
The Garett sisters

We are not bounty hunters we are bounty of justice, we teach law, and train law

Rashidacarter230 · LGBT+
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273 Chs

chapter viii

the bad storms

They off the vacation and

This morning Jordan and Jessie just gave birth to their daughters Jestina and Martiba, from twenty-two there are now twenty-six sons and daughters they have now, and the Garretts are starting to grow into a big family, as Marco holds the new edition to the family, as he did in the past and now " you gave three daughters think it is only favor, said. Jessie, " to give you two more son, so that will make a granted total of, said. Jordan, " of twenty-nine, said. " oh Mrs. Garrett you are the best wives ever, can we get you anything, asked, Hank. " no, Mr. Garrett after rest from having birth, Jordan finished what she was about to say, " we be up soon, the wind was blowing hard, and it starts to pour like crazy, the sky is lightning up, " Frankie let's get the livestock in the houses, said. Trevino, they ran out before it got bad, they put the cows into Farmhouse and close and locked it, the thunder is loud, and they closed up the Duck house, Henhouse, and Chick coop, Jordan and Jessie ran out, " boys good job, what is left?" the Barn and pig house, answered. Frankie, " we got it's getting worse out here, tell everyone to get down to the storm cellar, said. Jessie, " should you be resting mom and Aunt Jordan, asked, Trevino. " son, after have you and your siblings used to having birth and getting back on our feet, inside go, we got the barn and pig house, said. Jessie, " go boys we see you inside, said. Jordan, they walked back to the house, as they get the pigs inside of the house close and lock the pig house, and Barnhouse. they walked in the house, Jordan locked the door, and everyone is safe inside the storm cellar, they ring out their hair, " mommy, mommy, called. Randolph, " yes, Randoph, answered. Jordan, "are we safe? Asher pick him up." we are safe little brother, are we safe place there, mom and Aunt Jessie had it built on the house, said. Asher," you have nothing to worry about brother-in-law, you are safe as bunnies, right mom? asked. Rose, " yeah, it is just the good lord to his work, so let's lay down and let him, said. Jordan, " mom it's the afternoon and I'm hungry, said. Tanner, " wait until it stops, we fix a big lunch later on, said. Jessie, and the south and ranch country, crops getting drawn by the rain, as the storm rip throw the country, and moved up the valley, all of Houston was getting hit with served storm rain and lightning and thunder, for hours the storm raged on, the babies wake up crying, Jordan and Jessie pick them up out of the bassinets, and rocket them, " we didn't get the mothers milk, Jessie, said. Jordan. " we forgot the jug and their bottles, I go get them, said. Jessie, " go to Aunt Jordan, mommy will be back, Jessie gave Jestina to her sister, went up in the house, pulled out her gun, and cocked it as she walked into the kitchen, Cameron and Trent followed her up." we here to help mom, said. Trent, she looked at them, " I got sons since you help her go get extra covers pillows we staying in the cellar tonight, hurry I sensing they are on the way here and through, said, " you scaring me what is on the way through her? the storm? " locked the windows hurry! Heather here take it, she hands everything to her, and she takes it, as they locked the doors and windows and closed the blinds and shutter, she got the jugs and bottles, " boys move your ^$$ sons now! she told them, they ran back down the steps into the cellar, Jessie closed the door and locked, she locked the storm window and pulled down the blinds, blow out the candles, so there wouldn't be any light inside, she ran down the steps and locked the trapped door, " the storm up west somewhere, which wake them up. everyone all the way to the back, I get the guns, she put Jestina and Martina in their Bassinets, they move to far-far back, Jessie hookup the storm shield top and bottom, meanwhile outside out of the ground waken by the storm, are what people of Houston called Texas barrel cats, they not big, can't hear well, what they can count his sight and smell, due a rain storm disturb their barrels they come to hunt, there are hundreds of them, that go into homesteads, towns, cities, and counties, even the most dangerous outlaw trio is out, * Chestor Rims wanted for prison escapes, Dawn Jones wanted for rapes, and Darwin Canes wanted for everything, tipping, yelling and screaming coming up west is the*Outlaw trio* Jordan walked up with the pistol she hand them to everyone, " they out Jus, said Jordan, " Huh who mom? asked. Daytona, even before there are three wanted, they called themselves *Storm of three* every storm they come out and weep habit, no one can catch these some of the bl^stards, Jordan and Jessie, said, Marco, "you know we welcome a challenge uncle Marco they come out in a storm and so will the bounty of law, said. Jordan, " most definitely, what we know about are wanted outlaws? the ad could you stay with them in the cellar? asked, Jessie. " let's one escape from prison, I think he was sent to Clay prison, said, Marco. " you know why he was sent up uncle Marco? asked. Jordan, "I can find out by going to the town hall to look up their files, " Judge 9# trail those cases old bean, we can has them about them, said. Thomas, " that's a good idea we shouldn't send the state Governor to do the work. we did come up against them once, said, Jessie. " what happened, mom? asked. Whalma, " this closed of shackle them and bring them in, when they vanished out of say, rumors say they are their ghost that comes out in a rain storm, said. Jessie, "hogwash Jessie they are very much breathing, said. Marco, " that's why I said rumor dad, " okay but you say them is coming what mom, said, Cameron, " you just said it again mom, " it was out of love son like always, disturb by the storm they come out to hut Texas barrel cats, that why we sleep, eat, wash down here, said. Jordan, " we cook everything in the morning bring it down wrap it put it into the coolers to stay, along with a couple of jugs of mothers milk, and pots f coffee and tea, if you need anything from the house now be a good time to tell us before they get here, said. Jessie,