bus driver shouted, "Hey, do you want to get on the bus?"

"No, our car broke down and we were waiting for a tow truck," KK said.

The bus driver closed the door and drove the bus away.

KK looked at Santichai who had stopped crying but remained silent in KK's arms. He said, "Santichai, let's go home. I'll cook you something."

Santichai did not answer.

KK picked up Santichai, put him on the passenger seat, and fastened his seat belt. He then drove away from the bus shelter.

Once again, driving along the coast, Santichai stares out to sea, now the current is rushing violently towards the coast. He has long realized that the sea will never be calm, and happiness will never last forever. The screams of the evening currents sound similar to Asnee's screams that night.


Asnee threw his bag on the sofa and said, "What's for dinner?"

Santichai came out of the kitchen and said, "Fried cabbage and boiled eggs."

Asnee complained, "It's sautéed cabbage and boiled eggs again. We had it yesterday and this morning. Now we have this for dinner."

Santichai said, "Asnee, what would you like to eat?"

Asnee yells, "Steak! Italian! Chinese! Japanese! Anything but Ma-Ma or stir-fry cabbage."

"Sorry, we don't have the money right now. I just paid the rent with the settlement money," Santichai said.

"That's the problem, we don't have enough money for anything else," Asnee said frustratedly. "We've been living in this shithole for two years and haven't had a decent meal for two years. Chai, how embarrassing? My teacher had to pull me aside and tell me that if I didn't pay my tuition on time this time, I might not be able to take the midterm finals." He raised his voice. "I can't even go out with my friends because I don't even have a hundred baht in my wallet." Then the old fan stopped working, which added even more fuel to Asnee's anger. Asnee stood up and kicked the old fan to the ground angrily. "A piece of shit."

Santichai said frighteningly, "Asnee, don't get mad. People often get mad when they're hungry."

Asnee said, "I already told you; I don't want to eat your tasteless fried cabbage and boiled eggs."

Santichai said, "Asnee, I'm sorry. I'm so unreliable, but I'll make sure to save some money for you next month. I'm the only one with a job, if my back doesn't hurt..."

Asnee roared at Santichai, "You mean, the reason why we have come to this point is because you have always supported me?"

Santichai said tearfully, "I didn't mean that."

Asnee said angrily, "Yes, that's right, you are the only one working, and I rely on your support." He picked up his coat and walked towards the door.

Santichai quickly grabbed Asnee's arm, "Asnee, where are you going?"

Asnee madly yanked his arm always, "I'm going to find a job, and I don't have to rely entirely on your support."

Santichai pleaded, "Asnee, please don't go. It's already dark."

Asnee yanked his hand, "Let go." He opened the door and slammed it shut.

Santichai fell to the ground sobbing with back pain. He murmured, "Santichai, you are so unreliable, you can't even get a meal for your loved one." He hit his head twice with his right hand. "You are so useless."

It was past midnight when Santichai heard the front door open. He looked at the door and it was Asnee. Asnee stood by the sofa for a long time before taking off his clothes. He stripped down to his underpants and climbed onto the bed. Asnee lay on the sofa bed, staring at the ceiling.

Santichai wiped his tears and turned around. He reached for Asnee, but Asnee moved his hand away.

Asnee sighed, "I'm hot."

Santichai asked in a horse's voice, "Where have you been? If you're hungry, I bought you a steak on the table."

Asnee said, "You say we have no money. Where did you get the money?"

Santichai said, "I went to the bar and started washing dishes again. I asked the owner to put it on my tab."

Asnee sighed and said, "Chai... let's break up."

Tears of Santichai began to fall from his eyes. He asked, "Asnee, do you want to break up with me?"

Asnee said, "Yes, I went back home. My parents said the only way they could support my studies and living expenses was to break up with you." He paused for a long time. "I only have two years left, I can't give up now, I've come so far. I'm tired of living like this."

Santichai bit his drooping lips and wet the pillow with tears. He said, "Mmm... let's break up."

Asnee sighed, "I'm sorry."

Santichai said, "It's okay..."

Asnee got up, put on his clothes, and grabbed his backpack. He put five thousand baht on the sofa bed. He said, "Don't work too hard. Your back still hurts. Take that money to pay for that steak tomorrow."

Santichai held back his tears. He said, "Mmm..."

Santichai watched Asnee close the door. It wasn't until Asnee closed the door that he broke down and started sobbing.