
The Grand Elementalist

A long time ago it was written in the ancient books of the past, Demons have once roamed free in the Elemental World an era in which the Demons hunts us down for food, pleasure or even satisfaction. The Demon King, The strongest demon during the ancient era conquered the Elemental World striking fear through the lands enslaving all of the Elementalist killing anyone who fought against him. The era of misery was upon us but a mysterious group of Elementalist fought back driving an all out war against the Demons. But unfortunately not all Elementalist fought alongside them... Quintela Shiori also known as the "Empress of Death" turned her back against her own people and fought alongside with the Demon King. With her help they manage to turn the tides of war towards the Demons but it suddenly all changed... When "He" arrived... Akashino Shitetsu a young boy who was born without an Elemental Art. Even though he was born different he never once question himself why he was cursed. With the aid of an ancient creature he obtained unrivaled power and skill shifting the war in their favor. With the Demons almost annihilated and pushed back to the shadows... Quintela made a desperate attempt causing her to gain unimaginable power quickly overpowering the wounded Akashino. With the numerous injuries he had and the few amounts of mana he had left... The ultimate sacrifice was made... Akashino was forced to seal Quintela away with an ancient seal taught by his master, The Dragon King. But unfortunately the seal had a price of separating his soul from his body in causing him to be sealed as well along with Quintela. The Dragon King feared that one day Quintela might return once again and there will be no one powerful enough to stop her. So he chanted a spell on Akashino's lifeless body creating a reincarnation cycle that resurrects his body with a new soul from generation to generation. Centuries had passed since then an old era falls and a new one always rises. Following the death of the 3rd Grand Elementalist a young boy named Ryūsei was born in the Elemental World. But unlike most Elementalist he was born without having any Elemental Art, With this everyone around him treated him harshly. People would avoid him thinking he was cursed, Some of the kids tormented him for years and there were some who even go as far as using there Elemental Arts against our helpless hero. With Ryūsei so fascinated about the past and certain events happened, Will faith play a role once again or certain events from the past will happen once again with the return of the "Empress of Death".

Decode_Storm · Fantasy
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46 Chs

The Twilight Faith and The Grand Elementalist

It's been a couple of days since Ryūsei accidentally took the A-Rank quest and he finally arrives at the Village Of Yohei.

Once Ryūsei arrived at the village, He then went to the front of the town hall where he saw a little girl with scarlet red hair and violet eyes.

He slowly approaches the little girl and sees a special necklace with the crest of a star indicating that she is the daughter of the warden.

He then approaches the little girl and he asks "Um.... hello there little girl, I'm from the Kingdom of Ryūgū. I'm the one who was sent here..... um about the disappearance of Elementalist." Ryūsei proclaimed.

Ryūsei: "You must be the Ryūgū my father requested." She replied. She then stands up and introduces herself.

???: "I'm Meisai Kakusu, My father is currently in the meeting hall at the moment.....Is it alright if you wait here a second??" She happily asked.

Ryūsei: "It's Okay.... I'll just meditate for a while." Ryūsei happily replied, he then sat on a nearby bench and began to meditate.

Ryūsei slowly breathed calmly, He suddenly felt a strange atmosphere around him like the whole scenery just changed in an instant. He suddenly then heard a mysterious voice calling out his name.

"Hello Ryūsei"

Ryūsei immediately opened his eyes when he heard the mysterious voice and he saw a boy with brown hair and red eyes.

Ryūsei: "What the???? Who the hell are you???!!! And where am I??" Ryūsei asked. He looked around, seeing nothing but rainbow sparkles all around him with the floor below them white.

"I casted a spell that enabled me to have a little chat with you privately" The boy replied.

"You don't need to be frightened, I'm not gonna bite, I just wanna have a little talk, I'm a friend of yours-" The boy happily proclaimed before being interrupted by Ryūsei.

"Yeah, since when? I don't even know who the hell you are-" Ryūsei sarcastically replied.

"Do you mind letting me finish what I'm saying!!! Geez you two are really alike." The boy proclaimed, scratching his head in annoyance.

"What do you mean by us two????" Ryūsei asked in confusion.

The boy then smiled happily and introduced himself "Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Ryūshi Ryūgū, It's nice to meet you again." The boy happily introduced himself, Ryūsei however was shocked when he heard his name.

"R-R-Ryūshi Ryūgū.... the Crowned Dragon Of Creation!!!" Ryūsei nervously shouted as he fell behind his back landing on his butt. He couldn't believe who was standing in front of him.

The Ranking system of the Elementalist is from S-Rank which is the highest and F-Rank which is the lowest.

But there are a few Elementalist who surpass the S-Rank division and that's exactly what the Crowned Dragons are ranked on. They're a division composed of Legendary Elementalist that inherited the will and teachings of the 7 Legendary Dragons.

They Crowned Dragons have long been around since the era of the 1st Grand Elementalist, Everyone in the Kingdom no matter what status they have treated them as legendary heroes. Unfortunately no matter how famous or how long they existed, Elementalist would rarely see a glimpse or rarely would encounter one of them.

"It's good to see you, Ryūsei" Ryūshi happily proclaimed, slowly approaching Ryūsei reaching his hand as he helped Ryūsei get up.

"Ryūshi, Why are you here???" Ryūsei curiously asked as Ryūshi helped him get up.

"The era of peace that lasted centuries will come to an end." Ryūshi replied as the happy face he showed earlier disappeared and was replaced by a more serious look.

"What do you mean the era of peace has come to an end???" Ryūsei asked in confusion.

"The Seal Of The Dragon King, The ancient seal that sealed Quintela Shiori has finally weakened and once it's been nullified, Quintela shall be free once again." Ryūshi replied.

"But the Crowned Dragons could stop her right??!! I mean you're gonna stop her right??!!!" Ryūsei worriedly asked, his body was shaking nervously. His eyes even showed fear.

"One of the strongest Crowned Dragons was Akashino Shitetsu, unfortunately even the two of us joining together didn't stood a chance against Quintela." Ryūshi proclaimed.

"You mean..... even the both of you.... Were powerless against her?" Ryūsei worriedly asked, but he couldn't believe what he was hearing. That even the Crowned Dragons couldn't stand much of a chance against Quintela.

"But don't be sad, There is a way to stop her." Ryūshi happily replied, bringing hope to Ryūsei's eyes.

Ryūshi: "During the final days of the war, Akashino said to me" Ryūshi proclaimed.

Ryūshi: "There is a way to end the war and stop her once and for all, Our only hope is the Twilight Faith" Ryūsei added.

Ryūsei: "The Twilight Faith???" Ryūsei curiously asked, This was the first time he's heard the word.

Ryūshi: "The "Twilight Faith" is a title given to a Chīma, The pairs are destined to be together and when they become one even Chaos can be purified" Ryūshi replied.

"So we just leave it to them-" Ryūsei happily proclaimed before he was interrupted by Ryūshi.

Ryūshi: "They're no longer around...." Ryūshi quickly replied.

Ryūsei: "The last Twilight Faith was Akashino Shitetsu and his beloved wife, Stella Shitetsu." Ryūshi replied with a sad tone in his voice.

Ryūsei: "Then there is no hope then..." Ryūsei sadly replied, he then begins to lose hope.

Ryūsei: "It's time for the era of the new Twilight Faith" Ryūshi happily proclaimed with a smile on his face. Ryūsei however was still confused about what Ryūshi said.

Ryūshi: "Ryūsei Ryūgū, The 7 Legendary Dragons chose you to be one of the members of the new Twilight Faith.... Only you can stop Quintela" Ryūshi proclaimed with a serious tone in his voice. 

Ryūsei was then shocked hearing those words coming from Ryūshi's mouth. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Ryūsei: "Me.... but I'm an F-Rank Elementalist…!!!" Ryūsei shouted as tears then began to flow from his eyes.

Ryūsei: "My strength is nowhere near the Crowned Dragons... and you're saying I can stop someone who's more powerful than them...." Ryūsei shouted as he couldn't believe what he's hearing.

Ryūsei: "If this is a joke, It's not funny!!" He yelled.

"Ryūsei-" Ryūshi mumbles before being interrupted by Ryūsei.

"I can't even use my Elemental Art properly!!!! I don't even know what it is!!!! What kind of Elementalist am I??!!!"

"As a child I was bullied because of not having an Elemental Art!!! They made fun of me!!! They tortured me day by day with their Elemental Art!!!!! Now I've finally awakened it but somehow I can't even use it properly!!!!"

Ryūsei: "This is too much even for me.... I'm just a kid.... This role..... it's just too much....." Ryūsei proclaimed, he then sat down hugging his knees as he cried.

Ryūshi: "Ryūsei, As the representative of all the Crowned Dragons" Ryūshi proclaimed, he then bows down on his knees to Ryūsei.

Ryūshi: "We deeply apologise for handing this big role to you..... But Ryūsei, You are the only hope left." He proclaimed

Ryūsei was extremely shocked. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Someone who's as strong as Ryūshi, Someone with that status bowed down to him.

Ryūsei was skeptical at first but after what Ryūshi just did, He agreed to help out the Crowned Dragons in order to defeat Quintela once and for all.

With Ryūsei agreeing to help out, but just like any Elementalist he needed some training in order to get stronger, So Ryūshi agreed to help Ryūsei. The only problem is Ryūsei was clueless on what his Elemental Art is exactly.

Ryūshi happily laughed, As this started to bring back some fun memories he had a long time ago. It reminded him of someone he used to know, 

Ryūshi: "No matter what era it is… You never change, do you?.." Ryūshi muttered in thought. So he then began telling Ryūsei the necessary information he needed to know about his powers.

"In the Elemental World, There are 7 original attributes an Elemental Art would be based on. Which is Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, Lightning, Shadow and the rarest one which is Light."

"As time passes by and a new era falls and a new one rises, The original attributes begin to manifest sub attributes. For example, the Ice attribute is a subset of the original Water attribute."

"Your Elemental Art is the Meteor Dragon, A light-attributed Dragon Art which is new to this era."

"Your ability is known as "The White Meteor". This ability enables you to enchant your Speed, Strength, Mana recovery and even the intensity of a certain spell."

Ryūsei: "So I'm the Meteor Dragon Sage, Looks like I'll need to practice a lot in order to defeat Quintela" Ryūsei happily proclaimed. He was glad that he finally knew what his Elemental Art was.

Ryūsei then happily thanks Ryūshi for what he's done so far and promises not to let him down and vows to defeat Quintela.

Ryūshi: "I know you can do it Ryūsei, Now there's one more thing you should know." Ryūshi added

Ryūsei: "What is it??" Ryūsei curiously asked.

Ryūshi: "Do you know why the Crowned Dragons couldn't defeat Quintela?" Ryūshi curiously asked and Ryūsei shook his head.

Ryūshi: "Our Elemental Arts are powerless against Quintela's ability" Ryūshi sadly proclaimed shocking Ryūsei.

Ryūsei: "Quintela's ability????" Ryūsei worriedly asked, he was shocked by what he just heard.

Ryūshi: "Quintela's original ability is known as Chaos Contract. It's a very rare and powerful ability that lets her absorb spells that aren't light-attributed and let's her recover both mana and health. The stronger the spell, The more she recovers." He proclaimed.

Ryūsei: "So we only need to attack her with light-attributed-" Ryūsei worriedly proclaimed before he was interrupted by Ryūshi.

Ryūshi: "It won't anymore… Not after she absorbed the Demon King" He replied.

Ryūsei: "What do you mean?" Ryūsei worriedly asked.

Ryūshi: "After she absorbed the Demon King, She gained two new additional abilities" He proclaimed.

"Undying Terror, The ability to become immortal. You can't die from physical or magical damage even if her head was caught off or her heart was destroyed instantly."

"And finally Divine Protection, It is the ability to become immune to spell effects or curses."

Ryūsei: "Her last ability is a little hard for me to understand..... So she's basically immune to spells????" Ryūsei curiously asked, he was still confused on what is Divine Protection.

Ryūshi: "When you cast spells, The spell is divided into 3 divisions. The Magic Damage, The Drawback of the Spell and the Spell Effects." He proclaimed.

"The Magic Damage is the total damage to you once you receive from the spell." He added.

"The Drawback of the Spell is the price of conducting the spell, It may be Mana or something else." He added 

"And finally the Spell Effects, It's the effects the target received from the spells." He added.

Ryūsei: "So basically she's immune to the spell effects?" Ryūsei asked as he was still confused. Ryūshi nodded in response. He then gives Ryūsei a brief summary of how Divine Protection works.

"For example I casted a Lightning Spell. The Magic Damage he/she receives shall be Lightning-Attributed and the total damage shall be determined by the strength of the spell"

"The Drawback of the Spell was I'd sacrifice a little mana to conduct it. And the Spell Effects, Is the target will receive Paralysis from the spell"

"With her Divine Protection ability, She's immune to Spell Effects. "

Ryūsei: "I see, Now I understand her final ability" Ryūsei happily said while scratching his head, not realizing it sooner.

Ryūsei: "Wait so she's basically unkillable!!" Ryūsei worriedly proclaimed.

Ryūshi: "I can't tell you how much we tried to cut her head off or destroy her heart immediately but no matter what we do… She won't die" He sadly proclaimed.

Ryūshi: "Now it's all up to you Ryūsei, Achieve something we Crowned Dragons failed to do… And we want you to know… Know matter where we are...We will always believe in you." Ryūshi happily said with a smile on his face.

Ryūsei: "I won't let you down, But ummm..... What'll I do first exactly???" Ryūsei embarrassedly asked while he scratched his head causing Ryūshi to smile in response.

Ryūshi: "You need to find first the person destined to be your Chīma before you defeat Quintela" Ryūshi happily replied.

Ryūsei: "Destined to be my Chīma.....?" Ryūsei muttered. He knew this would be tough, But he didn't notice but Ryūshi heard what he said.

Ryūshi: "Don't worry I'll help you find her the best way I could." Ryūshi happily proclaimed.

Ryūshi: "But how can I know if it's her???" Ryūsei curiously asked.

"When two different lights of two paths become one, A ray of hope will come across, The power it bestows has no equal. Demons will be forever lost and chaos will be purified, peace will return and the ray of hope will shine on the new era" Ryūshi happily proclaimed.

Ryūsei: "Where did you even find that?" Ryūsei curiously asked.

Ryūshi: "It's written on the Dragon King's Monument" Ryūshi replied.

Ryūshi: "It's the final message the Dragon King left behind before he vanished" He added.

Ryūsei: "When two different lights of two paths become one, A ray of hope will come across, The power it bestows has no equal" He muttered.

Ryūsei: "I won't let you down Ryūshi, I promise I'll find her." Ryūsei happily proclaimed

Ryūshi: "I know you'll find her, Now before we part ways for now. There's one last thing I want to tell you it's about the Twilight Faith" Ryūshi happily proclaimed.

Ryūsei: "What is it???" Ryūsei curiously asked.

Ryūsei: "The last Twilight Faith was Akashino Shitetsu and his beloved wife, Stella Shitetsu. Akashino Shitetsu was the Crown Dragon of Art and he was the 1st Grand Elementalist." Ryūshi happily proclaimed before he was interrupted by Ryūsei.

Ryūsei: "Yeah, We all know that." Ryūsei replied as he was confused.

Ryūsei: "Now do you know why there were the 2nd and the 3rd Grand Elementalist???" Ryūshi asked.

Ryūsei: "Because they were chosen to be the next Dragon King Disciples???" Ryūsei replied but he knew his answer was wrong.

Ryūshi: "Close enough, They're actually Akashino's reincarnations." Ryūshi proclaimed, shocking Ryūsei.

"The Grand Elementalist is the person destined to be one of the members of the Twilight Faith. Which means… Ryūsei Ryūgū..... You're the 4th Grand Elementalist…"

Name: Ryūshi Ryūgū

Age: He's actually centuries old but he still looks like he's still in his early 20's.

Elemental Art: Quantum Dragon

Ranked: Z-Rank, He's known as the Crowned Dragon of Creation.

Appearance: Brown Hair with Red eyes.

Clothes: He wears a long sleeved military style collared shirt with golden buttons and white outlines of the breast pocket and collar, A white cloak with a symbol a Dragon's head on the back and has a white ring with a Dragon's Crest on his right hand.

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