
The Garett sisters

We are not bounty hunters we are bounty of justice, we teach law, and train law

Rashidacarter230 · LGBT+
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273 Chs

chapter vii

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Month max* was the sentence, they took them to Brick prison where they are making bricks for the rest of their lives after they turn them over to the guards and headed home, the snow is getting thick and deep, Hank open up the fence and they ride into the fence into the Barnhouse, and closed it and lock it, Hank closed the fence, " { Uncle we back, you want us in the office,]asked, Jordan. "[yeah good job guys, ] they walked through the snow and up to the house, he let them inside and closed the door behind him, and they walked into the office, " good job, lot searches, hires going to be coming in, some went not going to answer due to the weather being back but I let you, Hank how are you son? asked. Marco, " good sir, Mrs. Garrettis a good nurse/doctor. who would ever think one of us would go renegade over our wives, said. Hank, " never the less we made the right choice to be a part of the bounty of law, said, Thomas, " we can not do being apart for weeks, days, or months anymore, we need to be with our families, what the next job old bean, asked, Hank, " Spring town trialing * the outlaw Butt Holms wanted for bank robberies,* they are wandering can you do a prison transfer, said, Marco." whose doing the trail there? asked, Thomas, " I got Judge 6# to come, he already there, and he already doing a Year max sentence, all they need him deliver to Clay prison, said. Marco, ' Spring town is ten miles Jes, Rayne, Randolph, Isabell, Kendall, Joseph, and Roselin can stay with Uncle Marco, " I don't want to mommy why can't go tomorrow? asked, Randolph, Jessie pick up her little nephew and son, " boys we got bad weather tomorrow it's going to be too cold for you six, size you have sooo much fun with grandpa, at grandpa house you get to do anything and eat anything you want. said, Jessie, " darn right get to stay up by the fireplace, I make my famous cocoa, and we have night snack, and we wait for mommy to call in, no camping girls, get a room for the night leave in the morning, They smiled ear to ear, " have fun mommy and daddy be safe, Teeno, called. Roselin, " yes baby sister, answered. Teeno, " you keep our parents safe and bring them back. said, Kendall, " yes ma'am I bring everyone back, we can have some breakfast strew meat, and mother milk, said. Teeno ' Frankie you do the same, said. Isabelle, " bring everyone home please brother, said. Rayne, " yes, ma'am you have a blast with grandpa, what other jobs do we have uncle Marco? asked. Frankie, " yes, my boy, Rock Creek valley city and money wagon was sent out to sprung town, the thing is they haven't heard from the driver at all, said, Marco " in the snow, wouldn't it be safe to wait for it to stop snowing? asked. Preston, " with money wagons you can't always count on good weather, answered. Marco, " this is going to be the longest winter ever, that means the Winter leapers and Winter wolves are going be out, longer, said. Jordan, " great they're back again, said. devon, " honestly cousin I rather have them, so what are we going to mom and Aunt Jordan, asked. Cameron, " one job at a time, after you get done come to the house, I think we all need to be together doing this winter, said. Marco, " and one last one Rock town the deputy and marshal need to be taught, and they got a rowdy dunk that needs to be settle down, "Teeno and Frankie in Rock town teach train them the right way and get to become a team, Said, Jordan. " we agree with that in the storm cellar get your covers and pillows, " who want to calm the drunk down, " can I do it grandma please, asked, Rebecca, " yes, you are ready to stand up my granddaughter, said. Jordan, so after business, they walked out of Marco's house and went to lock in the livestock in the houses like Barnhouse, Farmhouse, Duck houses, and Henhouses, then they walked inside, Jordan and Jessie make a big pot of beef stew and hot bread, and everyone went down into the storm cellar Jessie lock the doors, and closed the shutters and blinds, they take their belts off and settle in for the night, Jordan starts the fire and the Fireplace, as they help everyone with a big bowl strew and bread, poured everyone something to drink, " mm beef strew, no one makes beef strew like mom and Aunt Jordan, this remains of that storm and we all was in the cellar, mom and Aunt Jordan make a huge pot of beef stew and a jug of mother milk, said. Rico, " sound you a wonderful childhood Rico, said. Hannah, ' that's nothing I love when their other wolves kick into overdrive, said. Dayton, " what is that? asked/. Lily, " protection mode, I don't see every time they put Teeno and Frankie in charge, when they could put e and Cam, said. Preston, " son they are the oldest, even sometimes they don't act like it. said, Jordan. " exactly even their poor mothers wish they did, who wants more strew, asked, Jessie, they all want more they give everyone a second helping of strew, meanwhile outside the snow is deep, and still coming down. " no Jes, the winter threats only comes out in winter, this a snow storm the storm wolves comes out during a storm, said. Marco, " we suggest you in the kids stay in the storm cellar until we get back, dad, said. Jordan. " we bring extra blankets and pillows, you need anything out of your house dad? asked. Jessie, nope, just be careful this morning. said, Marco, after they eat and drink, they went to sleep, way deep in the valley, out of the hives of snow came out the Storm wolves, they yawn and shakes, their fur is long and coated in snow, but they eat anything people, and other animals, as they walked up the valley looking for food, heading North, they howled out, long deep and loud. which wakes up Kendall, Joseph, Roselin, Rayne, Randolph, and Isabelle, "