
The Girl Who Wheeled

Permanently bruised by a tragic accident, Melanie Martins felt useless. She was the girl who people stared at in public,the girl who didn't need a chair because she was permanently sitting on one with wheels. She became so isolated that her parents were getting so scared that they enrolled her in a therapy session. Melanie was acing all her tests and exams because she had nothing fun to do,so most of the time,she was stuck with her books. At least,she could do one thing right. Her friends moved away,and there was literally no one she could relate with. Well, until HE came along. Damien Brooks was the dude with the killer looks,he was that guy that was stared at whenever he walked into somewhere. He was so popular that all girls wanted to do was smell his jacket. He was new to Melanie's school,and Melanie felt threatened because he was stealing her spot on the 'A' list ; the top. Within a week of joining EastLake High,Damien found himself quite a couple of friends. Although he was known for his hot Instagram pics and videos,they finally met him in person,and all everyone wanted to do was one thing...be his friend. Damien noticed everyone trying to sit with him and talk to him,but there was this girl who wore round glasses and sweaters every damn day. She didn't give a hoot about his reputation,and he didn't like that. Damien was no douche or jerk,but his ego was something no one could match up with. Curious to know her,he tried talking to her,only to get coffee poured on him. Well,that was a rough start. Damien started to discover that there was more to the girl who sat at the back of the class,but aced all her exams. Damien discovered she was fun,but she was hidden in a wall she built around herself.

Melanin3000 · Teen
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32 Chs


"If you're gonna keep it in the microwave then tell me to stop gifting you my books!"

"I forgot it in there," Hudson ran his hands across his face. "It wasn't intentional,Mel"

"That's what happened to the last three books in the last three months"


Melanie rolled her eyes.

"Say no if you don't want them," she said wheeling towards the living room. "I won't get mad at you"

"I just don't wanna hurt you"

"Stop treating me like I'm some fragile glass. I'm not that oversensitive"

"You don't understand,Mel" Hudson said and grabbed her bag from the couch before propelling her towards the front door.

"Bye mom,bye dad!" He said before slamming the door.


"Avocado toast please and a cup of cappuccino"

She got her order and propelled to the table she always sat at.

Melanie began to read her novel as she ate at the same time.

Her life was a pretty boring one since there was pretty much no one to talk to or hang out with.

She continued to eat as she saw....what was his name?





He had a tray in one hand and was giving people high fives with the other.

His smile was wide and....nice

He sat at the table for the ELITES.

Hudson also sat at that table once in a while,but some days,he sat with Melanie. Some other days,he didn't even come to the cafeteria.

Melanie watched him for a few more seconds before drawing her attention back to her book.

He was just like any other guy that came to their school.

Soon, attention was gonna leave him. It happened at every school.

*** ***

It was a Saturday morning and she was just in front of her gate, watching the cars.

She heard some noise from the Jamesons' house like always.

She drew her attention from her book as she saw a girl with a frown on her face.

Said girl looked about Melanie's age.

She had pitch black hair. She was in a leather jacket and a black pair of jeans.

Melanie stared at the girl. She was mostly staring at the scar this girl had on her arm.

The girl noticed Melanie and walked to her.

"What?" The girl snapped.

"I-I was just," Melanie stuttered. She wasn't really one to talk when scared. "I'm sorry"

"Stop eavesdropping! It's none of your business" the girl scolded

"But,I wasn't-"

"Shut it!"

Melanie was already trying to control the tears.

"Why are you crying?"

An older woman walked out of the house.

Melanie recognized her as Mrs Jameson.

"Don't you dare walk out on your father and I when we!-" she stopped,realizing someone else was there.

"Hello Mel-" Mrs Jameson said,but stopped when she noticed Melanie looking at the pavement.

"What did you do to her,Amelia?"

The girl rolled her eyes and walked towards a motorcycle.

"I'm talking to you!"

"Why don't you ask her for yourself,mom?" Amelia retorted as she climbed her motorcycle.

"You don't just get to shout at anyone you want,Amelia. She's not any other-"

Mrs Jameson was cut off when Amelia zoomed off.

Her mom sighed and bent down to Melanie's level.

"I'm sorry about her"

Melanie nodded and closed her book.

She propelled towards the front door.

Mrs Jameson helped her open the front door and wheeled her in before closing the door.

** ** **

Later at night, Melanie was in her room, facing the window.

She saw a figure in the room of the Jamesons.

The room was directly opposite hers,and she squinted as the figure took off their Tshirt.

The window of the person was slightly open.

It was a female figure.

She always saw someone in that room,but it was never up to five times.

She was at school during the day and from there,she went to Doctor Michelle's.

At night, she'd stay at her study table which was in the opposite direction or she'd sleep off.

This was about the first time she took her time to stare out the window.

Her breath got stuck in her throat as she saw a scowl on Amelia's face.

"Are you stalking me?" She asked as the moon made her beautiful skin glisten.

Amelia was actually very beautiful.

Her eyes were green and her pitch black hair stood out on her white skin.

Her figure was just the right one for her age.

"I'm sorry,I was just wondering whose room that was" Melanie replied as she nervously looked around her room.

"Well, it's my room," Amelia said. "But I barely stay here. I hate it"

Melanie nodded as she took deep breaths.

Communication had always been an issue for Melanie, especially if the person wasn't her family member.

"Why do you hate it? From here,it looks beautiful"

"I hate it because my parents designed it. It's got stars on the ceiling and it's purple! I'm gonna be eighteen next month and my room is fudging purple!" She vented.

Melanie didn't know what to do. She didn't know how to console people or anything so she stared at Amelia.

"Why are you weird by the way?" Amelia asked as she slightly scratched her head.

"I don't know," Melanie answered staring at her laps. "I wish I could answer that too" she sucked in a breath.

"It's crazy how we've lived next to each other and never spoken"

"But the Jamesons moved here when I was thirteen"

"I was thirteen too when I moved here," Amelia said. "I knew this was your house but we never crossed paths"

"You don't like staying home from what I've observed"

"Trust me,I don't like this house" Amelia said.


"My parents have colonized it. Worse of all,my room is purple"

Melanie chuckled.

"Hey,have you always...."

"Been like this?" Melanie finished,referring to the fact that she couldn't walk.

Amelia nodded.

"No,I haven't" Melanie said and closed her eyes.

"I guess we'll talk about it later" Amelia said, noticing Melanie's shift in mood.

Melanie nodded and watched Amelia close her window.

Third chapter done! Thanks for your votes