
"The envious shop owner"

Although he knew the painting was genuine, he didn't know its exact value. Forty thousand was a significant sum for him, and he had only a few dozen yuan left on him.

Seeing Ye Haoxuan's expression soften, the middle-aged man added, "Plus another ten thousand."

By now, other customers in the antique shop had noticed the commotion. Some who saw Ye Haoxuan's painting advised, "Young man, just sell it. It's a copy, and a few thousand is already a good price. Fifty thousand is more than fair."

"Yes, our friend seems to really like this painting. Go for it..."

Witnessing this, the antique shop owner felt a mix of hatred and anger. He couldn't help but shout, "This is a fake! I bought it for a bit over a hundred yuan. Brother, spending fifty thousand? Is it worth it? I have better copies of Gu Kaizhi's work in my shop. Would you like to take a look?"

The antique shop owner was purely motivated by jealousy. The middle-aged man ignored him, focusing on Ye Haoxuan and asking, "What do you think, young man?"

Before Lin Qian could respond, the shop owner interrupted, "Old brother, I'm telling you, I have many better copies in my shop. Do you want to take a look?"

Ye Haoxuan was pushed back several steps by the shop owner, feeling increasingly annoyed. The shop owner's attitude irritated him. If you can't stand me making money, I'll make sure to earn it just to spite you.

Ye Haoxuan turned to the middle-aged man and said, "It's not that I don't want to sell, but there's more to this painting."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man expressed renewed interest. He said, "Young man, tell me more about it."

Lin Qian hadn't spoken yet, but the shop owner pushed him aside and said, "Brother, I'm telling you, this guy is reading too many books. He's treating a piece of rubbish as a treasure."

Ye Haoxuan sneered, "Care for a bet? If I reveal the secret of this painting later, how about that?"

The shop owner raised the stakes, "Let's bet a hundred thousand. If there's something valuable in this painting, even if I lose, it has to be something substantial. If you lose, return the painting to me."

Ye Haoxuan suggested, "Alright, but we should have a written agreement, just to be clear."

At this moment, the middle-aged man, watching Ye Haoxuan, said with interest, "No need for a written agreement. I, Shen Yunzhou, can vouch for it. No one can escape the deal."

"Shen Yunzhou? He's actually Shen Yunzhou?"

"Wow, a big shot in the antique world. A renowned calligrapher and painter is here."

Ye Haoxuan nodded and said, "Fine."

Turning to the shop owner, Ye Haoxuan requested, "Please bring a glass of water."

The shop owner, with a sarcastic tone, said, "With Mr. Shen as a witness, even if there's something inside, I'll write my name backward."

As a glass of water arrived, Ye Haoxuan calmly took it, then said, "Watch carefully." He laid the painting flat and took a sip of water. He then sprayed it evenly over the painting.

Not too much, not too little. The surface seemed wet. Ye Haoxuan then asked for a pair of tweezers, delicately working around the edges. As he picked at it, the surface of the painting began to lift. Carefully, Ye Haoxuan lifted the layer.

A thin layer of paper was peeled away, revealing another identical painting beneath it. To the untrained eye, there was almost no difference.

Shen Yunzhou, now excited, carefully observed the painting, hands trembling. "This... this is an authentic work by Gu Kaizhi."

"Really, a genuine work by Gu Kaizhi?"

"Seeing Mr. Shen like this, it's almost certain..."

"At least worth five or six hundred thousand..."

A burst of excitement erupted from the crowd. The antique shop owner felt as if he had been punched in the gut. He had missed out on a massive opportunity. The regret was overwhelming.

Shen Yunzhou, in his excitement, grabbed Ye Haoxuan's shoulder and said, "Young man, how much? Name your price. Fifty thousand, what do you think?"

After a moment of hesitation, Ye Haoxuan shook his head, "I'm sorry, Mr. Shen, but I don't want to sell it for now."

Shen Yunzhou was momentarily disappointed. His lifelong passion for calligraphy and painting, especially Gu Kaizhi's works, made him eager to acquire this piece. However, he couldn't force Ye Haoxuan.

In the meantime, the antique shop owner, in agony, stared at the painting in Ye Haoxuan's hands. Fifty thousand could cover his shop's revenue for at least two years. He had missed such a colossal opportunity.

Suddenly, he went crazy, grabbing Ye Haoxuan and saying, "This painting was sold by me. I won't sell it. I'll refund your money, ten times the amount..."

Onlookers stared at the antique shop owner like he was mad. Has he lost his mind? If it were you, would you refund?

Ye Haoxuan coldly pushed him away, "Mr. Tang, are you okay? If everything is fine, please fulfill the bet we made just now."