
The Gods Of Alkebulan

Long ago, the land of Alkebulan was ruled by the mighty Gods. Mortals lived at the mercy of these divine beings, who decided their fate and wielded the power of the elements. When angered, the Gods would shake the heavens and earth with their mighty power, leaving mortals trembling in fear. But then came the discovery of the Supreme Power of Jok - a force that allowed mortals to harness the power of the Gods and connect with their own Ori, or inner spirit. With this newfound power, humans began to thrive and rise to levels of strength and ability that rivaled even the Gods themselves. They took control of their own fate, harnessing the spark of destiny embedded within their very essence. But such power was not for everyone. Only the truly talented and skilled could go against the natural order of the heavens and claim their own fate. It was a rare gift, but for those who possessed it, the possibilities were endless. **Disclaimer:** The concepts, names, and themes presented in this book, are entirely fictional and created for entertainment purposes. They do not represent real deities, belief systems, or cultural practices. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or real events is purely coincidental. This content is a product of creative imagination and does not reflect any existing religious, cultural, or historical beliefs. Readers are encouraged to enjoy these imaginative elements within the context of fictional storytelling and to respect the rich diversity of real-world cultures and traditions. Please note that the information provided here is for entertainment and creative purposes only and should not be considered factual or authoritative in any way. Alex Matarirano 2023 All Rights Reserved

Matrino2 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Moment Of Truth

The seconds stretched into a tense silence, the weight of the unspoken truth hanging heavily in the air. My parents, sensing the gravity of the moment, observed the exchange with eager anticipation, waiting for Lord Cedric's response.

"Father, I believe they had a good reason to conceal her identity, don't you agree, Avery?" I glanced at her, seeking affirmation. She nodded and then looked at her father, who softened his eyes before nodding.

She sighed and then unclasped a crystal necklace, its facets catching the light. An illusionary ripple enveloped her body, unveiling her true form.

While Avery may not have fully blossomed into her beauty, she possessed the promise of extraordinary features that hinted at her future allure.

Her face, though youthful, carried the delicate grace of a budding flower. Her skin, smooth and unblemished, held a soft rosy glow, a testament to her youthful vitality. Prominent cheekbones accentuated the gentle curve of her face, granting her an ethereal aura even at her tender age.

Her eyes, an entrancing shade of amber gold, sparkled with curiosity and intelligence. They were large, framed by long, dark lashes that fluttered like a butterfly's wings, adding depth to her gaze.

Her hair, still the same white with dark streaks, framed her face like a cascading waterfall. But her once masculine features had softened. In that moment, my heart fluttered in my chest, overwhelmed by her newfound allure. I quickly looked away, attempting to regain composure.

While her features were still in the process of maturing, there was an undeniable magnetic allure in her presence, a foreshadowing of the breathtaking beauty she would eventually become.

"I never intended to deceive you, Your Majesty," Avery said softly, her voice carrying a melodic cadence.

"I know, Avery. I questioned your motives because my son seems to have taken a liking to you, and he is not one to question someone's intentions until it's too late," my father grunted and I shake my head, even though it was true.

"I had already sensed it, Father. You know how perceptive I am. I just didn't think it appropriate to question her about something so delicate in public," I said, rolling my eyes at him. "Besides, you weren't merely questioning; you were demanding she answer you."

"Yes, dear, you might have been a bit over the top. Our son brought a friend to us for the first time; we should be more welcoming," my mother gently chided with a smile on her face.

My father's eyes lost their sternness and became much warmer as he shared a look with my mother. "We'll go with what you say, my love."

"You may tell us your story. No one will hear what you say here, Lord Cedric," my mother assured him. Alina pressed something on the wall, and the glass pane darkened, blocking the scene in the hall.

Lord Cedric began with composure and respect, his voice exuding an aura of ancient knowledge and power. "My daughter possesses an extraordinary gift—an Ancient Physique, a power that awakens once in millennia. On the day of her 10th birthday, this unparalleled ability stirred within her.

This Ancient Physique grants her the power to unveil and find long-lost treasures, decipher cryptic runes, manipulate the very essence of life, and commune with the Spirit World."

His words hung in the air, the gravity of her abilities sinking in.

"There are those in the shadows, powerful men driven by greed and ambition, who would stop at nothing to possess such a gift," Lord Cedric continued, his gaze steady.

"Avery's abilities are not just a boon; they are a curse, for they mark her as a target. We have kept her hidden, guarded, so that she might live without the burden of their insidious desires."

"The necklace helps her conceal her true form, protecting her in a world where such powers are coveted."

I found my voice, my fascination with her powers trumping my initial surprise. "It's incredible, truly. But why the need for such secrecy?"

Lord Cedric's eyes darkened, a shadow of anger passing over his face. "There are forces in this realm that would exploit her gift for nefarious purposes. Keeping her identity hidden has been a necessary measure to protect her. We had hoped the Academy, with its stringent security, would provide a safe haven for her."

A mixture of understanding and determination welled up within me. "Rest assured, Lord Cedric, as long as she's under my protection, no harm will befall her."

Avery's golden eyes met mine, gratitude and trust shining in them. In that moment, I made an unspoken vow to safeguard her, no matter the challenges that lay ahead.

"I thank the Young Prince-" I quickly interrupted him as my eyes met his with a smile.

"Call me Antaeus, Lord Cedric."

"In that case, call me Uncle Cedric; Lord Cedric is too formal," he smiled and nodded appreciatively.

"Then we won't stand on ceremony with you either, Cedric. We understand very well your desire to protect Avery, and no one should have to endure such hardships in order to live," my father said, giving Avery a warm look.

The atmosphere in the room shifted, becoming one of mutual understanding and acceptance. We were no longer bound by titles and formalities, but by a shared purpose. Avery was now under the protection of the Royal Family.

Uncle Cedric's expression softened, his gratitude evident as he spoke, "I am deeply thankful for your kindness and understanding, your Majesty. Avery is a treasure to us, and knowing that she has found a friend in your son, Antaeus, gives us great comfort."

Avery's eyes shimmered with emotion as she spoke softly, "Thank you, your Majesty, for accepting me and understanding my situation. I will do my best to honor the trust you have placed in me."

Now that we had that out of the way, we started to eat the food and await the next segment of the Jorin Test. 'I can't wait for it'


**13:00 PM**

**Alkebulan Spirit Academy**

**Academy Hall**

**-After Lunch-**

I stood with Nailah, Tenzi, Kazi and Avery alongside 15 other students, in front of the hall on the stage, facing the eager audience. These 15 students had successfully completed all three tests.

Nailah, confident and poised, stood at the front, while I stood second, followed by Tenzi, Kazi, Avery and the remaining students, making us a total of 20.

The rest of the 170 students were divided into lines of 30, each line led by a teacher.

"The next segment is class allocation. Class A will consist of 20 students who completed the Three Tests. Each of them will be granted access to a personal Sunstone Chamber," the Dean's voice resonated through the hall, capturing everyone's attention.

"In addition, 100 Astral Sunstones will be allocated to their Student Profile Account monthly. They can claim them anytime from now, and they will receive a monthly allowance of 500 Astral Gold Coins. They also have their own private dorms."

"Class B to G consists of those who only completed 2 Tests. You will all be allocated 25 Astral Sunstones, 250 Astral Gold Coins, and 25 Sunstone Chambers that you will use and share. You will also be sharing a dorm."

The announcement sent ripples of astonishment and excitement through Class A. The prospect of having a personal Sunstone Chamber and receiving generous allowances was beyond anyone's wildest dreams.

I exchanged excited glances with Nailah, Tenzi, Avery and Kazi, realizing the incredible opportunity that lay ahead of us. This marked the beginning of our journey into the Elite Class A, a privilege that filled us with determination and anticipation for the challenges and knowledge that awaited us at Alkebulan Spirit Academy.

I observed the disgruntled looks from the other learners. My master, aware of their expressions, continued, "I see the other classes are disgruntled. This is an unfair world. Those with talent and bravery prosper, and those who don't are trampled by the strong. So, if you want the benefits of the Elite Class A, challenge them in the upcoming Freshman Competition next month."

As soon as he said that, the other classes looked at us with hungry gazes, akin to predators eyeing their prey.

The weight of his words settled over us, a mixture of challenge and opportunity. I met the predatory gazes of our competitors with a steely resolve. The Freshman Competition wasn't just a chance to prove ourselves; it was a battleground where determination and skill would determine our fate.

With the promise of the Freshman Competition on the horizon, the atmosphere in the hall crackled with tension and anticipation.

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