
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 20 Master Yang, help me!

Jiang Zhenzhen kindly invited, and to be honest, it was really hard for Yang Haoran to refuse, besides, the girlfriend that Sister Li mentioned really moved his heart.

  Yang Haoran's next plan is to buy a house, get married and have children, and bring the two elders to the city to enjoy the happiness.

  As for buying a house, he has been working hard, and now he has saved a sum of money. As long as he works hard for another two or three years, buying a house in Lecheng should not be a big problem.

  As for getting married and having children, this is a difficult problem. After all, he cannot have children by himself. He needs a wife. If he wants to have a wife, he must first have a girlfriend.

  All these people have weaknesses, and Yang Haoran is no exception.

  Undoubtedly, Yang Haoran finally closed the shutter door and left the grocery store with the two beauties.

  Two women and one man were eating supper, and Yang Haoran undoubtedly became the protagonist. Whether it was that sister Li or Jiang Zhenzhen, they were extremely enthusiastic towards him, especially Jiang Zhenzhen, who kept thanking him, and thanked him from the heart. No matter how thick-skinned he was, he felt a little embarrassed.

  At 11:50, Yang Haoran returned to the grocery store, not because he didn't want to spend more time with the two beauties, but because he had to rush back to worship the statue of Death.

  He had just invited the statue of the God of Death back today, and he didn't want to worship it on time on the first day. It would appear that he was too innocent. If he were the God of Death, he would not like such a believer.

  Therefore, Yang Haoran had to bid farewell to the two beauties and go home alone.

  This person, regardless of gender, if he has never wanted to be single, but is still single at the age of thirty, then there are some problems in himself, either in personality or in other aspects, Yang Haoran is one of them.3

  After returning to the green curtain, Yang Haoran spent ten minutes washing up, and the cold tap water dissipated some of the alcohol.

  At twelve o'clock, he burns incense on time, with a pious attitude.

  After doing all this and checking that there was nothing missing, he fell on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

  In his sleep, he dreamed that he bought a new house, took a wife, gave birth to a child, and his parents were taken into the city by him. The family enjoyed themselves happily, and after putting in a lot of hard work, the dream finally came true.

  However, just as he was immersed in a sweet dream, the phone rang suddenly, waking him up from his sweet dream.

  "I'm as free as the wind, just like your tenderness, I can't keep it..."

  The ringtone has a strange tone and is not the original song. Although I don't know who sang it, it sounds very funny and can give people a relaxed and happy feeling.

  But right now Yang Haoran was woken up by the ringtone, but he didn't think the ringtone was funny at all, instead he was very upset.

  Dreams are like bubbles in reality, they will burst if touched lightly, Yang Haoran naturally dare not expect extravagantly, so he can only enjoy himself in the dream, right now he finally had a good dream, only ate the appetizer, the main course is still He was woken up when he didn't bring it up, and the depression in his heart can be imagined.

  In a daze, he grabbed the phone and after connecting it, he said "Hello" impatiently to express his inner dissatisfaction at this time.

  What responded to Yang Haoran was a terrified and hoarse cry: "Master Yang, help! Help! Come to my house and save me!"

  Yang Haoran, who was still in a daze at first, suddenly lost all sleepiness, and sat up suddenly from the bed.

  "What's wrong with you!" Yang Haoran's expression changed drastically, and he asked anxiously.


  There was a blind tone on the phone, and the frightened and hoarse crying did not come from the other end of the phone.

  It was none other than Jiang Zhenzhen who suddenly called Yang Haoran.

  What's wrong with Jiang Zhenzhen?

  Yang Haoran was puzzled, seeing that the time was almost three o'clock, he didn't know what danger Jiang Zhenzhen had encountered, so he quickly called back the phone!

  However, the phone could not be connected, Yang Haoran was a little unwilling to give up, he tried several times in a row, but the result was the same.

  "Could it be that I met a hooligan!" Yang Haoran suddenly had this idea in his heart.

  Don't look at Jiang Zhenzhen's small size, except for her height, she is quite good in other aspects. The place that should be big is big, and the place that should be thin is thin. She has a petite body with a delicate and lovely face, and that can be broken by blows. With snow-white skin, she is indeed a loli-type beauty.

  This type of beauty is quite lethal to men who like this type, and it is not unreasonable that there will be hooligans to harass her.

  "Could it be because someone was watching him while eating supper before, and then followed him all the way home?" Yang Haoran couldn't help but think of the bloody scenes in various dramas in his mind.

  Shaking his head, he eliminated these messy thoughts from his mind, hesitated for a moment, turned over and got up, then dressed neatly, opened the rolling door and rushed out.

  Yang Haoran thinks that Jiang Zhenzhen is not bad. It has nothing to do with appearance, but a feeling. Maybe it is because Jiang Zhenzhen has a good personality, or maybe it is because he saw the shadow of himself in Jiang Zhenzhen, and felt sympathy for him. No matter what, since the other party has already called for help, he can't ignore what he says.

  Jiang Zhenzhen is not only his client, but even sincerely treats him to supper at night. He has a soft mouth when eating people and short hands when grabbing people. He has both. Jiang Zhenzhen ignored it, Yang Haoran really couldn't do this kind of thing.

  In his opinion, although he is a magic stick, he is a principled magic stick.

  Just when he was about to leave, he felt that he was too passive with bare hands, so he rushed back behind the green curtain and took a kitchen knife with him.

  On the road, Yang Haoran stopped a taxi, the driver saw that he was holding a kitchen knife in his hand, before letting him get in the car, he kicked the accelerator and ran away.

  Perhaps it was God's will, this taxi just left, and then another taxi came. It is already three o'clock, and it takes some luck to take a taxi at this time, like Yang Haoran, who goes out one after another. When I met two taxis, I was so lucky that I couldn't say anything.

  This time Yang Haoran learned the lesson, he wrapped the kitchen knife in his clothes and tried not to let the driver see him holding the kitchen knife in his hand, otherwise, the result would definitely be the same as before.

  Facts proved that his approach was correct. The driver found nothing wrong and let him get into the car. Without any hesitation, he told the driver the name of Jiang Zhenzhen's community.

  The driver didn't talk to him, maybe because he was too tired to answer, or because of other reasons, after Yang Haoran finished speaking, he kicked the accelerator, and the car rushed out like an arrow.

  There were very few vehicles at night, and the taxi was driving very fast. It would have taken more than ten minutes to drive during the day, but it only took three or four minutes to arrive at the destination.

  After paying the money and getting off the car, Yang Haoran rushed directly into the community. He wanted to call the guard to help, but the guard had long since disappeared, and he didn't know where he went.

  With such a guard guarding the gate, outsiders can come in and out as they want, so it is not surprising that accidents will happen.

  Time is running out, of course Yang Haoran will not wait here for the guard to come back, he determined the location of Jiang Zhenzhen's house according to the memory in his mind, and rushed over immediately.

  This complex is not an elevator apartment, and it is a bit old, with not many buildings, so although Yang Haoran only came once, he can still remember which buildings and units Jiang Zhenzhen lives in.

  After a while, Yang Haoran came to Jiang Zhenzhen's unit. There was no anti-theft door at the entrance, so he rushed directly into the corridor.

  Jiang Zhenzhen lived on the fifth floor, Yang Haoran quickly rushed towards the fifth floor without stopping, suddenly, he suddenly remembered that he was so stupid that he didn't call the police!

  When encountering such a thing, it is necessary to call the police. With the help of the police, it is not easy to catch a daring hooligan. The incident happened suddenly just now, and he was not awake at all, and his head was not working well, so he This question was ignored.

  But it's not too late to think about it at this time. He first called the police, and then went into the house to help Jiang Zhenzhen. It would be best if he could successfully take down the target. If the opponent is too strong and he is not the opponent, he can try to drag it until the police arrive.

  With a plan in mind, he quickly went to take out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, but he was stunned the next moment, the trouser pocket was empty, not to mention the mobile phone, there was not even a single hair, and he even forgot to bring the mobile phone.2

  Without a mobile phone, wanting to call the police is naturally empty talk!

  Yang Haoran would not make such low-level mistakes on weekdays, but he drank too much alcohol last night, and now he has not fully woken up from the alcohol, his brain is groggy, and the incident happened suddenly, so he left his mobile phone behind. home.

  Yang Haoran scolded himself for being too careless in his heart, which caused him to be so passive at this time.

  However, although he was a bit careless, he had to say that his speed was indeed very fast. It had only been ten minutes since he received the call. He would arrive here in such a short time, except that he himself was fast enough. Besides, the taxi driver also played a vital role.

  Of course, another reason is that Jiang Zhenzhen's residence is not too far away from his grocery store, otherwise, he could not have arrived here in such a short time.

  Holding a kitchen knife, Yang Haoran rushed up to the fifth floor in one breath. When he stopped, he had already reached the door of Jiang Zhenzhen's room.

  The door was closed tightly, and Yang Haoran was panting heavily, but at this moment, there was a scream of panic in the room,

  "Don't come here! Don't come here! Go away!!!"

  The terrified cry was full of helplessness, and even a hint of crying could be heard.

  Yang Haoran's face was very ugly, and he couldn't help but cursed with a kitchen knife in his hand: "Damn! Are you hungry and crazy! It's too crazy!"

  Cursing, he slammed his fist on the door, and the dull sound of bang bang resounded throughout the corridor.

  "Open the door, open the door! If you don't open the door again, I will call the police!!!" Yang Haoran roared angrily.

  With his roar, the door creaked open, but the door that opened was not the door of Jiang Zhenzhen's room, but came from behind Yang Haoran.

  "Arguing with your old mother! You are going to sleep if you don't sleep! Are you young people too open-minded now? This is still going on after three o'clock. I heard it in the next room! Don't die! Do you have any quality!"

  An angry roar came from behind, and Yang Haoran turned around abruptly. The other party was a middle-aged man, tall and strong, and when he saw this man, not only did he not get angry because of being scolded, but he felt a sudden panic in his heart. happiness!

  The joy in his heart was shown on his face, and Yang Haoran rushed to the middle-aged man with a sharp kitchen knife. This shocked the middle-aged man. He wanted to curse a few more words, but abruptly The latter words were taken back, and he closed the door and prepared to hide in his room.

  Yang Haoran had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and grabbed the edge of the security door, but the door failed to close.

  "What the hell are you doing!" The middle-aged man pretended to be calm, but there was still an unconcealable panic in his eyes.

  "Brother, help me, there is a hooligan in the house, he is going to mess with my friend! I can't open this door alone!" Yang Haoran didn't have the time to pay attention to this person's eyes, he urgently needed help, and hurriedly opened his mouth .

  "You messing around? What messing around?" The middle-aged man looked puzzled.

  Yang Haoran was very anxious, and said: "You are messing around! Men are messing around with women! You know!!!"

  "I don't understand!" The middle-aged man said angrily, and was about to close the door.

  Yang Haoran said so clearly, how could a middle-aged man not understand, the reason why he said he did not understand was actually because he didn't want to get into the muddy water.

  "Wait!" Yang Haoran stopped him, then pulled open the anti-theft door forcefully, exposed his head to look at the middle-aged man, and said quickly: "I'll give you the money! Help me!"