
The Grand Elementalist

A long time ago it was written in the ancient books of the past, Demons have once roamed free in the Elemental World an era in which the Demons hunts us down for food, pleasure or even satisfaction. The Demon King, The strongest demon during the ancient era conquered the Elemental World striking fear through the lands enslaving all of the Elementalist killing anyone who fought against him. The era of misery was upon us but a mysterious group of Elementalist fought back driving an all out war against the Demons. But unfortunately not all Elementalist fought alongside them... Quintela Shiori also known as the "Empress of Death" turned her back against her own people and fought alongside with the Demon King. With her help they manage to turn the tides of war towards the Demons but it suddenly all changed... When "He" arrived... Akashino Shitetsu a young boy who was born without an Elemental Art. Even though he was born different he never once question himself why he was cursed. With the aid of an ancient creature he obtained unrivaled power and skill shifting the war in their favor. With the Demons almost annihilated and pushed back to the shadows... Quintela made a desperate attempt causing her to gain unimaginable power quickly overpowering the wounded Akashino. With the numerous injuries he had and the few amounts of mana he had left... The ultimate sacrifice was made... Akashino was forced to seal Quintela away with an ancient seal taught by his master, The Dragon King. But unfortunately the seal had a price of separating his soul from his body in causing him to be sealed as well along with Quintela. The Dragon King feared that one day Quintela might return once again and there will be no one powerful enough to stop her. So he chanted a spell on Akashino's lifeless body creating a reincarnation cycle that resurrects his body with a new soul from generation to generation. Centuries had passed since then an old era falls and a new one always rises. Following the death of the 3rd Grand Elementalist a young boy named Ryūsei was born in the Elemental World. But unlike most Elementalist he was born without having any Elemental Art, With this everyone around him treated him harshly. People would avoid him thinking he was cursed, Some of the kids tormented him for years and there were some who even go as far as using there Elemental Arts against our helpless hero. With Ryūsei so fascinated about the past and certain events happened, Will faith play a role once again or certain events from the past will happen once again with the return of the "Empress of Death".

Decode_Storm · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Restaurant Reunion

"Dragon King Secret Art: Collision Slash" Ryūsei then chants a spell using the Dragon King's Blade and the mysterious white aura that surrounded his body was absorb by the Dragon King's Blade.

Ryūsei then slashes the flame pillar quickly cutting it in half and creating a huge wound on the Scarlet Demon's face.

The Scarlet Demon was frightened and couldn't move an inch giving Ryūsei the perfect opportunity to finish him off but unfortunately the same time that Ryūsei releases the spell... He fainted.

Ryūsei then falls to the ground and the Dragon King's Blade turns back into the black ring.

It took the Scarlet Demon 10 minutes to realize that Ryūsei fainted and he slowly walks to Ryūsei with out most fear and caution.

The Scarlet Demon then gathers a tremendous amount of flames in his right claw and he's about to deliver the final blow to Ryūsei.

But then a tremendous water blast in the shape of a serpent hits the Scarlet Demon knocking him back away from Ryūsei.

Haru then passes through the huge flame ring that surrounded the battlefield and entered the battle zone.

Haru's body had slight burnt marks as she forces her way through the flame ring.

Water surrounded Haru's body quickly healing her and she quickly grabs Shizen and quickly dashes toward Ryūsei.

The Scarlet Demon was furious and he quickly dashes to Ryūsei as well but he was a bit slower than before do to the water that surrounded his body.

It turns out that while Haru is quickly dashing towards Ryūsei she constantly manipulates the water that surrounds the Scarlet Demon in order to surpress his movements.

"Water Dragon Nebula Prism" Haru then chants a spell surrounding herself, Ryūsei and Shizen with a huge dome of water.

The Scarlet Demon then releases a tremendous amount of flames in order to evaporate the water and he then quickly dashes to the huge water dome.

The Scarlet Demon then releases a huge amount of flames in his claws and consecutively attacks the water dome.

After 10 minutes of attacking consecutively the dome of water then breaks and unfortunately Haru, Ryūsei and Shizen was nowhere to be seen and a huge hole was located in the center of the dome.

A few days have passed since then but unfortunately both Ryūsei and Shizen were still both unconscious.

"Ryūsei" "Ryūsei" "Ryūsei"

The mysterious voice that I heard before returned but unfortunately this time the only images I saw was nothing but death and destruction.

An image of a tremendous battle occured causing huge casualties of life as the entire hills, plains and trees were being burned and a couple of corpses were shown.


An image of Kayosha was then shown in Ryūsei's head. Kayosha was wounded greatly wounded with the Dragon King's Blade pierced through her chest.

"Save me...." Kayosha muttered as blood came out of her mouth.

Ryūsei then wakes up in shock as he couldn't believe what he saw. He then immediately looks around to his surprise he's in his room with Rei sleeping on a chair next to him.

"I'm back home...??" Ryūsei muttered as the door in his room then opened and Yuki came into the room.

"Oh good your awake" Yuki happily said.

"Yuki.... What happened..?" Ryūsei muttered as he still tries to process what were the images he saw.

"Where's Kayosha?!!" Ryūsei yelled.

"Kayosha?, She's with Haru right now" Yuki replied as she was confused on what's going on.

"It must've been a bad dream" Ryūsei muttered in thought.

"Where's Shizen!!" Ryūsei asked and Yuki just smiled.

"Yuki..." Ryūsei muttered in confusion.

"Your big brother is alright, He just woke up a few hours ago" Yuki replied but tears began to fall from her eyes.

"I'm just glad you're both safe... I didn't know what will I do if the both of you didn't woke up" She added as she wipes her tears away.

Rei then wakes up from the noises they were making and she was happy to see his big brother awake.

"Big brother!!!" Rei yelled in joy as she hugs Ryūsei.

"Rei??!! You're here in my room" Ryūsei was shocked as he was surprised that Rei was in there house.

He then notices that Rei was wearing a different set of clothes and her hair was now braided.

"Then that means..." Ryūsei muttered as he looks at Yuki.

"About that..." Yuki muttered causing Ryūsei to be a bit curious.

"Was dad not pleased about Rei?" Ryūsei asked.

"No, It's not that... It's actually the exact opposite" Yuki replied in frustration.

King Yogan then entered the room carrying a 3ft size ice cream sundae.

"Oh Rei I brought you some ice cream" King Yogan happily said as he slowly carried the ice cream to Rei.

"Dad, That's too much!!!" Yuki yelled in frustration.

"Are you trying to get her sick!!!" She added.

"I'm just trying to be a good father sweetie" King Yogan stated.

"You're spoiling her too much dad, Nobody in their right minds would buy a 3ft ice cream for a 6 year old girl" Yuki stated.

"Ryūsei I'm glad you're awake now" King Yogan happily said.

"I'm sorry Dad for making you worry" Ryūsei replied.

"It's okay Ryūsei, I'm just glad you're safe" King Yogan replied.

"There's something I'd like to ask you?" Ryūsei stated causing both Yuki and Rei to be a bit curious.

"If you're asking about the report, You don't have to worry me and Haru discussed had a private meeting about it" King Yogan replied.

"But if you want to know all the details then I'll gladly tell you" King Yogan added.

"But first Yuki and Rei, Can you go out of the room for a second" King Yogan stated.

"I'm going to have a little talk with Ryūsei privately" He added.

Both Yuki and Rei nodded and headed out the room leaving both Kung Yogan and Ryūsei all alone.

"In order to maintain the peace we've decided to just keep this between the higher ranks" King Yogan stated.

"Only a few members of the Gadiāns know the Scarlet Demon incident besides Haru" King Yogan added.

"Why only a few?" Ryūsei curious asked.

"It's because of there's been a certain rumor that most of the governmental parties in the Kingdom are corrupted" King Yogan replied.

"And to what I believe they're the reason why this mysterious group stayed in the shadows without us knowing until now" King Yogan added.

"You mean theirs a traitor in the Kingdom?" Ryūsei asked.

"It's only a hunch Ryūsei, But there are a few evidences that may lead our hunch to be correct" King Yogan replied.

"Do you remember Kasai's elder sister?" King Yogan asked.

"You mean elder sister Kaena?" Ryūsei asked.

"Her death was a big mystery as I didn't remember sending her to any quest during that same day" King Yogan replied.

"And there's the incident from the Fallen God and even from Rei" He added.

"How did the Fallen God entered the Kingdom and even the Castle undetected?" He stated.

"What about Rei? How is she involved?" Ryūsei asked.

"You see, I'm fully aware in what happened to Rei and what you did to rescue her" King Yogan stated and Ryūsei then started to look down as he was disappointed in himself.

"You don't have to worry, I'm not mad at you. In fact I'm impressed, You did what was right and I'm glad" King Yogan stated.

"Slavery in our Elemental World is forbidden but there's been a ton of reports of it happening but it never reached the higher ups" King Yogan added.

"And now the "Scarlet Demon" incident really crossed the line as my hunch is now becoming a fact" King Yogan stated.

"Ryūsei I want you to be careful got it, Until we found out who the traitor is don't go on reckless missions assigned to you" King Yogan stated with a worried tone on his voice.

"It might be an assassination waiting to happen" He added.

"Okay Dad, I'm glad to hear that everything is under control, But there's a question I want to ask about." Ryūsei stated.

"It's about the Grand Shōtotsu" Ryūsei asked.

"I've just announced the brackets for the second round a few days ago" King Yogan replied.


1st Place: Kūge Ryū

Total Points: 42360

2nd Place: Yuki Ryūgū, Kayosha Mizū

Total Points: 3540

3rd Place: Kasai Hoño, Sora Kūki

Total Points: 3220

4th Place: Shizen Ryūgū, Shadow Kageryu

Total Points: 3180

5th Place: Kori Uwagusuri.

Total Points: 2560

6th Place: Shōgeki Kūki, Venom Shiori

Total Points: 2450

7th Place: Ishi Borudā, Gēti Shindō

Total Points: 1920

8th Place: Sandā Supāku, Melody Heiwa

Total Points: 1500

9th Place: Ryūsei Ryūgū

Total Points: 240


"As you remember since Kūge Ryū scored the highest in the first round he won't be able to participate in the second one" King Yogan stated.

"This is the bracket for the second round" King Yogan added as he shows Ryūsei the bracket for the second round.


Match 1

Team 1:Ishi Borudā, Gēti Shindō.

Team 2: Sandā Supāku, Melody Heiwa

Terrain: Mountain

Winner: Team 2

Match 2

Team 1:Shizen Ryūgū, Shadow Kageryu.

Team 2: Yuki Ryūgū, Kayosha Mizū.

Terrain: Forest


Match 3

Team 1: Kasai Hoño, Sora Kūki.

Team 2: Shōgeki Kūki, Venom Shiori.

Terrain: Grassland


Match 4

Team 1: Kori Uwagusuri.

Team 2: Ryūsei Ryūgu.

Terrain: Frozen Field



"So I'm in the fourth match" Ryūsei stated.

"Yes, You're up against Kori Uwagusuri" King Yogan stated.

"He's a talented Elementalist and in fact he's a disciple of a certain Gadiāns here in the Kingdom" King Yogan added.

"Woah, Really??!!" Ryūsei asked in excitement.

"Yes, So If I were you I'd better get some training in order to prepare for the match" He stated.

"But rest for now, The first match just ended yesterday and tomorrow is both Yuki and Shizen's match" King Yogan added.

"Then I'll train immediately I don't to be left behind" Ryūsei stated as he tries to get up but his body still hurts a little.

"I'll be on my way now, Good luck on the Grand Shōtotsu and do your best" King Yogan stated with a smile as he heads outside of the room.

A few minutes after King Yogan left the room both Rei and Yuki came in with a smile on their faces.

"Big Brother!!" Rei yelled as she runs towards the bed with excitement.

"What's with the excitement Rei?" Ryūsei curiously asked

"We're going outside to eat, Kayosha and the others are going to be there" Yuki replied.

"Is it okay for me to come? Even with my injuries?" Ryūsei asked.

"Of course, As long as you don't push yourself to hard" Yuki replied.

Ryūsei then carefully stands up with Rei helping him maintain his balance, He then heads to his room to change.

He then goes downstairs to the living room where Rei and Yuki were waiting.

They then headed outside and walked to the restaurant where they supposed to meet.

They then headed inside the restraunt and asked the waitresses for the table they reserved.

"Hey Yuki, I have to asked why are we eating all together all of a sudden?" Ryūsei asked.

"Well for starters, It's to celebrate for both you and Shizen's recovery and Rei's debut" Yuki replied.

"Rei's debut?" Ryūsei asked as he's still clueless as can be.

"Debut, I mean she still hasn't met our friends yet and it's the perfect way for us to introduce her." Yuki replied.

The waitress then shows them where their table was located. They then headed to table and to their surprise Kasai, Sora, Kayosha and Haru was already sitting there.

"Ryūsei!!!" Kayosha yelled as she was glad to see Ryūsei safe and sound.

"Now Kayosha, We're in a restaurant, please use your inside voice" Haru stated trying to tease her little sister.

"Sorry..." Kayosha embarrassedly muttered.

"See I told you Ryūsei's going to be okay" Kasai stated.

"Weren't you also like that not to long ago" Sora teased causing Kasai to blush in embarrassment.

"Hey Yuki it's great to see you again and I'm glad you're safe Ryūsei" Haru stated.

"I can't thank you for all your help Haru-chan, If it weren't for you I don't know what would've happened to us" Ryūsei replied.

"Don't thank me, Besides it was my fault for getting you involved" Haru exclaimed.

"Well I'm just glad everyone's safe and sound" Kayosha stated.

Yuki, Rei and Ryūsei sat down theirs seats and talk with their friends for a while.

"Where's Shizen and Shadow?" Yuki asked.

"They said they were going to be late" Kayosha replied.

"I could've swore I saw them heading to the cemetery" Haru stated.

"They must've paid their respects to Geiru and Kaena" Yuki replied.

"Hi Rei I'm Kayosha!!!" Kayosha happily said as she played with Rei.

"So that's your new sister" Kasai stated.

"She's so cuteeeee" Sora stated as she pinches Rei's cheek.

After a while both Shizen and Shadow finally arrived and they then began eating.

"So Yuki, I heard you and Kayosha are up against Shizen and Shadow tomorrow" Haru stated.

"Yep, And we're gonna win" Yuki happily stated.

"In your dreams" Shadow replied.

"It's still a little too early for you to beat me Yuki" Shizen stated.

"What does that mean" Yuki glared at Shizen.

"It means you won't beat me tomorrow" Shizen replied as he continues to eat the food.

The water inside the glass slowly started to freeze as Yuki glared at Shizen.

"Yuki, You're ruining the food" Shizen stated.

"You don't get to eat" Yuki replied.

"Are the two of them fighting?" Rei asked Ryūsei with an innocent and cute voice.

"No, They're just excited for the match" Ryūsei replied.

"You're gonna cheer for them right?" Ryūsei asked.

"Yeah!!" Rei yelled in excitement.

"Well I'm not to worried about our match" Kasai stated as he continued to eat.

"Overconfidence?" Kayosha teased.

"You should be worried Kasai, My mother is going to watch it" Sora stated.

"You're not serious are you?" Kasai worriedly asked.

"I am, She's going not watch and I want you to prove that you can protect me" Sora stated.

"If you can't she might separate us" Sora teased.

"Wait can she really do that?" Kasai worriedly asked.

"Of course she can, She's our family's head and she's also the "Sagittarius" Gadiān" Sora stated causing Kasai to be extremely nervous.

"Speaking of Gadiāns, Isn't your opponent a disciple of one" Kayosha asked to Ryūsei.

"Yeah, That's why I'm going to train for tomorrow after Yuki and Shadow's match" Ryūsei replied.

"You're against Kori, If I remember" Haru stated.

"Yeah, Is he your disciple?" Ryūsei asked.

"No, But he's extremely talented so it's going to be a hard match" Haru replied.

"Well I already have a strategy in mind" Ryūsei stated.

"Beat him before he could cast a spell" Kayosha teased but shocked Ryūsei.

"How did you...." Ryūsei muttered causing everyone to laugh.They then continued to eat and laugh as the night goes on.