
The Girl Who Wheeled

Permanently bruised by a tragic accident, Melanie Martins felt useless. She was the girl who people stared at in public,the girl who didn't need a chair because she was permanently sitting on one with wheels. She became so isolated that her parents were getting so scared that they enrolled her in a therapy session. Melanie was acing all her tests and exams because she had nothing fun to do,so most of the time,she was stuck with her books. At least,she could do one thing right. Her friends moved away,and there was literally no one she could relate with. Well, until HE came along. Damien Brooks was the dude with the killer looks,he was that guy that was stared at whenever he walked into somewhere. He was so popular that all girls wanted to do was smell his jacket. He was new to Melanie's school,and Melanie felt threatened because he was stealing her spot on the 'A' list ; the top. Within a week of joining EastLake High,Damien found himself quite a couple of friends. Although he was known for his hot Instagram pics and videos,they finally met him in person,and all everyone wanted to do was one thing...be his friend. Damien noticed everyone trying to sit with him and talk to him,but there was this girl who wore round glasses and sweaters every damn day. She didn't give a hoot about his reputation,and he didn't like that. Damien was no douche or jerk,but his ego was something no one could match up with. Curious to know her,he tried talking to her,only to get coffee poured on him. Well,that was a rough start. Damien started to discover that there was more to the girl who sat at the back of the class,but aced all her exams. Damien discovered she was fun,but she was hidden in a wall she built around herself.

Melanin3000 · Teen
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


"What do you want?!"

"Where were you all night?"

"I was out with my friends"


"And some other stuff. Now please,leave my room. I'm having a headache!"

"Who's gonna drive Mel to school?"

"You've got a car,so do it"

The door slammed and Melanie threw her head back as she closed her eyes.

She was having a very bad headache from her mom and Hudson's fight.

She closed her eyes as she heard the door of her room open.

She opened one eye and saw her mom walking towards her.

"Mela-" her mom started but Melanie raised her hand dismissively and her mom kept quiet

"My head is at the verge of tearing into two," she whispered. "Please just get me to school"

Her mom sighed and nodded as she helped her daughter out of her room and down the stairs.

The drive to school was silent, Melanie stared out the window like she always did,and her mom kept stealing glances,to make sure her daughter was still in the land of the living.

"Well why are you so quiet, honey?" Her mom asked as they got to a red light.

"Nothing" Melanie mumbled

"Ya know you didn't have breakfast"

"I know. I'll have my strawberry cake in school"

"How's Michelle's sessions?" Her mom asked

"They're good so far" Melanie replied as the light turned to a yellow one.

"Is there anything you wanna tell me?"

Melanie placed ber index on her chin in deep thought.

"I don't think so,mom"

"Have you made any friends so far?" Her mom asked

Melanie closed her eyes and took a deep breath,

Her mom was really bombarding her with questions.

"Nope," Melanie shrugged as she watched the yellow light turn green. "Oh,but I met Amelia two days ago"

"Amelia? Amelia Jameson?" Her mom asked as she drove.

"Yes mom," she replied as she noticed her mom's smiley face turn to a straight one. "Any problem?"

"No honey," her mom sighed. "I'm glad you're making friends and all,but are you sure Amelia-"

"Please no,mom. Not this morning," Melanie sighed. "I think making bad choices is also part of life. Besides, what's the issue with Amelia?"

"She argues a lot with her parents. She even barely sleeps in,and I'm not sure you want her as a pal"

"Mom,this whole friendship thing is new to me after so many years,so why don't you want me to start over?"

"It's not that,...I'm just looking out for you,Mel" her mom said.

Melanie sighed as her mom pulled up into the school's parking lot.

"I know it's so hard for you to make friends after all that happened. I know you can't even remember what to do when making friends anymore,I know it will feel like deja Vu and you'll have some images flash in your head about the past,but please..be wise"

"Sure mom"

----- *------

He squinted as he walked by, taking in her facial features before going out of Melanie's view.

"I don't think it's polite to stare that long" Melanie muttered as she scribbled her somewhat nonsense on the piece of paper on the table right in front of her.

Melanie didn't like this new kid.

She didn't care about attention or anything but he was getting way too much of everything.

He was getting all the appraisals

He also had the guts to stare at her for more than twenty seconds?

"No one has stared at me for that long without making a face" she muttered as she squeezed the paper and threw it on the table.

She tore another piece and started scribbling on it again.

"What is your molecular formula???" She groaned in frustration as she glared at the paper.

"Um,are you alright?" A familiar voice asked

"No Hudson,I'm not"

"What's wrong?," He asked as he stared at his sis in adoration. "You're cute when you pout that way"

"Uh- I have a problem over here- Can you not do that?"

"Right. I'm sorry"

"It's chemistry" she sighed

"What about it?" He asked as he sat down on the bench next to Mel.


Melanie held the cup of coffee tight in her hands as Dr Michelle asked her series of questions.

"Do you see her wherever you go?" Dr Michelle asked as Melanie stared right back at her.

"I do,and I don't know how to stop-"

"No,. You're not capable of stopping it" Dr Michelle chuckled.

"So what do I do?"

"You just need to breathe," Dr Michelle said. "Try to enjoy her presence"

"But she's not here anymore" Melanie whispered as she threw her head back in frustration.

"Who told you she's not here?"

"I mean.... Physically"

Dr Michelle chuckled and shook her head.

"Of course, she's not here physically,but she's here right now. She's holding your hand, she's telling you everything will be alright. She's giving you a tight hug" Dr Michelle said with a smile

A ring on the landline phone interrupted them.

"Excuse me" Dr Michelle said and got up.

"Hello?," She said as she received the call. "Right now,sir?" She questioned with a frown.

She sighed before hanging up.

"I'll be back shortly" she said with a smile before leaving the room.

Melanie sighed as she stared at her feet; a habit she developed.

The door creaked open,and her head snapped to the door.

She stared at the person with her head slightly tilted.

Damien was staring right back at her with a smirk on his lips. His hazel eyes were glinting,and Melanie's heart began to beat very fast as Damien walked into the office.

"Is Dr Michelle in?" He asked her, looking around the office.

She couldn't speak.

She'd be damned if she did.

Cause she knew if she opened her mouth, meaningless words would certainly rush out.

"Oh, you're the girl from my school," he said and smiled at her,but he noticed she wasn't even paying him any of her attention. "Um,are you okay?" He asked, leaning down to her because he was pretty much taller than her.

Immediately she noticed him do that,she splashed the coffee in her hands on him.

Luckily,it was warm,not hot.

"Ah, shit!" He cursed out, running to Michelle's table to grab some tissues.

Melanie stared at him with wide eyes.

He was clearly in pain.

Yet with a frown on his face,he managed to look handsome.

Melanie's heart was so close to bursting out of her ribcage.

She was scared.

His painful expression turned into a very angry one.

He stormed out of the office,not before muttering some profanities.


Well,that was a rough start. Lol.

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