
The Girl Who Wheeled

Permanently bruised by a tragic accident, Melanie Martins felt useless. She was the girl who people stared at in public,the girl who didn't need a chair because she was permanently sitting on one with wheels. She became so isolated that her parents were getting so scared that they enrolled her in a therapy session. Melanie was acing all her tests and exams because she had nothing fun to do,so most of the time,she was stuck with her books. At least,she could do one thing right. Her friends moved away,and there was literally no one she could relate with. Well, until HE came along. Damien Brooks was the dude with the killer looks,he was that guy that was stared at whenever he walked into somewhere. He was so popular that all girls wanted to do was smell his jacket. He was new to Melanie's school,and Melanie felt threatened because he was stealing her spot on the 'A' list ; the top. Within a week of joining EastLake High,Damien found himself quite a couple of friends. Although he was known for his hot Instagram pics and videos,they finally met him in person,and all everyone wanted to do was one thing...be his friend. Damien noticed everyone trying to sit with him and talk to him,but there was this girl who wore round glasses and sweaters every damn day. She didn't give a hoot about his reputation,and he didn't like that. Damien was no douche or jerk,but his ego was something no one could match up with. Curious to know her,he tried talking to her,only to get coffee poured on him. Well,that was a rough start. Damien started to discover that there was more to the girl who sat at the back of the class,but aced all her exams. Damien discovered she was fun,but she was hidden in a wall she built around herself.

Melanin3000 · Teen
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32 Chs


"That was mean of you" Amelia glared at Melanie, she opened another chocolate bar,tossing it on the floor.

"I know,I just- I didn't know what to do" Melanie shrugged.

"Well,now I think you know what you should do" Amelia said


"Have you no manners?!"

"I'm sorry,I just barely talk with people so I don't know how he felt after I did that"

"He felt physical and emotional pain"


"For someone who aces her tests,you seem pretty dumb when it comes to people" Amelia said in a sassy tone.

Melanie stayed quiet until Amelia finally spoke up.

"You poured hot coffee on Damien Brooks for crying out loud!"

"Warm" Melanie corrected.

"Whatever it was. He wasn't trying to harm you. He just wanted to talk,and you did that" Amelia sighed,tossing the cookie wrapper she just opened on the floor.

"You're really littering my room" Melanie muttered as she adjusted her glasses.

Amelia ignored her,and opened another toffee, throwing the wrapper on the floor.

"What are you gonna do?"

"I'll say I'm sorry" Melanie shrugged.

"How are you gonna do that? Because I can bet you wouldn't last two seconds if the proximity between you two exceeds a particular measurement"

"Yeah," Melanie sighed as she watched Amelia open yet, another candy. "If you don't stop,your cycle this month is gonna give you some bad cramps"

"Oh please,this isn't the first time" Amelia rolled her eyes.

"Do you think you can help me? I don't have any friends at school"

"I don't go to your school,but I can arrange something with one of my friends," Amelia said. "He's friends with Damien"

"Everybody is"

Amelia chuckled and patted Melanie's shoulder.

"I'll see you later"

She walked towards the window,and jumped out the window, landing on the bed of leaves.

"I'm okay,Mel. Thanks for asking!" She yelled

Melanie chuckled as she grabbed her novel from her nightstand.

*** *** " *** *** " *** *** "

"Won't you eat your fruits?"

"I'm fine mom. I'm not hungry"

"But whenever you don't eat them,you either have a bad day or have an emotional breakdown" her mom lamented.

"I'm not a kid mom,I don't cry like I used to"

Hudson scoffed from the kitchen.

"Last Saturday,that nerdy quiz show wasn't airing and you were crying"

"Because that's the only thing that gets me engaged after reading"

Hudson groaned and threw his leftover apple in the trash.

"I think after reading,you should actually rest or engage in a recreational activity. But instead,you watch a nerdy quiz show," he drank some water and then groaned. "You are such a nerd"

Melanie rolled her eyes.

"Can we get going now?" She asked her twin.

He rolled his eyes.

"Please mom,put her fruits in a plate with a lid because I know she's gonna need it"

"And my yoghurt too" Melanie grinned.

Hudson rolled his eyes as he walked into the living room.

*** ***

"I-I wasn't listening,sir" Melanie stuttered as she sat in front of the whole class after the teacher just called her forward.

"Why? Miss Martins?"

"I'm sorry" she sighed.

She stared at the classroom. She wished a hole could just open up in the ground to swallow her.

As she searched around the class,her eyes found him.

He was slouched on the chair,he had his pencil behind his ear and he had a very bored look on his face,.

He looked very uninterested in what was going on.

"Damien? Care to help her?" The teacher asked.

"What?- me? Why should I help her?" He asked with his angelic voice that most of the girls have been dying for.

This was about the second time Melanie had heard his voice.

"I think if you could just repeat the question,I could be able to-" Melanie began,but she was cut off by the teacher.

"No. You were clearly not listening so let him solve the equation"

Damien rolled his eyes as he walked to the front of the class

"I mean,if you insist" he muttered as he grabbed the marker from the teacher.

Melanie turned her wheelchair around to see what Damien was doing.

His handwriting was so mature,

He effortlessly wrote down the formula first,and then began to solve like it was a piece of cake.

With how he was solving,he could do this with his eyes closed.

In a few more seconds,he turned around and handed the teacher the marker.

The class applauded for him,and he smiled.

"This is who a good student is," the teacher smiled at Damien. "Thank you for solving. you can all write it down"

Melanie was happy for him,but she didn't like it when things like these happened.

She felt so useless at the moment.

She didn't care if she was being childish,but she had something she was good at,and it looked like he was stealing that too.

"Excuse me" she said to the teacher and propelled out of the class without even getting a response.

She didn't know where she was going,and she definitely knew she couldn't take the stairs so she wheeled to the Janitors' closet.

That was the only near place she could go to just relax for a few minutes.

She never skipped class.

The thought of the teacher carrying on with his lectures while she was absent made her nauseated.

She got into the closet,and although it didn't smell like roses,it didn't exactly have a bad smell.

She sighed as she buried her head in her hands.

She was tired of everything.

It was like she didn't understand herself.

She was too emotional for her age,

She didn't know if it was because of what happened or-

She blocked off all the thoughts as she stared at the door blankly.

And then she saw her.

She looked beautiful and younger than she was before she left the world.

Melanie stared at the woman in front of her.

"Really?" She whispered to herself.

The woman just stared at Melanie with a smile.

And suddenly,she disappeared.

"You can't keep doing this" Melanie whispered as tears formed in the corner of her eyes.

And suddenly,the door widely opened.

Melanie was convinced she was seeing a different person because there was no way on earth that Damien Brooks was standing in front of her.

"Hey" he smiled at her.

She stared at him blankly,

She wasn't able to form any words.

And to avoid any weird occurrences like vomiting or fainting, Melanie wheeled back a little,to give Damien a little space.

"Why'd you leave? Did I do something,or-"

"No" she managed to voice out, surprising herself.

"Alright," he said as he leaned on the door.

"Can I leave?" She asked

"If you want to" he shrugged and paved way.

Melanie,with all the haste,wheeled out of the closet as she felt his eyes linger on her.

Thanks for reading guys,hope you're enjoying it