
The God-King of Saiyans

The Deleted Universes within Dragon Ball Super, a topic that remains untouched within the Community. Conspiracy theories revolve around these Universes trying to ascertain what happened to them and why? What would happen if the Deleted Universes had made a return, if the beings of the Deleted Universes came back? There's a reason why they were taken out and deleted, and the Omniverse is going to figure out that very reason... for the King and God of Saiyans has returned, no... the Saiyan Empire has returned! But the God of Saiyans may not be what you expected... [AN: To be completely honest, don't expect much. Though each and every single chapter will be quality and good, that doesn't mean that I'm going to update relatively fast or on a schedule in general. I work on my own time, there's other great FF's on this website anyway to keep you entertained. What I expect is that each and every single time I post a chapter that you'd tune in and enjoy it; but a man can only wish for so much. I do hope you enjoy whatever limited chapters I produce and give out! This is completely for my own enjoyment, creativity, and mind. Cover Image is not mine, if you want me to take it down fine,]

IngeniousBoneKing · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 07: Zarrion's Little Twin | The Two Berserkers!

The little Emperor who was in Zarrion's arms tilted its head cutely in another direction as it pointed somewhere,

The child then proceeded to throw up its arms and try to flex,

Zarrion tilted his head in slight confusion, "There's a strong individual nearby?" Zarrion said as he looked at the baby.

The baby nodded as it sneezed before laughing and giggling shortly after,

Zarrion looked around with squinted eyes as he took a glance back down towards the child,

Zarrion inwardly knew that the individual must be at least a little interesting if the Emperor had an interest in him,

Zarrion looked around the direction that his Emperor had pointed at and closed his eyes.

Zarrion floated in the air as his aura started to pour out slowly and slowly,

Zarrion's eyes opened as a red glow came out as shockwaves appeared out of nowhere around Zarrion,

"Found you," Zarrion said with a slight grin


All of the exiles were gathered on a ship with Goku being the only odd one out,

Goku was rubbing his head with a pained expression as he looked at Escaro,

"Stop whining Goku" Escaro said as he shook his head with a small smile,

Ios chuckled seeing the two, "You getting attached to your apprentice Escaro?" Ios said with a goofy grin,

Escaro merely crossed his arms as he glared at Ios,

"We're landing!" a voice was heard on the intercom's,

Everyone stood up as Goku looked at the planet in confusion,"What're we doing here?" he said with a confused expression,

Nion shook his head as he arrived right next to Goku, "No clue, Zarrion just told us that the Emperor found someone interesting and we're going to find the person." Nion said as he looked down at Goku,

Goku nodded as he looked at the planet,

Zarrion walked out of the cockpit with the Emperor atop his head with his little bear hat,

"Let's go!" he said as the ramp opened,

Zarrion grabbed the Emperor and held him closely as he jumped straight down and crashed into the ground with a loud boom.

Shortly after Zarrion, several other booms were heard as the other exiles landed.

Zarrion scanned the planet before finding what he was looking for,

He nodded towards the group as he jumped and flew another direction,


There was a big man with long black hair and a scar across his face sitting cross-legged as he ate some weird alien.

The man heard booms and frowned as he quickly got up,

The man tightened his green and black armour around his body as he squinted and put his hand above his brow to block out the sun,

The man saw black dots appearing on the horizon before they came closer and closer,

The man then recognized them as people and frowned but then the dots disappeared,


Zarrion appeared in front of the man as wind ferociously blew past him,

Zarrion looked the man up and down as several other figures appeared right behind him.

"Who are you?" the man said but he heard a yell and turned around,

"Broly! Broly!" the voice came closer as a old man in Saiyan battle armour appeared as he looked at the figures in front of him,

"Dangerous and strong, stay back" Broly said as he looked from his father and pointed to the other people.

Paragus looked at the figures and frowned, if Broly said they were dangerous then they surely were.

Zarrion nodded at Paragus as he put the child back on his shoulder,

"It seems we've run into even more Saiyans" Zarrion said with a grin,

Goku who was standing next to Paragus locked eyes with Broly for a second,

It was as if switches went off in each others head,

""I remember you!"" they both yelled out at the same time,

"Your that annoying kid that pissed me off because you kept crying!" Broly yelled with slight anger,

"Your that guy that people in the laboratories were saying you were the possible legendary super saiyan" Goku said with a frown,

Zarrion quickly looked at Goku, then at Broly.

He looked once more at Goku as he pointed at Broly, "He's the Legendary Super Saiyan?"

Paragus frowned even more, "Who are you and what do you want with my son?" he said as he pointed at Zarrion,

Zarrion turned his eyes from Goku and to Paragus,

Zarrion was going to walk towards Paragus's direction but Broly side-stepped in front of his Father.

"I was merely going to introduce myself" Zarrion said with a smirk,

"You reek of danger" Broly said as he squinted his eyes looking at him,

Zarrion chuckled as he looked at Broly, "I'm Zarrion... the Head General of the Holy Saiyan Empire",

Paragus frowned as he got from behind Broly and stood next to Broly, "I don't recall ever seeing you?" Paragus said with genuine confusion.

"I hail from a different Universe mortal, quite possibly something you can't comprehend" Zarrion said as he looked down at Paragus,

"You-" he then pointed at Broly, "-on the other hand are very interesting.." Zarrion said with a grin,

"What do you want?" Paragus said skipping to the point,

"I want your so-" Zarrion's eyes then widened as he saw the little Emperor crawling on Broly's leg,

Broly frowned as he looked at his leg and saw the child,

He tilted his head as he grabbed the child's shirt and lifted him up.

Broly looked at the Emperor in confusion as he twisted and turned the child,

Zarrion's expression looked dangerous as he tilted his head and if Broly made one wrong move he was going to exterminate the entire planet.

The little Emperor who looked at Broly, then Zarrion... and then Broly once more.

"Ahahaha-Bleh-Keheahha" the little Emperor laughed as he danced in the air while being held by Broly,

The child emperor pointed at Broly and then Zarrion while giggling, then he pointed at his skin.

"We're related?" Zarrion muttered confusedly as he looked at the little Emperor,

"He think's you two are twins!" Pol cried out in laughter as he slapped his legs and fell down laughing,

Escaro simply chuckled with his eyes closed and arms crossed, "That's your little brother Zarrion, you've got to take care of him" he said with a chuckle,

Paragus tried to join the bandwagon since he sensed that they were powerful and of course Broly said that too,

'They can help Broly and if needed defeat Frieza if they're powerful enough' Paragus thought inside of his head scheming,

"Indeed, they do look like each other though" he said with slight laughter... but then it went quiet as Escaro had a look of anger that he even spoke, Pol was on the ground looking at Paragus like he was an idiot.

Even Nion the Giant rose his brow,

"Kehahahaha" Zarrion started laughing as he crouched and shook his head,

He then looked up with a red glow at Paragus,

*Zt-Fwshhh* Zarrion disappeared as he reappeared in front of Paragus but Broly put out his hand as he caught Zarrion's punch but then frowned.


Broly got sent flying through the rocks and the rough environment that the planet was inhabited by.

Zarrion appeared in front of Paragus and grabbed the top of his head as if he was a child and lifted him,

"Did you think you'd scheme behind my Emperor's back and let you get away with it you fool?"

Paragus screamed as he grabbed at his head and moved his legs around frantically trying to get out,

"You blithering buffoon! You'd choose to submit to some mere child when you could rule the Universe?" Paragon yelled at him as he trying to get out,

Zarrion's eyes widened with anger as his eyes twitched and a vein appeared by his forehead, "Blithering buffoon? Mere Child?" Zarrion said to himself as he looked down as the planet started shaking,

"Back up, back up!" Pol yelled out to the exiles,

Escaro eyes widened as he started flying away at breakneaking speeds and saw Goku back there watching like a damn deer caught in the headlights.

"Goku come on!" Escaro said as he flashed next to him, grabbed him and then flew away fast.

"But I wanna watch!" Goku yelled out sadly while he was getting dragged by his shirt,

Nion and Ios came flying as they suddenly matched their ship while they were heading to the ship,

"You can't be around Zarrion when he's in his berserker stake! He's too dangerous and the seals won't hold!" Pol said as he suddenly came reeling in behind them,

Zarrion his placed his other hand around Paragus's lower neck,

He then pulled with rage as he yelled,

*Plshhh!* Paragus's body got separated as his head went flying in the air.

Broly stood there shocked as he was coming out of the rubble and watched as his father's head flew,

*Thump Thump... Thump Thump... Thump Thump!*

Broly yelled ferociously and with sadness as his aura and eyes started flickering,

He then roared out as his hair turned green and a loud boom was heard as a green aura went flying towards the skies.

"Wait..." Goku said as he looked all around the exiles and counted how many there were,

"Where's the little guy?"... and it was as if time froze as all of them widened their eyes and looked back down towards the planet.

The Little Emperor sat there in slight terror as he watched what Zarrion did to the man in rage,

Zarrion sensed something and turned around slowly as his eyes widened as he looked at the little Emperor,

Everything hit him as he slightly regained control and his eyes flickered as he tilted his head in denial, "N-no, I'm sor-"

*Boom* time resumed as Broly came flying as he punched Zarrion and sent him flying.

Zarrion shook his head as his crazed state came back and he chuckled with a dark smile,

Broly jumped towards Zarrion as the Emperor looked around frantically and scared as he got up and waddled around,

Nion came flying at fast speeds as he picked up the Emperor and was flying away as fast as he could,

*Boom... Bang... Boom*

Mountains fell, smoke was everywhere and the planet was shaking and massive booms were heard in the background,

Nion looked in horror and fear as he saw Zarrion flying out of a mountain with Broly in his hand punching at him,

There was a dangerous red aura clashing with a green one as both were in their berserker state,

"Come on!" Escaro yelled out to Nion who was just staring,

Nion looked at Escaro and nodded as he quickly started flying,

"More, More, More keheheahahaha!" Zarrion yelled out as he smiled in his berserk and crazed state,

"You killed my father!" Broly roared out as they both jumped at each other and clashed with both forearms,

They eyed each other, one with sadness and anger, and the other with a crazed and war-happy look.

"And I'd do it again if it meant I'd get to battle someone of your caliber!" Zarrion said as they both backed up and clashed once more, and again and this time with super-fast speeds.

Broly roared as he kept on getting stronger and so did Zarrion, but Zarrion was already in a different realm of power as he yelled,



Zarrion jumped at Broly with his fists together as he smashed down but Broly backed up,

Broly threw a front kick towards Zarrion's head but weaved under it and abruptly jumped up with Broly leg's on his shoulder,

He then fell down at fast speeds as he wrapped his arms around Broly and slammed him on the ground on his head,

They both quickly got back up as they smashed fists against each other,

They both sent so many punches that after-images appeared with no one hitting the other but only fists meeting each other.

Zarrion then caught one of the punches with his left and hand, reeling him in and hit him with a right hook that sent blood and spit flying out of Broly's mouth,

Zarrion brought him back once more as he punched him in the guy that made him fall over his fist,

Zarrion then grabbed Broly's head and then kneed him in his head that sent Broly to the ground,

Zarrion shook his head no with a grin, "No... No!" he yelled out as he pointed at Broly, "Get the hell back up, more... fight me with your full power!" he yelled out to Broly,

Broly looked at Zarrion enraged,

"Yea I killed your father! I ripped his fucking head off!" Zarrion yelled out with a laugh,


Broly pushed off the ground as he mustered up enough power to contend with Zarrion,

Back with Escaro,

The little Emperor shook his head wanting to see if Zarrion was safe, he screamed as he shook his arms. He kicked and pushed and something clicked as the Emperor's eyes squinted and changed, as if someone behind them changed.


In a dark realm,

An older version of the little Emperor appeared smiled at him as crouched and patted him on his little bear hat,

[AN: Remember when I first told you to imagine the little Emperor as the guy? That's the guy in front of the Little Emperor.]

"I can't be here for too long but I'll help you little man" he said as he smiled genuinely and then his facial expression changed as he grabbed some type of cloth and wrapped it around the little Emperor's eyes, "Keep it on little man, you wont want to see this if you didn't like what Zarrion did" he said with a chuckle and walked out of the portal effectively switching places with the kid,


"If I'd known there was someone look you out in the Universe I would've found you alre-" he then paused as he caught Broly's fist and looked around,

His eyes widened in fear and confusion,

*Boom!* a third aura descended.


Beerus eyes widened as he quickly got up and looked around, "I recognize this feeling!" he yelled out as he flew away at fast-speeds with Whis following right behind.

"Shit!" Belmod yelled out as he flew out of a window and went towards space with all of his God of Destruction power activated,

Jiren watched as Belmod left and frowned as he quickly followed,

Vegeta and Gohan frowned as they sensed the dangerous energies, they nodded towards each other as they flew out,

Just then a third energy kicked in even harder that was so horrible, foul and evil that it disgusted you to the core.

Pitch black darkness as the whole Dragon Ball Super Multiverse went dark,

The OAA quickly got up as he sensed something, "I can feel him from all the way over here!" the OAA said as he was talking about Multiverses,

The OAA closed his eyes as he used his powers to hide his Multiverse from the Omniverse, to stay away from that beings eyes for as long as possible. To keep his Multiverse safe,

The smiling entity smiled, "It seems he's finally decided to come out"...

A boom hit the planet's surface as smoke surrounded the place that got hit,

Red eyes glowed through the smoke.

[AN: How'd you like the cliff-hanger? Are you about to punch your computer screen in?]

The end of this chapter! Did you enjoy it?

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