
The Goddess Of War

WSA participation From birth, she had a purpose she had to achieve and Nehora was determined to do so...but not all things don't go as planned as her world she knew crumbled to pieces and she lost everything,her family and pack. With that, she now seeks vengeance but first she had to start some way and that's what she did. Nehora,the soon be goddess will become the greatest. To know more, come and read. If you see an error/grammar please inform me as English is my 4th language. The image is not mine just found it in google and edited it. An update will happen 2 times a week *100 Power stone- one bonus chapter* follow my Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070358316993

bloodyrose7676 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

Chapter 31: Regret


Heavy breathing was heard as Nehora was now in the forest, away from the castle, away from the capital and away from the drama. She was running at high speed barefoot and didn't know where she was going.

Dry leaves and branches cracked under her feet as she ran by trees.

After running deeper into the forest for a long time, she stopped by the beautiful stream. She was memorized by the beauty of the scenario as clear water flowed and fell from the waterfall down the stream.

Nehora fell on her knees in defeat, on the green grass, as she finally let her pain out. She didn't want to show this side of hers, when she is valuable. Nehora covered her eyes with her palms as she wept and wept in sorrow.

Hestia felt Nehora's pain, but she didn't try to comfort in anyway. She knew comforting her this time was useless. All she needed was for her was to cry out her inner pain.


Nehora quickly became on guard, hearing someone's voice. However, she calmed down seeing who it was and ran towards his embrace.

She hugged him and he in return did so to, "*sobs*Why can't l just be happy and live a peaceful life, Nolan?"

"Who made you like this?" Nolan inquired holding back his anger as he brushed his hand over Nehora's hair, to comfort her.

"l don't want to talk about it...*sobs*" Nehora murmured as her eyes saddened.

"Okay, l respect your decision if you don't want to talk about it just for today since you are like this, Bel. Come on, let's sit down on the grass."

Nehora nodded her head weakly and Nolan sat down with his legs extended in a straight line. He patted his one leg while looking at Nehora who stared at him at first and did what he wanted.

She lied on the grass while her head on Nolan's lap. They stayed in silence while he comforted her by running his hand on her hair again. Eventually, she fell asleep after all that crying.

'*shoo*Good thing l made her fall in a deep slumber. Well at least l could see her beautiful face.' Nolan thought while looking at her beautiful sleeping face. He trailed his fingertips on her smooth face, memorizing her.

'Oh well. I should take her to her room now since l know where it is.'

He picked her up in a princess style, careful not to wake up. There was a blow of wind that seem to unnaturally to wrap around them both and they disappeared from the forest.

They reappeared in Nehora's room as he walked towards her bed and lied her there to sleep.

'You do need a change of clothes and clean.' After thinking about that, he snapped his fingers and Nehora's body glowed in white light.

She now wore an ethereal, transparent on the long-sleeved, blue dress and she was clean. "That is better. Now you look like the goddess you are or maybe not because of your hair and eyes. It spoils everything." he murmured.

He smiled as he traced his fingers on Nehora's delicate face as she slept. From the far distance, footsteps faintly were heard by Nolan just outside, the hallway and the person was coming towards Nehora's room.

The person knocked just now outside Nehora's room. He knocked two times more, seeing nobody was answering. He entered and saw Nolan beside the sleeping Nehora. He got alerted and inquired:

"Who are you?! What are you doing in her room?!"

"So you are the one who hurt my Bel..." Without answering his question. Nolan released his aura to intimidate Alaric who stood by the door. He immediately showed his hostility towards Alaric.

Alaric fell on his knees as sweat seemed to drip on his forehead, "How dare you come to her room after hurting her? Do you seek death, peasant?!" Nolan's words seemed to echo to Alaric who kneed there in fear.

"No, I...on...only came t...to apol...apologize to her!" Alaric finally said between breaths as the aura was crashing him.

"Do you really think an apology will help this situation in anyway?*scoffs* Don't make me laugh. She has suffered enough from you and her past. Now get out before l kill you." Nolan said removing his aura and shooing him away.

Alaric coughed out blood after Nolan removed the aura making him breathe painfully.

"Wait...what do you mean by her past?" Alaric inquired.

"Well, if you were a good mate to her maybe she would have told you. Don't you think?"

Alaric was silent for a moment hearing his words.' His right l should have been a good mate to her. She maybe went through more pain unlike me who lost my little sister. What about her?' he thought as he sadly stared at Nehora.

'Let me toy with him.' Nolan thought with a grin.

Nolan looked at him with bored eyes now as he looked at Nehora in regret." No use regretting it now. It is too late and thank you for that, you know. I can't believe you gave up on Nehora so easily and now she could be mine."

He smirked as he stared at Alaric who growled at him," What do you mean by that?"

"l meant what l said or was it hard for you to understand?" Nolan uttered and he continued: "After all she is no longer your mate as you broke the matebond and she survived. No surprise there so don't act as if she is still yours."

"You!" Alaric uttered in anger now and couldn't say anything. He was right...she was no longer his and it was his fault.

"Stay away from her or you will feel my wrath!" Nolan uttered in coldness as his eyes was filled with killing intent, releasing his aura a little.

Alaric flinched as he quickly got out of the room in a haste. 'I still don't know who that man is, but he is dangerous. What is he?' he thought as he was finally out of the room.

Nolan breathed out a sigh as he returned to the bedside to sit next to Nehora.

"*sighs*Hope you are ready as it will soon happen, Bel. I only came to see you before the long-awaited battle, but we will meet again. It pains me to leave you...how l wish to take you with me, but it's not yet time. Goodbye for now."

After saying those words, he kissed her forehead as a goodbye before disappearing to thin air.











Authoress's note:

Thank you for reading this chapter my fellow readers and hope you all have a nice day.

Peace out

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