
The Garett sisters

We are not bounty hunters we are bounty of justice, we teach law, and train law

Rashidacarter230 · LGBT+
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273 Chs

chapter ix

the homestead

They made it back to the Homestead through the snow, it is freezing out, "Welcome to your new home Jacob, by the way, I am Jessie, my husband Hank, our sons and daughters, Teeno, Heather, Hank, Cameron, Christopher, West, Joshuss, Trent, Trevino, Warren James, Tammy, Warner, Tiffany, Drano, John, Ted, Chessie, Hank the third, Renshaw, Cora, Renskin, Francesca Sally, Brandon, Brett, Dayton, Rico, Lee, Duke, Tom, Hannah, Dolton, Henry, Evylnn, Whalma, Jayden, Georgina, Geotgio, Dean, Jessup, Levette Jayla, you going to meet our uncle/ father, three youngest, said. Jessie, "[ dad we are back how are the kids?] " you are about to eat good mom and Aunt Jordan is the best cook, said. Trevino, " I am Jordan my husband Thomas, our sons and daughters, Frankie, Preston, Devon, Nancy, Cullen, Sasha, Daisy, Libby, Tonia, Tanner, Asher, Dain, Porter, Aaron, Savannah, Clayton, Rebecca, Sam, Susette, Nano, Bason, Yonda, Railey, Fran, Daytona, Fred, Lily, Grayson, Kingsley, Kendra, Kendrick, Rose, Yonett, Jesse, Yohan, and you are going to be the little ones and like you a hire king Tony, said. Jordan and Marco wrap up and open the fence for them. They ride inside of the fences he closed in locked, they ride into the Barnhouse and locked the Barnhouse doors, they walked back in the trapped doors and locked it, " Mommy daddy!! they yelled and ran up to them, Trent pick up his little brother, " thanks what we chop liver, is mom and dad the only one you see? asked, Trent." your older siblings are touchy, these three are ours, Kendall, Joseph, and Roselin, babies our new member Jacob, can we say hi, said. Jessie, " hi, they all said. " yeah gals you hurt your big sisters and sisters-in-law, said, Cora, Chessie, and Cora pick up Kendall and Roselin, " sorry we love you too. they told their brothers and sisters, " these are our Rayne, Randolph, and Isabella and our uncle/ father uncle Marco, Jacob new member of our outfit, can you tell him hi, said. Jordan, " hi, they, said. Tanner pick up his little brother, " mom and dad are not the only one's back bro, said. Tanner, Kendra, and Yonett pick up their little sisters," tell me about, Rayne and Isabelle you hurt us, and our sisters-in-law, said. Kendra, " sorry everyone we love you too, they told them, they reheat the stew on the little stove, " welcome to our family Jacob, you are at the right place to start fresh, how is the weather? asked. Marco, " thick and deep, dad but slowing down, she take off her winter gear and gunbelt, " few more minutes it is ready, and he couldn't help but notice, " yes they with a child by our Husbands this baby number twenty-six, and what my new babies name? asked. Marco, " Jestina get this they told us on the search instead of here Marco, said, Hank. "granddad here there they still told you that were carrying your babies, said. Georgina, " thank you, Georgina, Mr. Garrett doesn't matter where we tell you, long as we let you know that you are about to be father, said. Jessie, Hank looked at his wife," this one is named after Aunt Jessie, Martina, I guess they right brother. said, Thomas," you don't guess Mr. Garrett your wives are right, said. Jordan, they relax the night talking, as they help everyone bowls of stew and bread, " this is mothers milk the only thing we could come up with to get them to drink their milk, there's tea too if you want tea, said. Jordan," milk mothers milk I don't care, mo can I have another cup please, asked. Asher, " I take some Mistress, said. Jacob, " Just call me my name which I introduced to you, Jordan, she pour them some into their couples, and after they finished eating, they went to sleep for the night, Hank looked at her, and stroke her hair, " whoever thought I get you back in my life again, said. Hank, Hank kissed her on the forehead. "Hank was blessed with blessings we haveour wives back and families, we are about to have our twenty-six baby, this greater than being a judge, said. Thomas, meanwhile outside is loud roaring noise outside, coming closer to the houses, " mommy, mommy, called Kendall, Rayne, Roselin, and Isabelle, " mm what're wrong gals? asked. Jessie, " there something outside making noise, said. Kendall, " gals you all safe, it can not get inside, we locked in and it is locked out lay with mommy and daddy and Aunt Jessie and Uncle Hank, so they lay down next to their parents the storm wolf walk up the valley and stop at their fences, and let out a howl, which woke up Joseph, and, Randolph. they got up and walked up the window, in peak out, they saw the wolf, Teeno and Frankie grab them and pull it and, lock it to the hook, " mom, mom, called. Teeno and Frankie, they open their eyes and looked at their son's, "one is at the house, how big are these things? asked. Frankie. " Frankie where inside everything is locked in and up said. Jordan," we inside it is outside, more likely it is going to leave, go back to sleep nephew, said. Jessie, they went back to sleep, minutes the Storm wolf left, and they disappear into the night, it finally stops snow, and the night sky turn into the morning, Jordan and Jessie sat up yawn and stretched, " what a night, said. Jordan, " yeah, this storm as been a long one, what is the next hire? asked. Jessie, the money wagon, Rock creek city, answered. Jordan, they are showing a little more, " mommy you okay? asked. Kendall, " yeah, you alright mommy, said. Rayne, " I am good Kendall, said. Jessie, " I am fine Rayne. said. Jordan, everyone starting to wake up. " mom, called, Cameron, " yes, son. said, Jessie. " what's doing today, said? Cameron," working but too deep out to go out in, this morning, later on when it melts down some we go out, answered. Jessie,