
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 21 She has been dead for several months!

The power of money is powerful. Although the middle-aged man is tall and burly, it is not difficult to see from his previous reaction that he should not be very courageous.

  However, as soon as Yang Haoran wanted to give money, the middle-aged man's reaction became a little subtle, and he hesitated!

  Seeing this, Yang Haoran knew there was something to be done, and then forcibly pulled the middle-aged man out, anxiously said: "Help me open this door first, and the price will definitely satisfy you after it's done!"

  "I'm not interested in a bad check! Be my three-year-old?" The middle-aged man looked disdainful, and turned to go back to the house.

  Yang Haoran cursed in his heart, but he didn't say it out of his mouth. He quickly took out his wallet from his jacket pocket, took out all the cash in his wallet, and stuffed it directly into the middle-aged man.

  "There are more than 500 here, you take it first, and I will give you 500 after the matter is completed. You should help quickly, or something serious will happen!" Yang Haoran was burning with anxiety.

  The five hundred yuan was given to Yang Haoran by Jiang Zhenzhen. He hadn't had time to deposit it in the bank, but he didn't expect it to come in handy now.

  The change other than five hundred was left by himself. In order to show his sincerity, he directly gave all the change to the middle-aged man.

  Seeing that Yang Haoran took out all the banknotes in the wallet, it didn't seem like he was cheating, the middle-aged man took the banknotes, glanced at them through the light, and stuffed them into his pocket.

  "That's what you said, and there will be five hundred after it's done." The middle-aged man reminded.

  Yang Haoran nodded quickly and said, "Definitely! Please help me open the door first! Do you have any tools at home?"

  If you want to go in and rescue Jiang Zhenzhen, you must open the anti-theft door first. It is unrealistic to let the inside open the door. First, the hooligans will not open the door by themselves. Moreover, Jiang Zhenzhen will not be able to open the door. If she has That ability opened the door and ran out a long time ago, so why would I suffer in the room!

  Therefore, if you want to enter, you must break through the door!

  It is obviously impossible for Yang Haoran to open the anti-theft door in a short time by himself. He does not have that ability, so he found a middle-aged man.

  "You wait here!" The middle-aged man dropped a sentence and went straight into the house.

  Yang Haoran was anxious, but there was nothing he could do. He kicked the anti-theft door fiercely, but it had no other effect except for the dull sound of bang bang.

  Jiang Zhenzhen's horrified screams kept coming out, and every scream stimulated Yang Haoran's nerves!

  "Open the door! You bastard, open the door! If you have the guts, open the door and let me in! See if I can kill you!!!" Yang Haoran kicked the door violently with his feet, cursing loudly.

  "Get out of the way, don't get in the way!"

  Yang Haoran turned his head, just in time to see a middle-aged man walking out of his room with a big guy on his mobile phone, the visual impact brought by him was much stronger than the kitchen knife in Yang Haoran's hand.

  It's a fucking chainsaw!

  The scene in front of him made Yang Haoran take a step back involuntarily. How could he have imagined that the middle-aged man would actually take out a chainsaw from the house.

  Immediately, he looked at the middle-aged man with vigilance. Compared with the chainsaw, the kitchen knife in his hand is scum. If the middle-aged man is wrong, give him a shot , then he would be wronged.

  The middle-aged man ignored Yang Haoran. Seeing Yang Haoran back away, he yanked and started the chainsaw.

  hum! ! !

  The sound of the chainsaw made Yang Haoran feel chills in his heart. Looking at the fast-rotating chainsaw, he couldn't help thinking that if the chainsaw fell on a person, the scene would be...

  Yang Haoran shuddered, not daring to continue thinking about it, but at this moment, the chainsaw had already landed on the security door, making a piercing sound.

  "My chainsaw is the latest model. It can cut through reinforced concrete. A cheap anti-theft door. Cut it, it's a trivial matter!"

  The middle-aged man spoke loudly, looking very excited. He was holding a sharp chainsaw in his hand at this time. His state was very different from before. If he was a little timid before, now he looks not only bold , and crazy!

  But in a short time, the security door was directly sawed open by the chainsaw of the middle-aged man. Seeing this, Yang Haoran rushed into the house regardless of whether he would be injured by the chainsaw.

  The moment he rushed into the house, the familiar coldness rushed towards him, and he froze in place with a look of shock on his face!

  It wasn't that he was frozen, but that he was frightened by the scene in front of him!

  The moment Yang Haoran froze, a middle-aged man rushed in with a chainsaw in hand.

  "Damn, I've been arguing all night, and tonight I insist on letting you know what a chainsaw is!"

  With a look of madness on his face, the middle-aged man pulled Yang Haoran away, and holding the chainsaw, he wanted to settle accounts with the hooligan Yang Haoran was talking about!

  However, when he pulled Yang Haoran away, his reaction was the same as Yang Haoran's. He also froze in place, and the chainsaw in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.

  However, he was just stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses, mechanically turned his head to look at Yang Haoran, and said dully: "You bastard lied to me, what kind of hooligan is not hooligan, how many times has she died?" It's been a month."

  The middle-aged man's voice was emotionless, as if he had lost all emotion at this moment. After the words fell, he rolled his eyes, and his tall body fell straight to the ground, and he passed out in a coma.

  The middle-aged man's voice made Yang Haoran recover from his absence, his face turned pale, and he swears!

  "Damn... are you kidding me!"

  The lights in the house were not turned on, but under the moonlight, the situation inside the house could still be clearly seen.

  Although it can be seen clearly, under the moonlight, this rental house looks even colder.

  At this time, Jiang Zhenzhen was curled up in a corner, her hair disheveled, her body trembling, her hands clutching her hair and screaming non-stop. Because her throat had been screamed, her screaming sounded hoarse and weak.

  In front of Jiang Zhenzhen, stood an old woman who was rotting all over. It was more appropriate to say that she was floating rather than standing.

  She floated in front of Jiang Zhenzhen, as if she was going to do something to him.

  Yang Haoran happened to see this scene when he rushed in from outside the house. Of course, the old woman also sensed his presence, so she turned around and faced him with a ferocious smile.

  Yang Haoran, who was going to come in to deal with the hooligans, saw the old woman's rotten face with maggots wriggling, his brain buzzed, and he froze in place on the spot.

  There are no hooligans in the house, this motherfucker is clearly haunted!

  When Jiang Zhenzhen approached Yang Haoran that day, she told him in detail about the haunted house, especially when it came to the carrion old woman. This is the key point, and the problem she has to deal with is also this point, which is why she described the carrion old woman in extremely detail.

  It is precisely because of this that Yang Haoran made up the terrifying image of the carrion old woman in his mind!

  When the rotting old woman in front of him came into view, he immediately thought of who this rotten old woman was, she must be the one Jiang Zhenzhen described to him!

  Although the appearance of the carrion old woman is completely different from what he imagined, her appearance is more terrifying than the image he imagined!

  It was also because the image of the rotting corpse old woman was so terrifying that he was frightened and stupid at that moment.

  Although he eats this kind of food, he is just a magic stick after all, he has no real skills, and since he started this business, he has never really seen a ghost. Today is the first time that he is not scared. It's strange.

  At first, I thought it was some gangster who was panicking, and happened to have a crush on Jiang Zhenzhen, and then followed him home, wanting to be a bully, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

  It's not clear whether this carrion old woman is a hooligan, but judging by Jiang Zhenzhen's behavior, she is indeed preparing for the overlord's hard attack, but the nature of her overlord's hard attack is different from that of a rogue.

  Yang Haoran stared blankly at the carrion old woman, who was also looking at him. That terrifying image and ferocious smile made his body tremble uncontrollably!

  At this moment, he was extremely envious of the middle-aged man under his feet. He didn't need to worry about anything when he fainted from fright. He didn't have to continue to bear this kind of fear from the depths of his soul. He also wanted to pass out, but he didn't have the ability.

  Just when Yang Haoran's heart was full of fear, the old woman in his sight suddenly disappeared. Before he could react, the next moment, that horrible rotten face was very close at hand!

  Yang Haoran's pupils dilated sharply, and his face was full of panic. The old carrion woman's sudden attack almost stopped his heart. Frightened to death like this!

  In a panic, Yang Haoran didn't know where the strength came from, and the kitchen knife in his hand slashed at the carrion old woman in front of him!

  Ding! ! !

  The kitchen knife pierced through the carrion old woman's body, and slashed heavily on the wall, leaving a trace at the same time, it also made Yang Haoran's wrist numb.

  The body of this carrion old woman is very real if you don't look carefully. Except for her feet, she looks not much different from a real person under the moonlight. When talking about the body, it can be explained that she has no entity.

  Yang Haoran's knife didn't hurt the carrion old woman, but it seemed to anger the carrion old woman. She smiled back at Yang Haoran, showing sharp fangs, and disgusting pus flowed out of her mouth , dripping on the floor.

  However, after the pus dripped on the floor, it disappeared without leaving any traces, as if it had never appeared before.

  "Young man, do you know what crunchy is?"1

  The carrion old woman asked Yang Haoran such a sentence in a gloomy manner, but she didn't seem to want Yang Haoran to answer her. After the words fell, she forcibly broke off her right index finger, and then threw it into her mouth , chewed up.

  Click! Click! Click!

  It was the sound of fingers being chewed, crunchy!1