
The Gods Of Alkebulan

Long ago, the land of Alkebulan was ruled by the mighty Gods. Mortals lived at the mercy of these divine beings, who decided their fate and wielded the power of the elements. When angered, the Gods would shake the heavens and earth with their mighty power, leaving mortals trembling in fear. But then came the discovery of the Supreme Power of Jok - a force that allowed mortals to harness the power of the Gods and connect with their own Ori, or inner spirit. With this newfound power, humans began to thrive and rise to levels of strength and ability that rivaled even the Gods themselves. They took control of their own fate, harnessing the spark of destiny embedded within their very essence. But such power was not for everyone. Only the truly talented and skilled could go against the natural order of the heavens and claim their own fate. It was a rare gift, but for those who possessed it, the possibilities were endless. **Disclaimer:** The concepts, names, and themes presented in this book, are entirely fictional and created for entertainment purposes. They do not represent real deities, belief systems, or cultural practices. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or real events is purely coincidental. This content is a product of creative imagination and does not reflect any existing religious, cultural, or historical beliefs. Readers are encouraged to enjoy these imaginative elements within the context of fictional storytelling and to respect the rich diversity of real-world cultures and traditions. Please note that the information provided here is for entertainment and creative purposes only and should not be considered factual or authoritative in any way. Alex Matarirano 2023 All Rights Reserved

Matrino2 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

First Years

"Now that we have that out of the way, I congratulate all of you on joining our academy. Take time to familiarize yourselves with the different places here, meet your teachers, seniors, and work hard," I listened intently as The Dean spoke.

"Most of you may be confused about everything you've experienced so far, but do not worry too much; your teachers will guide you."

"Today is Monday, the 1st of January 3100. You will live in the Academy until you graduate. You will learn the graduation requirements in class tomorrow.

You can choose to stay in the academy or go and say goodbye to your families. For now greet your teachers and go to your classrooms so they give your schedules"

After uttering those words, The Dean looked directly at me and Nailah. 'Both of you will meet me in my office tomorrow morning before class.' A voice echoed in my head, bearing a dignified tone.

A surprised expression flashed in my eyes. Before I could say anything, The Dean disappeared as if he was never there.

A commotion broke out due to his abrupt departure. "Wow, is that the power you possess when you reach the Master's stage?" Nailah said with a shocked voice as she turned to face me.

"That's just the tip of the iceberg. Master's power feels like a raging inferno to me. Now that I can sense Astral Energy, I can pick up on his aura."

"Tch, we will achieve the same, especially you, Nailah!" Kazi said with a smirk on his face; his dark eyes, still venomous, now had a cold glint to them. "And you! Stay away from Nailah. I don't care if you're a prince; I will leave you begging for mercy next month."

Kazi's attitude was finally starting to annoy me. Our classmates also began to whisper among themselves.

"Looks like love rivals are starting to pop up already. I mean, Antaeus is handsome, but Kazi has a dark vibe that makes me crush on him," a female classmate, as beautiful as Nailah but only managing to awaken the Water Element, said with an excited voice.

Her skin was a darker shade of brown, enhancing her beauty. Light brown eyes with a hint of mischief adorned her face.

Avery, still wearing the necklace, spoke with a smile, "I think you shouldn't judge Antaeus so early. He may seem calm, but there is a deep raging sea behind his calmness."

Nailah scowled at Kazi and shot him a nasty look, "Kazi, you don't ge-"

I didn't let her finish before my body, with a speed that even surprised me, moved to where Kazi was standing. Shock colored his face at my brazenness. The Teacher, noticing my hostile movements, tried to intervene.

But before she could, my hands in a blur found their place on Kazi's face. A crisp sound resonated with each slap. Satisfaction welled within me as I saw his face swelling from my relentless slaps. I should do this a lot more.

Not caring for the rules or the audience that is watching I continued inflicting violence upon Kazi.

"How does it feel? Huh? Do you like provoking me so much that you wish to be slapped? What's with that venomous look? Are you a viper?"

All of this took place in seconds. Not long after, a voice reached my ears. "What do you think you're doing!?" -SLAP- "Stop" -SLAP- "right" -SLAP- "now" -SLAP-

It sounded like music to my ears; every slap was like a piece of musical artistry. Soon, I was forcibly pulled away by my teacher when she saw I wasn't stopping.

Not before delivering another resounding slap louder than the ones before. Kazi stood dazed, looking like he didn't know what had just happened.

My Teacher's stern voice reverberated through the hall, cutting through the tension like a blade. "What do you think you're doing, Prince Antaeus?" she demanded, her eyes ablaze with authority. A pressure fell onto me that made me grunt.

I took a step back, realizing the gravity of my actions. Kazi, now looking a bit more composed, wiped the blood trickling from his lip. He glared at me with a cold, venomous look, and I met his gaze with equal intensity.

"You two will be in my office after classes end tomorrow. I will decide what to do with you then," she said with an angry tone before turning around, only to find the rest of the teachers looking at her with amused expressions.

'Great, now I've lost face because of those two brats. I know just the perfect punishment just the perfect punishment for them.'

"Come, let's go to the classroom, all of you too stop staring at me like you nothing to do," she commanded, and we left the hall under the scrutiny of the remaining audience. I felt a spiteful gaze in the thinning crowd. I looked to see a man staring at me with bone-chilling coldness.

'Is that Kazi's father? Who cares anyway?' I thought, brushing off the cold stare and following Nailah, who was in front of me. Concern etched her face, but I gestured subtly to Kazi's bruised figure, indicating she should be more worried about him.

Little did I know that I would face more than just Kazi's hostility. Other students from different classes were already dissatisfied with me defying my cursed fate and obtaining such a good result in the Jorin Test.

Eventually, we arrived at the classroom. Its exterior seemed ordinary, adorned with the words "First Year Class A" on the door.

Our Teacher held a tag in her hand, which bore her picture and details. She scanned it on a small monitor next to the door, and with a click, the door slid wide open, revealing the scene inside.

We entered the classroom, finding it similar to a typical one, except for the integrated tablets on each desk. There was no teacher's desk at the front; instead, a podium stood with a whiteboard behind it on the wall.

"Take your seats. I will introduce myself, and we can get to know each other after you have settled down," The Teacher said said, her voice commanding attention. I chose a seat at the back close to the window, and Avery followed me, taking the seat next to mine.

Nailah opted for a seat at the front, and Tenzi, quick on his feet, claimed a spot before Kazi could. Kazi, clearly irritated, scowled, but Tenzi simply shrugged and greeted Nailah with a friendly smile.

"Move, I want to sit there," Kazi demanded, his annoyance evident. Tenzi, however, paid no attention to him and introduced himself to Nailah, who seemed equally irritated by Kazi's behavior.

"Hey, Nailah, my name is Tenzi Ruvagi. Let's get along this year," he said, extending his hand with a warm smile.

"Oh, nice to meet you. As long as you don't become as annoying as someone right now, we will," Nailah replied, her smile indicating she was referring to Kazi without directly acknowledging him.

"There are other perfectly fine places, Kazi," the Teacher finally intervened, noticing the tension among the three.

With a sigh, Kazi found a seat in the middle row at the back, joining us. He shot Tenzi a frigid look, promising retaliation for his interference.

Once we had settled into our seats, The Teacher began her introduction. "Welcome, students, to First Year Class A at Alkebulan Spirit Academy. My name is Professor Elara.

Your Homeroom Teacher, I will be your guide and mentor throughout this academic year. Feel free to approach me with any questions or concerns you might have."

I listened intently, realizing that this year would not only be about mastering astral energy but also navigating the intricate dynamics of relationships within our class.

"Welcome to Class A, where you will not only learn the fundamental principles of elemental manipulation but also delve into various techniques, history, professions, and practical applications of astral energy," Professor Elara continued, her voice carrying a sense of purpose.

"Alkebulan Spirit Academy is not just a school; it's a community of individuals striving to harness their potentials and contribute to our world."

"You will receive instruction from different teachers in various subjects. Choose your classes wisely. If you fail any of them, you will face expulsion. Now, starting from the front left row, please tell introduce yourself and your elements" she instructed, her gaze sweeping across the room. I was seated in the left row, and with only 20 students in the class, it didn't take long for the introductions to begin.

As my classmates started sharing their names and backgrounds, I realized that only I, Nailah Ashanti, Avery Adisa, Kazi Nia, and Imani Bantu were the only ones from notable Clans.

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