
"unexpected windfall"

The confusion of the migrant worker began to loosen, and under the boss's half-true and half-false words, it began to waver. After deep thought, he extended two fingers and said, "Two hundred, two hundred for you, how about it?"

"Hey, brother..." The antique shop owner made a pained expression and said, "Okay, one hundred and fifty..."

After some bargaining, they finally settled on one hundred and seventy yuan.

Meanwhile, Ye Haoxuan's expression changed. Through the painting, a faint cyan aura slowly emanated, revealing an ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

"This painting has a hidden layer," he thought.

If this painting were truly a fake, it wouldn't possess such an ancient and mysterious aura. There must be something more to this artwork.

As the deal concluded, the migrant worker happily left with over a hundred yuan. Behind him, the antique shop owner revealed a disdainful expression, muttering, "Country bumpkin..."

Even though the painting was a copy, it held some value for collectors, potentially worth a few thousand yuan. If encountered by someone unaware of its true nature, it might even sell for a sky-high price.

In the antique shop, the owner unfolded the painting, hung it on the wall, and began tending to his business.

Gradually, more people gathered in the antique shop. Ye Haoxuan pretended to casually stroll around, approaching the antique painting he had just bought. He observed it with apparent interest.

During the previous transaction, the shop owner, with sharp eyes, had already noticed Ye Haoxuan's intention to buy a painting.

The shop owner, being experienced in business, knew that praise could sway a potential buyer. He praised Ye Haoxuan, hoping to make a good deal.

Ignoring the elaborate words, Ye Haoxuan straightforwardly asked, "Boss, is this painting available for sale?"

The shop owner clapped his hands and said, "Young man, you really have an extraordinary taste. This painting is an authentic work by Gu Kaizhi..."

Ye Haoxuan gave the shop owner a sarcastic look, then coldly said, "Boss, this isn't the right way to do business. Are you taking advantage of my lack of experience?"

Realizing that Ye Haoxuan was astute and wouldn't be easily deceived, the shop owner abandoned the idea of making a big profit from him.

He sighed and said, "Alright, I can see that we have a connection. Let me be honest with you. Although this painting is a later copy, it still holds some value for collectors. So..."

The shop owner extended five fingers.

Ye Haoxuan raised an eyebrow. He didn't believe the shop owner was asking for five hundred yuan. Judging by the situation, it was at least five thousand.

With a sly smile, Ye Haoxuan shook his head and said, "Boss, this is not the right way to do business. Give me a reasonable price, and let's be friends."

While saying this, Ye Haoxuan extended five fingers as well, but his palm faced inward.

The shop owner hesitated, realizing that Ye Haoxuan was referring to five hundred yuan. He sighed and said, "Brother, your bargaining is too tough. Alright, let's meet in the middle—add one thousand..."

Seeing the negotiation reach a reasonable point, Ye Haoxuan nodded and said, "Deal."

The shop owner was relieved, took down the painting, and proceeded to the counter for payment.

Ye Haoxuan had a little over two thousand five hundred yuan, saved through frugal living. Now, it was all gone.

After the transaction, the shop owner cheerfully said, "Young man, remember to visit us for your needs next time."

Ye Haoxuan nodded.

At that moment, a voice behind him exclaimed, "Oh, a landscape painting by Gu Kaizhi?"

Ye Haoxuan turned around to see a middle-aged man curiously looking at the painting in his hands.

With a smile, Ye Haoxuan nodded and handed the painting to the man.

After examining it closely, the man sighed, "So, it's a copy."

Closing the painting, the man said, "Young man, although this is a copy, the style closely resembles Gu Kaizhi's. It has some value. Would you be interested in selling it?"

Before Ye Haoxuan could respond, the shop owner interjected, "How much can you offer?"

The shop owner regretted selling the painting too quickly. If this man had come earlier, he might have been able to raise the price significantly.

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Twenty thousand yuan. What do you think, young man?"

"Twenty thousand?" The shop owner's hands trembled, regret filling his mind.

Ye Haoxuan hesitated, showing a hint of indecision.