
The Godly Gaming System

Going to be pausing this story as I honestly lost motivation. May continue at a later date.

Pausten_BOSS · Games
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14 Chs

Chapter 9: The World of Old

Walking into the city, Michael instantly noticed that there were a lot more people here than in the village.

The people here, however, were just NPCs and weren't real players. That didn't mean they didn't act real though, because every NPC within the game has its own individual AI making them as human as humans.

He started walking again, making his way to the class selection building. It was located on the opposite side of the city, so he had a while to make it there.

After a few steps, however, Michael noticed a presence behind him that had been following him for a while. He decided to ignore it, believing that it could just be someone who had a similar destination.

After walking for a few hours past the shops and buildings, Michael finally arrived at the class selection building.

Walking in, he was greeted by a receptionist at a desk. It looked exactly like your typical office, except that there were only four doors in the building besides the entrance, and they were located directly behind the receptionist.

"Welcome to the Class Selection Building. Here you can choose whichever of the 4 Starter Classes: Archer, Swordsman, Shaman, or Mage," The Receptionist explained to Michael.

Without hesitation, Michael walked toward the door labeled Mage. He had already decided to be a Mage, so he didn't need to waste time deciding over the other three.

However, when he tried the doorknob, it felt locked, and he saw a pop-up screen.

[Player Lucifer can't select another class due to Mission: Tatraya's Succession.]

"What the hell?" he muttered.

"I apologize but it appears you can not select that class. This has never happened to anybody before. Sorry, but please select a different class," The receptionist stated, slightly confused.

Still confused, and slightly frustrated, Michael walked up to the door labeled Swordsman. He chose this next since he was a swordsman in his last life, and it would be the best back up choice.

Walking up to the door, he tried the knob again, this time a little bit harder.

[Player Lucifer can't select another class due to the Mission: Tatraya's Succession.]

Once again, when he tried the door, the knob refused to turn, barring him from getting a class.

At this point, Michael had no clue what was going on as in his previous life, he had never heard of anyone being barred from getting a class due to a mission.

The Receptionist was also bewildered. He had never seen someone who wasn't allowed to choose a class. In fact, he believed Michael had the most skill for a class, being the first person to be able to choose a class out of all players.

Michael was frustrated at this point and tried the remaining two doors, but with no luck.

"I'm sorry, I've never seen this happen before. It appears you have little to no aptitude with the current classes. Don't worry though, there are plenty of rare and unique classes. There are also lifestyle classes too, such as blacksmithing and cooking," The receptionist consoled.

Michael left the building frustrated and confused. He started to think of different classes that he could choose, hoping that he would have better luck selecting specific classes.

He didn't get too far on this, however, since after walking down a few streets, a small pop-up appeared on his screen.

[Travelling to the World of Old...]

Confused by the sudden notification, he checked his mission menu.

[Chain Mission: Tatraya's Succession.

Reward: Undefined.

Punishment for Failure: Undefined.

Time Limit: Undefined.

Stage 1: Reach level 10.

Stage 2: ???

Stage 3: ???]

Realizing that the notification was related to him clearing the first stage of the mission, he became slightly excited. He had never had a multi-part mission before, so he wrote off the late notification as just being a more convenient timing.

After a short while, Michael's screen faded away, being replaced with a dark sky and grass as black as night.

[Arriving at the World of the Old.]

[Reputation: Friendly.]

Noticing the pop-up, Michael figured that the World of the Old was an old kingdom. This was because only kingdoms required reputation, where the more reputable one is, the friendlier, and the higher standing one will have when in a kingdom.

He started to walk forward and explore until a long shadow covered the ground around him. Looking up, he was able to notice a dragon that looked no less than 100 feet long, with a dark crimson color, looking as if it just came out of the nearest fairytale.

After staring at the dragon for a while longer, making sure that it wouldn't kill him, he started forward again. Not too long after starting, he was able to notice a large group of people standing in what looked like a central plaza of a village.

He couldn't see what they looked like since most of them wore long hoods that covered most of the face.

Walking up to the gathering, he noticed that everyone was watching what was going on at the main stage. It looked like somebody was speaking to the gathering.

To fit in with the crowd, Michael pulled a cloak out of his inventory and put it on. He then walked closer to the speaker, close enough to hear.

"We do not forgive and shelter those who betray our Nation!" The speaker declared.

There was a second, smaller person on the stage, who seemed to be shackled to the floor.

Michael guessed that they committed some sort of crime within the village and were being executed. While uncommon, things like these happen in the Human Realm as well, but usually only by the rich and the royalty.

After noticing the person in chains, Michael got a notification.

This one, however, wasn't from the game. It was from Samson.

[Mission: Save the Shackled Girl.

Reward: 25 Origin Points and a System Upgrade.

Punishment for Failure: Lose 10 Origin Points.

Time Limit: 2 Hours.]

[Would you like to accept this Mission?]

'A System Upgrade? What does it do?'

[I can not say.]

'Will I ever get a straight answer from you?'

[My answers are not straight, but just answers.]

'I'll take that as a no then.'

After stating that, Michael pressed yes and begun to walk forward.