
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 22 The Fear I Never Had

The carrion old woman has no entity, but she looks like a real person, and she can also speak. This is absolutely impossible for ordinary people, but it is the truth.

  As for why this is so, who knows?

  Just like no one knows why there are human beings and why there are all things in the world, the reason is the same.

  Existence is reasonable, how can there be so many whys.

  At this time, Yang Haoran naturally didn't care about how the carrion old woman made a sound, he was already terrified by the scene in front of him, his legs and feet were trembling.

  There is only one thought in his mind now, that is to escape, escape from here immediately, the farther the better!

  It's a pity that his legs and feet are not in control, and his body seems to be out of his control. He can only watch the carrion old woman chewing her fingers in front of her.

  After eating one finger, the carrion old woman seemed to be unsatisfied, as if she was not full, so she bit the other fingers, which looked like eating a pickled pepper and chicken feet.

  Yang Haoran can swear that he has never experienced such a horrible scene in his whole life. Even if he ate this food, the scene in front of him still shocked him like never before. His face was full of panic , frantically waving the kitchen knife in his hand, slashing at the carrion old woman.

  Ding! Ding! Ding!

  Without exception, the sharp kitchen knife was still the same, piercing through the carrion old woman's body without causing the slightest harm to her. Instead, one after another, they all slashed on the wall, making a crisp sound that made his heart despair. .

  This kitchen knife, which could have given him a sense of security, chopped up a duck with it last night, it was so sharp, but now this sharp kitchen knife has become like a toy knife played by a child. The terrifying carrion old woman looked so powerless.

  Seeing Yang Haoran roaring like crazy, the carrion old woman was very happy, the arc of the big mouth was even bigger, she seemed to be very happy to see the prey in front of her, panicked and shouted Call, let her enjoy it very much.

  "Hehehe, young man, my mother-in-law's fingers are not enough to eat, what should I do, then eat your fingers, okay?"1

  The words of the carrion old woman greatly stimulated Yang Haoran. Under his gaze, the old woman opened her bloody mouth. Because the mouth was too wide, some maggots even fell from her face into her mouth However, she ignored it and let these maggots squirm in her mouth!

  This is really a bloody mouth, enough to bite off a basketball. The sharp fangs shone coldly, and they bit Yang Haoran's head. Looking at her, it seemed that she wanted to swallow Yang Haoran's head in one bite. up!

  It was agreed to eat fingers, but the carrion old woman was staring at Yang Haoran's head. Normally, Yang Haoran would definitely scold the old woman for duplicity, but now, why would he care about this.

  Yang Haoran screamed again in fright. Although he knew that the kitchen knife in his hand would have no effect on the carrion old woman, he still subconsciously accelerated the speed of swinging the kitchen knife.

  At this time, he showed a full desire to survive, just like a drowning person, knowing that there is nothing around him, but still struggling desperately, trying to grab a life-saving straw that exists at all.

  It's just that doing so not only can't change anything, but will only make my heart more fearful!

  Seeing that the carrion old woman's bloody mouth was about to wrap Yang Haoran's entire head in one gulp, but at this moment, a black light suddenly shone from Yang Haoran's chest!

  Under the moonlight, this black light is not conspicuous, but it is real. For some reason, the carrion old woman suddenly screamed, and there was a trace of panic in the scream. Floating back, distanced a little distance from Yang Haoran.

  Although Yang Haoran was terrified and flustered, he hadn't completely lost consciousness. He saw the reaction of the carrion old woman, which made him terrified, but also gave birth to a trace of doubt.

  His eyes fell on the carrion old woman, and he found that she was staring at his chest with an ugly face, and there was a look of fear in her eyes.

  Yang Haoran was startled, he seemed to have suddenly thought of something, he quickly threw away the kitchen knife of the mobile phone, and took out something from his chest in a panic.

  It turned out to be a death pendant, exactly the same as the death pendant that Yang Haoran lent to Jiang Zhenzhen, but this death pendant was not the one lent to Jiang Zhenzhen, but a death pendant that Yang Haoran asked for when he went to the death temple to ask the god.

  He lent the previous Grim Reaper Pendant to Jiang Zhenzhen, and Jiang Zhenzhen would definitely use it for a while. Without the Grim Reaper Pendant on his body, he always felt very uneasy, so when asking God, he simply asked for another one, and asked the temple to open it. Lighted it up and carried it with me.

  At this time, the death pendant no longer emits black light, and becomes ordinary, but the carrion old woman still locked her eyes on the pendant in Yang Haoran's hand, which he could see clearly.

  She is afraid of the death pendant!

  Yang Haoran has not been frightened stupid yet, the reaction of the carrion old woman naturally made him understand this point!

  In order to prove whether his guess was true, he tore off the death pendant from his neck, and then grabbed the arm of the death pendant and stretched forward!

  The rotting corpse old woman's expression changed, as if she saw something terrifying, her body couldn't help but floated back again!

  She is indeed afraid of the death pendant in her hand, Yang Haoran can be sure of this.

  This discovery made Yang Haoran overjoyed, like a drowning person suddenly grabbing a life-saving straw, his excitement was beyond words, and he almost didn't cry.

  However, Yang Haoran did not become complacent because of this. Although he was very excited, the fear brought to him by the carrion old woman did not decrease because of this. He was still panicked and scared.

  The pendant was originally held with one hand, but at this moment Yang Haoran directly replaced it with two hands, for fear that the treasure that could save his life would suddenly disappear from his hands. At this moment, the sense of security that the death pendant brought to him, It was much better than the kitchen knife he threw away.

  The body that had been stiff in place all this time seemed to have regained the ability to move at this moment. Yang Haoran held the death pendant tightly with both hands, and while praying to the death pendant in his heart, his body also slowly retreated towards the door.

  He was paying attention to every move of the carrion old woman, and he never let go of even a single expression. Once the carrion old woman showed signs of killing her, he would turn around and run away, fleeing from here as fast as possible.

  As for whether he can escape successfully, he can only resign himself to fate.

  The distance between the door of the room and Yang Haoran at this time is only a big step, that is because he rushed into the door with too much force before, in normal times, this distance only needs a kick to rush out, but now, He moved bit by bit, as if there were thousands of miles away, unable to move to the door for a long time, this was simply an extreme mental torture for him.

  Dou Da's cold sweat slid down drop by drop from his face and fell to the ground. Some beads of sweat even flowed into his eyes, which made his eyes very uncomfortable, but he didn't dare to wipe them off, and he didn't even dare to blink. For a moment, tears mixed with sweat rolled down from the corners of his eyes.

  The scene I was most worried about did not happen. Yang Haoran's trembling body had slowly retreated to the door of the room, and the carrion old woman showed no sign of rushing over. Instead, she looked unwilling. She wanted to rush over several times, but in the end Still gave up doing it.

  Yang Haoran did not heave a sigh of relief, as long as he did not leave here, he would not be relaxed, his nerves were still tense, and his feet were still slowly retreating back!

  Slowly, one of his feet has already stepped out of the door, as long as the other foot is withdrawn, then he will be considered to have left this horrible haunted house.

  Under the tense and oppressive atmosphere, Yang Haoran also left the door with the other foot, but the carrion old woman still didn't rush over. He was both surprised and apprehensive, and he was about to turn around and escape together.

  However, when his eyes fell on Jiang Zhenzhen's body, his body, which was about to turn around, couldn't help but pause.

  Jiang Zhenzhen was lying on the floor not knowing whether she was alive or dead. If he ran away like this now, what would meet Jiang Zhenzhen, would it be death?

  Although Yang Haoran was not sure, he felt that it was very possible. From the behavior of the carrion old woman, it was not difficult to see that she not only wanted to kill Jiang Zhenzhen, but even wanted to kill him too. The pendant has played a role, and it is hard to say whether he is still alive now.

  Jiang Zhenzhen is still very young, she is only 21 years old, and she still has a long way to go in life. It would be a pity if she died here at such an age.

  If Jiang Zhenzhen had never known him before, Yang Haoran might not care about her life and death, but Jiang Zhenzhen was not. Although he and Jiang Zhenzhen are not friends now, Jiang Zhenzhen is still his client anyway, and this Jiang Zhenzhen entrusted him to deal with the carrion old woman. Now that this kind of thing happened, he, as a "master", had an unshirkable responsibility.

  Yang Haoran is not a bad person. As for the responsibility, it is his and he will shoulder it. If it is not his, he will turn a blind eye. Since he has an inescapable responsibility for this matter, then he must shoulder it If he ran away alone like this, he would feel guilty for this matter for the rest of his life.

  The body that had already turned halfway, turned back tremblingly under Yang Haoran's control. Not only did he not escape, but he stepped into the door again with a straight face.

  It's not that he's not afraid, it can be seen from his body shaking like a sieve that his heart is absolutely full of fear at this moment, because what he's doing at this moment is no different from courting death, it's strange if he isn't t afraid.

  However, compared to death, there was something more terrifying to him, and that was guilty.