
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 45 Gains and Losses

Back in Guan Hai's ward, Guan Hai really woke up.

  "You can do it, kid. If you say dizzy, you will faint." Yang Haoran looked at Guan Hai with a weak face, and joked with a smile.

  Knowing that Guan Hai is only haunted by Yin Qi, as long as he no longer contacts with the existence of extremely Yin Qi, he can recover after a period of cultivation, so Yang Haoran is not worried that Guan Hai will be in danger of his life, so he is in the mood to tease this kid.

  Guan Hai grinned and scolded: "I'm almost dying, you bastard is still in the mood to mock me, you're going to die!"

  "I don't know if I will have a bad death, but I know you are almost dead now." Yang Haoran laughed.

  Not to be outdone, Guan Hai said: "Don't worry, if I really leave, I will never leave you alone, I will take you, a magic stick, to hell with me."

  Seeing this, Xiaomo on the side poured boiling water for Guan Hai while laughing without saying a word. The two of them liked to pinch each other when they met. They didn't talk to each other either.

  After a while, the two stopped pinching each other, and Xiao Mo handed the water glass to Guan Hai. Although the water temperature was just right, Xiao Mo still reminded with a concerned face: "Brother Guan Hai, be careful, don't burn it. gone."

  Looking at Xiao Mo's gentle appearance, Yang Haoran couldn't help sighing in his heart, there is really a difference between this person and his sister, recalling how the black-haired woman wanted to punch him a few times just now, and then look at Xiao Mo's attitude towards Xiao Mo now. Guan Hai's gentle look really broke his heart.

  "Be careful, don't choke to death by the water." Yang Haoran said naturally.

  "Don't worry, Xiaomo personally poured me hot water, even if it choked me to death, I would still be happy in my heart." Guan Hai said with a smile.

  Although he said this to Yang Haoran, he said it to Xiaomo beside him. When Yang Haoran heard this, his face was full of contempt, but Xiaomo was just the opposite, with a smile on his face and he was very happy.

  Xiaomo couldn't tell that Guan Hai was joking, but even if she was joking, she still couldn't suppress the joy in her heart when she heard Guan Hai say these words in front of her, and she couldn't help showing it on her face superior.

  "You shameless guy, you should really be thrown into a pigsty, thrown into a cesspit to suffocate you to death!" Yang Haoran said with a look of contempt.

  "Tsk tsk tsk, it's so sour. These grapes are so sour that my teeth are sour." Guan Hai first took a sip of warm water slowly, then handed the cup to Xiaomo who was beside him, and finally responded exaggeratedly. Yang Haoran spoke with rich expressions and body language.

  Yang Haoran was so angry that he couldn't help but couldn't find words to refute, so he could only laugh and curse: "Enough is enough, you won, can't you win?"

  Guan Hai chuckled, but also did not open his mouth to ridicule Yang Haoran.

  After the two had such a quarrel, Guan Hai's complexion obviously improved a lot. Compared with the half-dead look before, he became more popular, but this is only in relative terms. Compared with normal people, he is still very weak.

  Yang Haoran originally wanted to ask Guan Hai what he was doing recently, but not only did he not contact him, but he also got angry.

  However, seeing that Guan Hai was still very weak, he could only hold back the doubts in his heart for the time being, and it would not be too late to ask questions after dawn.

  "You still have the strength to argue with me. It seems that you won't die for a while. I'm too sleepy. I need to sleep first. As for you, you can do whatever you want."

  After Yang Haoran left these words, he found a chair and sat down, then leaned on the chair and closed his eyes.

  Seeing that Yang Haoran said to go to sleep, Guan Hai was not happy, and shouted: "You bastard, you are going to sleep right after I wake up, you are not going to chat with me for a while."

  Yang Haoran ignored him at all, a few minutes later, under the surprised gazes of Guan Hai and Xiao Mo, Yang Haoran made a slight snoring sound.

  He was so tired, he thought he could sleep well tonight, but he didn't expect that something like this happened to Guan Hai, and this torment ended now, so he fell into a deep sleep in just a few minutes.

  Xiao Mo was also very sleepy at this time, seeing Yang Haoran sleeping so soundly, she found a chair for herself, lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

  No one was arguing with him, and Guan Hai also closed his eyes. At this moment, he still felt quite weak, and he needed to rest.

  This time, Yang Haoran didn't sleep comfortably, leaning against the chair to sleep, of course he was not as comfortable as lying on the bed.

  He felt that he had only closed his eyes for a while before he was woken up by a noise. He opened his eyes in a daze, and saw a few more women beside Guan Hai's hospital bed, booing and greeting Guan Hai.

  Yang Haoran was speechless, then closed his eyes again, and continued to sleep, pretending that he didn't hear these noises, since these women came to find Guan Hai, then let Guan Hai have a headache.

  However, there is a difference between pretending not to hear and really not hearing, and the difference is a sky and a ground, which is quite big.

  Yang Haoran has tried very hard to get used to these noises, but he can't pretend not to hear them. These women's voices are buzzing around his ears like flies, how can he still fall asleep.

  In desperation, he stood up from the chair in a daze, his whole body felt sore, and it took him a while to recover.

  Afterwards, he turned his head to look out the window with a confused face, and saw that it was already bright outside, he took out his mobile phone to check the time, it was nine o'clock in the morning.

  Yang Haoran sighed in his heart, he felt that he had just closed his eyes, but unexpectedly it had been so long, looking at Guan Hai surrounded by several women, Yang Haoran said hello, and left with a tired face The ward ignored Guan Hai's shouts.

  After leaving the ward, Yang Haoran left the hospital, took a taxi and went back to the grocery store, washed up, worshiped the god of death, ate something casually, and hurried to the hospital again.

  Although it was too late to worship the god of death today, Yang Haoran rushed back immediately, with a very pious attitude. As for whether the god of death would blame him, he didn't know.

  On the car to the hospital, Yang Haoran called Master Jiang, and then told about Guan Hai's situation, and asked Guan Hai if he could use the yin power in his body to deal with it, and the answer he got was yes. , but there is absolutely no need to do so.

  According to Master Jiang, as long as he gets more exposure to the sun, and then stops contacting the existence of extremely yin qi, then the yin qi wrapped around Guan Hai's body will disappear within a few days, and the person will return to normal.

  In addition, Master Jiang also gave Yang Haoran a reminder that now that he has become a night watchman, he has Yin energy in his body, so the Yin energy in his body is no less than that of a ghost, and even far exceeds that of a ghost. Ordinary undead!

  Moreover, with the growth of Yin Lingli in his body, the Yin Qi in his body will become more and more serious. This Yin Qi is emitted from the body. As long as there is Yin Lingli in his body, then his body will A steady stream of Yin Qi was released.

  Ordinary people are infected with Yin Qi, but it is only on the surface of the body, and it is easy to dispel it, but the night watchmen include everyone in the Yin Division. Their Yin Qi emanates from the body and cannot be dispelled unless they lose their Yin energy forever.

  Because of the curse mark of the god of death, the yin energy on the night watchman will not have any negative effects on himself.

  However, if the people around you get along for a long time, they will definitely be affected by Yin Qi. Even if you use Yin Lingli power to dispel the Yin Qi on the surface of your body every time, you will still suffer a lot of damage over time. The body will get worse and worse.

  Master Jiang's reminder really put Yang Haoran under a lot of psychological pressure. At this time, he finally understood why Master Jiang said that it was a good thing not to have special abilities. Now it seems that what he meant was probably this matter.

  When he came to the hospital again, Yang Haoran felt a little heavy. He knew very well what Master Jiang's reminder meant.

  Sometimes life is like this, if you want to get something, then you must lose something, maybe you can't feel it at the time, but you will find that it is the truth afterwards.

  This path was chosen by himself, and Yang Haoran will certainly not regret it, but he will not let this situation continue. He believes that as his ability becomes stronger and stronger, he will be able to find a solution to this problem in the future.

  As for now, he can only control the time he spends with his friends as much as possible, and can no longer get together as unscrupulously as before.

  Walking in the hospital, Yang Haoran secretly circulated the Yin Lingli in his body. After the Yin Lingli circulated in his body, he felt much more comfortable and refreshed. Tiredness is reduced a lot.

  This method, of course, was also taught by Master Jiang. Once used, it can reduce his fatigue and restore his mind to clarity.

  Downstairs in the inpatient building, Yang Haoran didn't go in immediately, but hesitated for a while, and made a call outside the inpatient building. The call was not to Guan Hai, but to Jiang Zhenzhen.

  However, what Yang Haoran didn't expect was that Jiang Zhenzhen's phone was turned off.

  He was very puzzled, it was already noon, Jiang Zhenzhen couldn't have woken up, could it be because their jewelry store has a new rule that the mobile phone must be turned off during work?

  Thinking of this in his heart, he called Jiang Zhenzhen's phone number a few more times, but the result was the same, and the phone was still turned off.

  In desperation, Yang Haoran put away his mobile phone, feeling a little uneasy, and he decided to try calling again at night. After all, Jiang Zhenzhen had already left work at that time, and even if the mobile phone had to be turned off at get off work, no one would be able to control her after get off work. up!

  With a decision, Yang Haoran entered the elevator, and then returned to the ward where Guan Hai was.

  Before stepping into the ward, Yang Haoran frowned slightly.

  In the ward, many women were chattering non-stop, the number was more than when he left in the morning, Yang Haoran was not surprised, this was in his expectation, because Xiaomo had already reminded him last night.

  The reason why he frowned was because he felt a yin energy in Guan Hai's ward, and he sensed it before stepping into the ward. After stepping into the ward, the yin energy became even stronger.

  His gaze immediately passed through a series of youthful and beautiful bodies, and finally locked on a woman's body!

  Seeing this woman, Yang Haoran frowned even tighter!

  "It really is her!"