
The Gods Of Alkebulan

Long ago, the land of Alkebulan was ruled by the mighty Gods. Mortals lived at the mercy of these divine beings, who decided their fate and wielded the power of the elements. When angered, the Gods would shake the heavens and earth with their mighty power, leaving mortals trembling in fear. But then came the discovery of the Supreme Power of Jok - a force that allowed mortals to harness the power of the Gods and connect with their own Ori, or inner spirit. With this newfound power, humans began to thrive and rise to levels of strength and ability that rivaled even the Gods themselves. They took control of their own fate, harnessing the spark of destiny embedded within their very essence. But such power was not for everyone. Only the truly talented and skilled could go against the natural order of the heavens and claim their own fate. It was a rare gift, but for those who possessed it, the possibilities were endless. **Disclaimer:** The concepts, names, and themes presented in this book, are entirely fictional and created for entertainment purposes. They do not represent real deities, belief systems, or cultural practices. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or real events is purely coincidental. This content is a product of creative imagination and does not reflect any existing religious, cultural, or historical beliefs. Readers are encouraged to enjoy these imaginative elements within the context of fictional storytelling and to respect the rich diversity of real-world cultures and traditions. Please note that the information provided here is for entertainment and creative purposes only and should not be considered factual or authoritative in any way. Alex Matarirano 2023 All Rights Reserved

Matrino2 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Lunch (2)

While I shook Lord Cedric's hand, a nagging suspicion gnawed at the edges of my mind. It appeared that Avery's father was privy to the secret she was hiding, disguised as a boy. The mystery deepened, leaving me bewildered as to why they had gone to such lengths to maintain the charade.

'Soon, I will find out everything during lunch. I just hope she didn't approach me with ulterior motives. Could it be that she thinks I'm into guys?' I quickly dismissed the unsettling thought with a shudder.

"Is everything okay, Prince?" Lord Cedric inquired, noticing my momentary unease.

"E-Everything's fine," I replied, mustering a reassuring smile. "I just remembered that I'm here to invite you to have lunch with my family."

Calming my expression, I released his hand and gestured gracefully towards the booth where my parents awaited us. "Oh, it would be an honor to have lunch with King Adroa and Queen Amirah, Prince. Please, lead the way."

As we ascended the staircase leading to the viewing booths, curiosity tugged at Avery's heart. Her face displayed a subtle blend of disappointment and longing, clearly wishing for her mother's presence.

"Where is my mother?" she inquired, her voice infused with a hint of sadness.

Lord Cedric met Avery's gaze with an apologetic look in his eyes, his expression softening as he delivered the news. "I'm afraid your mother was called in for a meeting. She did, however, have the pleasure of witnessing you pass your tests."

A palpable sense of disappointment hung in the air, casting a shadow over Avery's features. Despite this, Lord Cedric's words provided a measure of consolation, and I couldn't help but console her with pat on the back.

Avery shook her head, a strained smile playing on her lips, making me wonder how I can console her when I can't even relate to her situation. "Well, at least she knew I made it," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, offering a comforting squeeze to convey my support.

"Your mother is happy for you, Im sure," I assured her, trying to uplift her spirits. "I'm also sure that she'll be excited to hear all about your accomplishments today."

Lord Cedric gave me a nod of gratitude, appreciating my effort to console his daughter. "Of course, just like Prince Antaeus has said your mother is proud of you my son, so am I," he said, his voice filled with a sense of pride. "Avery has always been a determined and talented young man. Today is proof of his talent and hard work."

Avery's laughter bubbled up, and I found myself transfixed, staring longer than I should have. She noticed my gaze and playfully gave me a punch on the shoulder, her eyes reflecting a mix of amusement and something deeper.

"Thank you, Antaeus, but stop looking at me like that. I know I'm handsome, but I'm a guy," she teased, her voice carrying a playful tone.

I chuckled, unable to resist the temptation to tease her back. "You don't even have an Adam's apple."

Avery's face turned a shade of red, and a hint of panic flickered in her eyes. "What do you mean?!"

"Oh, nothing, nothing," I quickly interjected, trying to ease the situation with a light-hearted tone. "Forget I said anything. Haha, we are here."

Lord Cedric observed the exchange in silence, his face bearing an amused expression, yet he chose to maintain his quiet demeanor. As we stood in front of the door, I pushed it open, revealing the scene inside.

Lord Cedric observed the exchange in silence, a subtle amusement playing on his features as he maintained his quiet demeanor. As we stood before the door, I pushed it open, revealing the scene inside.

The opulent booth welcomed us with an air of undeniable elegance. A half-circular dark couch, adorned with white pillows intricately embroidered, stood as the focal point.

The table showcased an array of exquisite dishes and fruits. Upon closer inspection, it became evident that none of the food was ordinary; the astral energy infused within the aromatic meats and fruits resonated with a palpable sense of magic.

Alina, our Head Maid, stood gracefully beside a table in front of the couch, her presence adding an extra touch of refinement to the surroundings. She smiled warmly at me, her eyes twinkling with a mix of pride and affection.

My parents, King Adroa and Queen Amirah, stood together by the glass pane that overlooked the bustling processions below. They turned around as soon as we stepped into the booth, their faces lighting up with parental care and love.

"Here comes our little prodigy, and it looks like he has made a friend, an interesting one," my father remarked, his smile warm and genuine. His attention, however, shifted to Avery and her father, Lord Cedric, and he seemed to notice Avery's peculiarities.

"It's too bad it isn't a girl, our son is at the age of crushes, isn't he, husband?" my mother teased, her tone playful. Her remark made me blush furiously. Either my mother didn't notice or she's did and cares not to mention it.

"Mother! Please, not here," I exclaimed, covering my face in embarrassment as I approached the couch with Avery and her father, both of whom bowed graciously. Despite their formal gestures, I could see the amused smiles they were trying to hide.

Alina chuckled softly, clearly amused by my mother's teasing, yet she wisely refrained from intervening, knowing that my mother wouldn't stop until she was done thoroughly teasing me.

"What's wrong with this place? There are so many beautiful girls. Nailah seems like a good fit for you," my mother continued, her laughter contagious.

"We don't even know each other, and I'm way too young for such things," I protested, rolling my eyes. This was a familiar routine whenever we attended social events.

"Alright, alright, my love, let's not tease the child too much. The guests haven't even had the chance to introduce themselves," my father said, his voice filled with affection as he gently guided the conversation back to more normal matters.

Lord Cedric stepped forward with a respectful bow, his demeanor composed and dignified.

"Your Majesties, I am Lord Cedric, Leader of the Clan Adisa, Father of Avery, who had the honor of meeting your son, Prince Antaeus, through my son, I am deeply honored to be in your presence," Lord Cedric said, his voice steady and respectful

My parents exchanged a brief glance before offering Lord Cedric warm smiles in return. "The pleasure is ours, Lord Cedric," my father responded graciously. "We are delighted to meet the father of our son's newfound friend."

Avery stood beside her father, her demeanor a blend of excitement and nervousness. "Thank you for having us, Your Majesties," she said, her voice surprisingly confident despite my mothers earlier teasing. "I am Avery, and it's an honor to meet you both."

My Mother's eyes softened with genuine warmth as she regarded Avery. "You are most welcome, Avery. We hope you enjoy our company as much as we anticipate enjoying yours."

As the pleasantries continued, Alina discreetly signaled the servants to bring additional chairs, ensuring everyone would be comfortably seated. Amidst the polite exchanges, I stole a moment to observe Avery. Despite the teasing, she held herself with poise, earning my parents' approval.

"Now, before we continue with this lunch, dare I ask why your daughter has been pretending to be a boy, Lord Cedric?" my father inquired, his expression stern, abruptly shifting the atmosphere just as I was about to take my first bite of a peach-shaped fruit.

Avery appeared visibly shocked, her eyes widening in surprise. In stark contrast, her father remained composed, his demeanor as calm as space itself. There wasn't a ripple in his expression or eyes.

"Whatever do you mean, Your Majesty?" Lord Cedric responded calmly, posing a question in return.

"Most people here may not notice, but you have a treasure that hides her gender. For what reason may it be? Are you running from enemies? Is she so beautiful that men might start wars over her?" My father's tone remained firm, demanding an explanation.

Avery shifted uncomfortably beside her father, her eyes darting between us, clearly uncertain about how the situation would unfold. Lord Cedric's silence was unyielding, his expression revealing nothing.

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