
The Godly Gaming System

Going to be pausing this story as I honestly lost motivation. May continue at a later date.

Pausten_BOSS · Games
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14 Chs

Chapter 8: Shadow Envoy

Chapter 8: Shadow Envoy

After leveling up for a little while, Michael reached level 5.

It got progressively harder to level up as you reach higher levels. This is because levels require twice as much experience for each following level.

Every level granted +1 to every stat, and 5 additional stat points for every level before 25. This allows early players to increase their stats quickly, in order to progress. The higher level you are, the less additional stat points you will get.

[Name: Lucifer

Race: Human

Level: 5

Experience: 0/800

Strength: 17

Defense: 15

Speed: 13

Dexterity: 13

Intelligence: 17

Luck: 1

Available Stat Points: 0

Skills: Slash, Strong Slash, Flame Blast]

Since his character is focused around Strength and Intelligence, his character has both strong physical and magical attack damage respectively.

His Defense is also fairly high, allowing him to take more damage before dying. His speed and dexterity were only average. This was because speed only related to how fast you move, while dexterity related to dodging attacks.

Satisfied with how his stats were now, he walked deeper into the forest. He was looking for the ruins that were found in this area in his previous life. Last time, somebody discovered the ruins and found a Unique Grade sword, and went on to become the second-best player. Not much was known about them though, only that the name they used in-game was Darkness.

After walking for a while, Michael finally reached the entrance to the ruins. The ruins seemed to be inside of a mountain. He walked through the entrance and instantly got a pop-up screen.

[You have entered the Ruins of Tatraya.]

He also got a few more pop-ups notifying him of the various debuffs he got when walking through the entrance. These pop-ups were very similar to the ones he had been experiencing before with Samson.

[You feel an ominous presence. You have been Blinded and Deafened.]

His sight instantly darkened until he could only see about 3 feet in front of him, and his hearing had become muffled. It sounded like he was listening into a room through a closed door.

He made his way down the hallway but stopped once he got to the end of it. He turned and started to make his way down the doorway to his left. After a few steps, however, a giant spider leaped towards him. He pulled out his sword and cut the monster in half with one Slash.

[+50 Experience]

'No wonder Darkness was able to level up so fast,' Michael thought as he looked up and noticed several more spiders lining the walls and ceiling around him. Each of these spiders were just as big as the last one. There were even several different types of spiders, each resembling a form of real life spider. There were Black Widows, Wolf Spiders, and even some exotic looking spiders.

He continued to make his way down the hallways and eventually earned enough experience to level up again. He eventually made his way to a large room at the end of the hallway. He began to walk forward before he felt a presence coming from his right side. Leaning back, a small dagger passed by his face.

Michael kicked out with his leg and hit the attacker in his chest. The attacker stumbled back and Michael noticed that they were cloaked like an assassin.

He was able to see what the assassin's name tag was before they slipped away into the shadows again.

[Name: Shadow Envoy

Level: 10

Health: 1800/2000]

Michael stood up and readied his sword waiting for the Envoy to attack again. He got what he was hoping for when he noticed that he felt a strong wind coming from behind him.

Turning around, Michael sidestepped the Envoy's dagger, and slashed his sword up, cutting into the Envoy's chest.

The Envoy kicked off of Michael and started to retreat into the shadows, but Michael shot a Flame Blast out towards the Envoy, killing it.

[+2500 Experience]

[+1 Level]

[You no longer feel a presence. You have been cured of your Blindness and Deafen.]

Michael's sight instantly lit up, and he was able to notice the details of the room around him now. His hearing also returned, and he was able to hear the various critters scattering around the ground below him. He also was able to get a clear look at his attacker and noticed that the body had disappeared, leaving behind only the clothes.

Walking past the Shadow Envoy, he walked up to a corpse that was slumped over on the floor. It seemed to have been there for a while because you could even see the skeleton on the corpse.

Bending down, Michael picked up what looked to be a rusting old sword.

"Are you the one who will become my successor?" a voice said from somewhere.

Looking up, Michael realized that the voice had come from the skeleton in front of him.

"Take my sword and help me realize my dream," The skeleton said.

[Tatraya has offered a Mission.]

[Chain Mission: Tatraya's Succession

Reward: Undefined

Punishment for Failure: Undefined

Time Limit: Undefined]

[Would you like to accept this Mission?]

Michael instantly pressed yes.

'A chain mission! Throughout the entire time playing the game in my previous life, I never got a Chain Mission!'

Chain Missions were different from regular Missions because instead of having one part of a Mission, there were stages to the Mission. Everyone dreamed about getting a chain mission due to how incredible they were. Michael was no different, but he had never gotten one in his last life.

After pressing yes, Michael got a few pop-ups in front of him.

[Sword of Tatraya has been given.]

[Received the Title: Tatraya's Successor.]

[Received 1500 Reputation with the World of Old.]

'Even a title and reputation! I only had a few titles in my previous life, but I had only earned my first title at level 35! I haven't heard of a map called the World of Old, but it could just not have been discovered I guess.'

"Take my sword and realize my dream by..."

The skeleton started to explain to Michael but was interrupted when Michael suddenly vanished.

He reappeared back where he started at his spawn.

Frustrated, he shouted out in frustration, earning him lots of strange looks.

Unknowingly, he had reached level 10, and whenever a player reaches level 10, they are warped back to the village so they can progress to the first city. Michael had forgotten about being teleported back because of the surprises he encountered within the Tomb of Tatraya.

Opening his character sheet, he noticed that there was a description under his title and tapped on it for more info.

[Title: Tatraya's Successor.

Description: The Successor of the Fallen King of the Old World.

Level: 1

Bonus: +1500 Mana, +750 HP, All Skill Levels +1, +500 Reputation with the World of Old]

'What a great title! It can even level up and grant me more benefits! Too bad I don't know how to level it up, I'll have to look into that later.'

With that in mind, he closed out his menus. Walking forward, he talked to the Village Elder and walked onto the Teleportation Circle to warp to the first City. At that time a notification was sent out throughout Niflheim.

[Player Lucifer has Become the 1st Player to reach a City.]