
The God of Machines

Centuries prior, the Gods blessed this world with their magical powers, granting their abilities to everyone born from their lineage. Luckily, everyone is descended from a deity, but unfortunately, their power wanes with each generation, until the modern day, where the young generations cannot hope to become powerful. Lua Moonsilver is one of these younger generations. He is a Tinkerer descended from the God of Machines, and is very weak compared to his ancestors. He was destined to live out his days making toys. By unknown circumstances, Lua encounters a gem in a forest, that gets him into contact with one of these ancient Gods. He learns about the secret of evolution, granting him the priceless knowledge to become stronger.

UnexSituation · Fantasy
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228 Chs

In The Hands Of The Barbarian

"What did you find, girl?" A voice Lua had heard before rang in his ears. He felt a massive weight lift off from him. A large, fleshy and heavy weight. Slowly coming to his senses, Lua opened his eyes.

On top of him was none other than Dfitra, the heavy giant.

Has… has she been sitting on me? Lua felt like he wanted to vomit from merely thinking about it. How long have I been knocked out… Hold on, how did I even get knocked out? Lua looked up to the giant hovering above him. No way, that thing cracked the boulder and knocked me out in a single hit…?

"That's… An outsider?" The girl exclaimed, seeing Lua in that state. Her voice was fearful, but she seemingly had no intention of running. She likely trusted Dfitra quite a bit.

Lua gulped, unsure of what was happening right now. Was he going to be made into a meal for the beast? He was unable to move for unknown reasons. His mouth wouldn't open, his dry lips shut.