
The Grand Elementalist

A long time ago it was written in the ancient books of the past, Demons have once roamed free in the Elemental World an era in which the Demons hunts us down for food, pleasure or even satisfaction. The Demon King, The strongest demon during the ancient era conquered the Elemental World striking fear through the lands enslaving all of the Elementalist killing anyone who fought against him. The era of misery was upon us but a mysterious group of Elementalist fought back driving an all out war against the Demons. But unfortunately not all Elementalist fought alongside them... Quintela Shiori also known as the "Empress of Death" turned her back against her own people and fought alongside with the Demon King. With her help they manage to turn the tides of war towards the Demons but it suddenly all changed... When "He" arrived... Akashino Shitetsu a young boy who was born without an Elemental Art. Even though he was born different he never once question himself why he was cursed. With the aid of an ancient creature he obtained unrivaled power and skill shifting the war in their favor. With the Demons almost annihilated and pushed back to the shadows... Quintela made a desperate attempt causing her to gain unimaginable power quickly overpowering the wounded Akashino. With the numerous injuries he had and the few amounts of mana he had left... The ultimate sacrifice was made... Akashino was forced to seal Quintela away with an ancient seal taught by his master, The Dragon King. But unfortunately the seal had a price of separating his soul from his body in causing him to be sealed as well along with Quintela. The Dragon King feared that one day Quintela might return once again and there will be no one powerful enough to stop her. So he chanted a spell on Akashino's lifeless body creating a reincarnation cycle that resurrects his body with a new soul from generation to generation. Centuries had passed since then an old era falls and a new one always rises. Following the death of the 3rd Grand Elementalist a young boy named Ryūsei was born in the Elemental World. But unlike most Elementalist he was born without having any Elemental Art, With this everyone around him treated him harshly. People would avoid him thinking he was cursed, Some of the kids tormented him for years and there were some who even go as far as using there Elemental Arts against our helpless hero. With Ryūsei so fascinated about the past and certain events happened, Will faith play a role once again or certain events from the past will happen once again with the return of the "Empress of Death".

Decode_Storm · Fantasy
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46 Chs

The Young Boy With The Dragon King's Blade

"Ryūsei.... Please run" Shizen added as he slowly faints.

The Scarlet Demon then glares at Shizen with the decision in mind to deliver a vital blow.

His claws then started to be covered in flames as he readies his final attack.

"Let go of him!!!" Ryūsei yelled.

"Meteor Dragon Photon Blade" Ryūsei then chanted a spell and a white blade made of Meteor Dragon energy appeared in his left hand.

Sith two white blades in his hand he then slashes the Scarlet Demon with full force trying to stop him from launching his attack.

But unfortunately none of Ryūsei's attack hits the Scarlet Demon as his body turned to flames whenever his white blade touches the Scarlet Demon.

With physical attacks and spells completely useless against the Scarlet Demon, Ryūsei kept on attack and attack non-stop.

The Scarlet Demon began getting annoyed with Ryūsei's continues attacking as he was just delaying the inevitable.

He then launches a point blank fire blast at Ryūsei once again knocking him back once again creating a huge explosion.

With Ryūsei out of his way, He then then launches his attack aimed directly at Shizen with the intent to kill.

"I said let go of him!!!!" Ryūsei yelled coming out from the explosion with most of his clothes burnt and his body covered with injuries.

The black ring in Ryūsei's finger started to glow as Ryūsei immediately dashes to the Scarlet Demon.

The black ring then transformed into the Dragon King's Blade as Ryūsei immediately got behind the Scarlet Demon stabbing him from the back using the Dragon King's Blade.

The Scarlet Demon then began to roar as he couldn't believe that a blade would pierced his untouchable flames.

He then looks at Ryūsei's blade as he then sees an image from Ryūsei, The image was a young boy with blue hair holding the Dragon King's Blade.

"You!!" The Scarlet Demon yelled in rage as he remembers the boy with the blue hair.

The Scarlet Demon existed long before the war between the Crowned Dragons and Quintela as he serve the Demon King as one of it's elites.

He'd go around and slaughter any Elementalist he'd see but his specific targets are fire-based Elementalist.

With his kills increasing each day the threat of his presence was beginning to spread around the Elemental World.

Unfortunately his luck finally ended as deep in the mountains he crossed paths with a young blue haired boy with his signature blue scarf.

The two fought fiercely as it was the matter between life and death, The Scarlet Demon fought the young boy with all he had but unfortunately the young boy didn't even use his Elemental Art.

The Scarlet Demon was furious as the young boy was just toying with him, The Scarlet Demon then began releasing a tremendous amount of fire in the surroundings trying to force the young boy to use his Elemental Art.

As the trees in the forest continue to burn the young boy's black ring then started to glow transforming it into the Dragon King's Blade.

With the Dragon King's Blade fully release the surrounding area around the young boy was then covered with frost.

The Scarlet Demon's body was also covered in frost as well but the frost that covered his body wasn't just any type of frost.

No matter how much flames the Scarlet Demon released from his body the frost wouldn't melt.

Too make matters worst the flames that the Scarlet Demon was releasing was slowly being turned to ice making him unable to move.

With each second goes by the devastating flames that surround the Scarlet Demon slowly turns to ice.

The ice that covered the Scarlet Demon wasn't any ordinary ice, No matter how hot the flames that the Scarlet Demon releases the ice won't melt.

Soon the Scarlet Demon's body was covered in ice in able him to move as the young boy says his last word before being froze.

"You!!" The Scarlet Demon yelled in rage as he remembers the boy with the blue hair.

"You're just like him!!!" The Scarlet Demon yelled as a tremendous amount of flames were released from the ground.

Ryūsei then falls to the ground due to the fact that the Dragon King's Blade constantly drains Ryūsei's mana.

"Dragon Sage Secret Art: White Meteor" Ryūsei then activates his ability and a mysterious white aura then surrounds him enhancing his physical abilities.

"With this I could fight at least for 5 minutes" Ryūsei muttered in thought at he readies himself.

The Scarlet Demon then releases a fire blast from his mouth and Ryūsei barely manages to block the attack with the Dragon King's Blade.

"Meteor Dragon Sword Dance" Ryūsei then chants a spell and swords made of light appeared behind him floating in mid air.

The floating blades of light then spread out as they begin to assault the Scarlet Demon.

The ground beneath the Scarlet Demon then releases a huge amount of flames around him surrounding him in a ring of flames.

The swords made of light were instantly destroyed as it touches the flames that surround the Scarlet Demon but luckily a few amount of blades managed to pass through the flames.

"Meteor Dragon Photon Switch" Ryūsei then chanted a spell and he then teleports to the floating blade.

"Meteor Dragon Photon Fist" Ryūsei then chants a spell and a tremendous amount of Meteor Dragon energy gathered in his right hand.

He then punches the Scarlet Demon but unfortunately the body of the Scarlet Demon turned to flames the moment Ryūsei's attack touches him.

The Scarlet Demon then releases a tremendous amount of fire from his mouth and it's heading straight for Ryūsei in point blank range.

Ryūsei then blocks the flames using the Dragon King's Blade protecting him from the blast.

"Y... Y..." The Scarlet Demon muttered causing Ryūsei to be a bit confused.

Ryūsei then launches an attack using the Dragon King's Blade but unfortunately the Scarlet Demon barely manages to dodge the attack.

The attack that Ryūsei launch leaves a little wound on the Scarlet Demon's face causing the Scarlet Demon to be a bit shocked.

The Scarlet Demon couldn't believe what's going on, He's getting injured from a simple blade.

He knew that Ryūsei was weaker compared to the young boy in the past but unfortunately the Dragon King's Blade was injuring him.

Not only the Dragon King's Blade could injure him, It seems that the Dragon King's Blade could neutralize the energy he releases.

The Scarlet Demon then releases a tremendous amount of flames from his claws and he quickly launches an assault on Ryūsei.

Ryūsei manages to blocks the first three consecutive attacks but unfortunate on the forth attack the Scarlet Demon releases a close range flame attack causing Ryūsei to be hit and was knock back to the ground.

"Meteor Dragon Impact" Ryūsei then chants a spell and releases a barrage of Meteor Dragon energy and it's heading straight for the Scarlet Demon.

The barrage then hits the Scarlet Demon but unfortunately it didn't do much as the Scarlet Demon quickly regenerated the wounds he received.

"What is he?..." Ryūsei muttered.

The Scarlet Demon then slams his claws to the ground releasing a tremendous amount of flames underneath the ground and it was about to cause an explosion.

"Meteor Dragon Photon Switch" Ryūsei quickly chants a spell and both him and Shizen teleport away from the explosion about to occur.

They teleported a few feet above the ground as Ryūsei used one of the floating blades to teleport safely.

"Meteor Dragon Impact" Ryūsei then releases a barrage of Meteor Dragon energy and it's heading straight for the Scarlet Demon.

The barrage of Meteor Dragon energy hits the Scarlet Demon but unfortunately like before it didn't do much damage.

"Meteor Dragon Photon Switch" Ryūsei then chants a spell and he instantly teleported in front of the Scarlet Demon as he switched places with the barrage of energy he released.

"Meteor Dragon Photon Fist" Ryūsei then chants a spell gathering tremendous amount of Meteor Dragon energy from his right hand.

He then punches the Scarlet Demon but unfortunately the attack passed through the Scarlet Demon as it's body turned to flames.

The Scarlet Demon then quickly counters the attack as he quickly tries to grab Ryūsei with his right claw.

"Meteor Dragon Photon Switch" Ryūsei then quickly chants a spell and he quickly teleported away from the Scarlet Demon using the final floating blade which was pierced into a stone a few feet away from the Scarlet Demon.

"He's no ordinary Demon" Ryūsei muttered as the effects from the Dragon King's Blade slowly affected him.

"He uses healing to deal with my range attacks and the weird flame coat for my physical attacks" Ryūsei stated as he breathes heavily due to exhaustion.

"The only thing that can hurt him is the Dragon King's Blade..." Ryūsei muttered.

"Unfortunately... I'm almost near my limit as well... I can't keep this up for long" He added as some parts of his body started to ache to the stress that the Dragon King's Blade uphold.

Ryūsei then notices something weird about the Scarlet Demon as he sees the Scarlet Demon is hesistant to attack him.

"He's afraid.... Not from me... He's afraid of the Dragon King's Blade" Ryūsei muttered as he slowly smiles.

He then slowly remembers something that Ryūshi once said to him.

"The color of the blade adapts with the Elemental Art of the wielder itself as you'll be able to combine spells with the blade creating more powerful and effective spells."

Ryūsei then smiles as he knows that he wasn't going to beat the Scarlet Demon but he wasn't going down without a fight.

"Are you listening to me "Divine Blade"." Ryūsei muttered.

"I know I'm weaker than the person who once original wielded you but please... Help me" Ryūsei muttered.

The mysterious white aura that surrounded Ryūsei started to spread out more as Ryūsei releases a tremendous amount of energy around him

"I know I'm not strong enough... I know I don't have much power left... But help me protect them" Ryūsei stated in thought as he holds the Dragon King's Blade with both his hands as he releases energy around his body.

Ryūsei then felt a presence from the Dragon King's Blade as if there was something inside the blade.

A chill entered Ryūsei's body giving him a bit of goosebumps as the Dragon King's Blade was slowly getting covered with Ryūsei's mysterious white aura.

The Dragon King's Blade color was still black but some parts of the blade had white spots but only a small portion of it.

The Dragon King's Blade then started to glow with 95% of it glowed black light while the other 5% glowed white light.

The Dragon King's Blade radiated energy and Ryūsei then quick dashes towards the Scarlet Demon with a smile on his face.

The Scarlet Demon was frightened by Ryūsei's surprised offense as it reminded him of the young boy he battled centuries ago.

The Scarlet Demon released a tremendous amount of flames underneath and around him destroying everything him creating a huge flame pillar.

The flame pillar was about to hit Ryūsei.

"Dragon King Secret Art: Collision Slash" Ryūsei then chants a spell using the Dragon King's Blade and the mysterious white aura that surrounded his body was absorb by the Dragon King's Blade.

Ryūsei then slashes the flame pillar quickly cutting it in half and creating a huge wound on the Scarlet Demon's face.

The Scarlet Demon was frightened and couldn't move an inch giving Ryūsei the perfect opportunity to finish him off but unfortunately the same time that Ryūsei releases the spell... He fainted.

Ryūsei then falls to the ground and the Dragon King's Blade turns back into the black ring.

It took the Scarlet Demon 10 minutes to realize that Ryūsei fainted and he slowly walks to Ryūsei with out most fear and caution.

The Scarlet Demon then gathers a tremendous amount of flames in his right claw and he's deliver the final blow to Ryūsei.

But then a tremendous water blast in the shape of a serpent hits the Scarlet Demon knocking him back away from Ryūsei.

Haru then passes through the huge flame ring that surrounded the battlefield and entered the battle zone.

Haru's body had slight burnt marks as she forces her way through the flame ring.

Water surrounded Haru's body quickly healing her and she quickly grabs Shizen and quickly dashes toward Ryūsei.

The Scarlet Demon was furious and he quickly dashes to Ryūsei as well but he was a bit slower than before do to the water that surrounded his body.

It turns out that while Haru is quickly dashing towards Ryūsei she constantly manipulates the water that surrounds the Scarlet Demon in order to surpress his movements.

"Water Dragon Nebula Prism" Haru then chants a spell surrounding herself, Ryūsei and Shizen with a huge dome of water.

The Scarlet Demon then releases a tremendous amount of flames in order to evaporate the water and he then quickly dashes to the huge water dome.

The Scarlet Demon then releases a huge amount of flames in his claws and consecutively attacks the water dome.

After 10 minutes of attacking consecutively the dome of water then breaks and unfortunately Haru, Ryūsei and Shizen was nowhere to be seen and a huge hole was located in the center of the dome.