
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 44: The Brunette

If you want to say where the Yin Qi is the most serious in the hospital, of course it is the morgue of the hospital, which is what people call the mortuary.

  After Yang Haoran became a night watchman, he possessed a real ability to sense yin. Although this ability is still relatively weak in him, in the hospital, he can sense where the yin is heavy and where the yin is weak.

  Following the sensed strong Yin Qi, Yang Haoran walked all the way, when he stopped, he really came to the morgue of the hospital.

  The strong Yin Qi emanates from here.

  "There must be a lot of undead in the morgue in the hospital. If I find a way to get in, there will definitely be unexpected gains!"

  Standing outside the morgue, Yang Haoran couldn't help but think in his heart that now, as a night watchman, his main duty is to attract the undead and subdue evil spirits.

  To subdue evil spirits, Yang Haoran felt that his current strength might not be enough, but he felt that he should still have that ability to attract the undead.

  Dead people can't find a way to reincarnate. They only know that they are dead, and they are no longer alive. Some don't even know that they are dead.

  Maybe they had heard about reincarnation before they were alive, but it is impossible for them to know how to be reincarnated.

  Yang Haoran doesn't know how the undead are reincarnated, but he is clear about his duty, that is to collect these undead into the Soul Gathering Orb, and then hand them over to Deng Feng. As for how Deng Feng will deal with these undead, he doesn't know, and this It's not his turn to ask questions.

  Ordinary undead don't have much attack power. They only scare people in their dreams. Of course, it doesn't rule out that some people will be scared to death directly in their dreams. As long as they are brave enough, undead can't help but live.

  In terms of courage, Yang Haoran has a little bit, but not big enough. After the experience of the ghost building, he has become a lot more courageous, but facing the existence of ghosts, it is absolutely impossible for him to say that he has no fear in his heart.

  For the vast majority of living people, the fear of ghosts is deeply rooted, and Yang Haoran is no exception. Even though he now has abilities that ordinary people do not have, this fear still exists, and it cannot be completely eliminated in a short time. After a long time and seeing a lot, he will no longer be surprised. Only then can he truly overcome the fear brought to him by ghosts.

  It is precisely because of this that Yang Haoran hesitated at this time. Through his induction, he can be sure that there are undead in the mortuary in front of him, and there should be more than one, but it will take a lot of effort for him to take these undead away. Courageous.

  Just when Yang Haoran hesitated, a voice suddenly sounded, which startled him.

  "There's nothing to see here, so if you don't want to suffer bad luck, leave as soon as possible."

  The voice was nice, but the voice seemed high and high, and there was a strong sense of warning in the words.

  In the middle of the night, such a voice suddenly sounded beside his ears, Yang Haoran didn't realize how nice the voice was, nor did he hear the warning in the words, he was just taken aback.

  Yang Haoran turned around in fear, and under the moonlight, a beautiful figure appeared in his sight.

  This is a tall woman, at least 1.7 meters tall, wearing a down jacket on the upper body, and a pair of jeans on the lower body, with her hands in her trouser pockets, looking at him with disdain.

  After opening the curse seal of God of Death, Yang Haoran's eyesight was also enhanced to a certain extent. With the moonlight, he could not only see the woman's attire clearly, but even the disdainful expression on the woman's face.

  This woman has exquisite facial features, with long black straight hair and bangs covering her entire forehead. The down jacket on her upper body is open, showing her excellent figure inside. She has big breasts and thin waist. Her slender and straight legs made her look extremely attractive.

  However, although this woman is very beautiful and looks very temperamental, the disdainful expression on her face made Yang Haoran feel a little uncomfortable, and it was really difficult for him to have a good impression of her arrogant appearance.

  Although he didn't have a good impression of this woman in his heart, Yang Haoran still did not express his inner emotions on his face as before, instead showing his signature smile on his face.

  "I'm bored, so I turned here." Yang Haoran responded with a smile.

  "Hehe, you are a weirdo. This is the mortuary. You came here in the middle of the night, did you want to go in and steal the corpse, or did you want to go in and take a seat in advance?" The black-haired woman sneered and said to Yang Haoran.

  How could Yang Haoran fail to hear the sarcasm in the other party's words, instead of showing anger on his face, he squinted his eyes and kept smiling.

  "Yeah, let me see if there is any space. The beauty came here in the middle of the night without sleeping. Could it be that she has reserved a seat in advance?" Yang Haoran asked with a smile.

  As soon as he said this, the expression on the woman's face froze, and then an angry expression immediately appeared.

  "Keep your mouth clean. I am a night watchman, a night watchman here. Do you think I should appear here?" the black-haired woman said angrily.

  When he heard that the other party was a night watchman, Yang Haoran was obviously stunned for a moment, but when he heard that the other party was just a night watchman in the morgue, the smile on his face became more intense.

  The black-haired woman was already angry in her heart, but when she saw Yang Haoran smiling all over her face, the anger in her heart became even stronger!

  "Your smile makes me feel sick." The black-haired woman said with a cold face and a cold voice.

  Yang Haoran was not frightened by her expression. Although he still has a certain fear of ghosts and things, he really has nothing to be afraid of people.

  Just about to open his mouth to confront this woman again, suddenly at this moment, his phone rang.

  "I am free as the wind..."1

  The familiar melody, the familiar strange tune, made this spooky place more mischievous and funny.

  The mood of the black-haired woman did not improve because of the funny ringtone, she still had a cold face, her eyes were full of disgust towards Yang Haoran.

  Yang Haoran turned a blind eye to it, and when he saw that the caller ID was Guan Hai's number, he directly connected the call regardless of the black-haired woman's cold gaze.

  "Brother Yang, come quickly, Brother Guan Hai is awake!" Xiao Mo's voice rang through the phone.

  Hearing this, Yang Haoran was overjoyed, and quickly responded: "Okay, I'll be right over."

  After hanging up the phone, Yang Haoran ignored the black-haired woman, and then left in the right direction. His attitude made the black-haired woman gnash her teeth in anger!

  "Hmph, you have such a strong yin energy, just wait to hit a ghost!" The black-haired woman said to Yang Haoran's leaving back. Her voice was very cold and low. All that fell was passed into Yang Haoran's ears.

  Yang Haoran paused, stopped in his tracks, then turned around to look at the black-haired woman, and said with a smile on his face: "You have a lot of yin energy on your body, so be careful not to bump into ghosts "

  Leaving this sentence behind, Yang Haoran turned around and walked towards the building where Guanhai Ward was located. Since this black-haired woman is the night watchman of the funeral, it would be unrealistic for him to sneak in to collect the undead tonight. Guanhai woke up, so he left happily, and came to the morgue to find out when he had a chance.

  However, what he said to the black-haired woman at this time was not intended to scare her delicately. He did feel a strong yin energy from the black-haired woman.

  As for why this woman has such a heavy Yin Qi, in his opinion, it must be because of her job of guarding the funeral, dealing with dead people and corpses every day, so it is no wonder that the Yin Qi is not heavy.

  Although he hated this woman very much, he had to admire her courage. A family with a daughter dared to do this business. If it was him, even if he killed her before becoming a night watchman, he would not do the job.

  Now, although he is still a little afraid, as long as he is given some time, it will not be difficult for him to adapt.

  Admiration is admiration, Yang Haoran has no intention of helping this woman. He doesn't like this woman very much. Since he doesn't like it, why should he help her? Good temper.

  Watching Yang Haoran gradually disappear under the moonlight, the black-haired woman put a cold face on her face, put her hands in her pockets and took a deep breath, with that look, she wished she could catch up and slap Yang Haoran hard!

  "The yin qi on your body is so heavy, it must not be just the yin qi you get here, you annoying guy, just wait to be haunted by ghosts every day, I look forward to seeing your dead body in this morgue one day !"

  After leaving these words coldly, the woman went straight to the death, with no trace of fear on her face other than the coldness.

  Whether it is Yang Haoran or the black-haired woman, both of them feel the strong yin energy in each other, but there is one problem that they both simplified, that is why the other party can sense the yin energy in him.

  From the two of them's point of view, the other party didn't sense the yin energy in their body at all. The reason why they said that they had a heavy yin energy in their body was just a lie fabricated to scare themselves, but it just happened to be wrong again.