
The Game of the Worlds

A young man was living with his parents at the edge of a forest. Their life was quiet and peaceful. But one day, catastrophe struck them. A vessel of unknown origins descended on the small family. What happened next, no one knew. The boy awoke in a mysterious land, with high tech and mystical stuff all around him. He was no longer on earth. However, he is accompanied by a strange new system that makes him stronger, and some ghost or something that can change shape. He is the only one who can see this being at first. Now he has to embark on a journey to find his parents, and to figure out the limit of this new system. Join Lance on his journey through the stars. Help him find his parents and get back home. He's gonna need all the help he can get.

Renegade_Gamer · Games
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128 Chs

28. That's A Lot Of Experience.

With all the wolves defeated, only the beta was left. The big girl grew angry with each knife thrown in her eye, and every fireball blinding her. All of her newly formed pack was defeated by these humans. She started to charge at Lance, fangs out, wanting to rip this human apart. She reaches the little human and goes to bite down. Just then, she is assaulted by a hurricane of attacks. Striking every inch of her poor face, and blinding her once again. Her body got burnt by exploding fireballs and she starts getting pushed back. she swats at the human, like trying to hit a fly in mid-air, missing with each attack. Her flesh was torn where the fire burned her skin. She's getting weaker by the second and can't keep up with the constant barrage of attacks. She lets out one final call for help. "Hoooooowwwwwllllll".

Even after hearing that final cry, and knowing what was to come, Lance didn't let up on his attacks. The beta wolf was on her last legs, and he wanted to end her before the pack showed up. Combining his new skills, 'Hurricane!' 'Dash!' he whipped around the poor girl. Carving up her belly and legs. as the big girl falls to the ground. He leaped into the air, 'Hard Hit!' and struck her weak point.

'Critical hit!'

'Weak point!'



You Defeated The Boss of The Forest:

Beta Female Saber Wolf!

Gained 20,000 Experience

Acquired Items:

+2 Beta Wolf Fangs (Rare)

+4 Wolf Bones (Rare)

+2 Beta Wolf Hide (Rare)

+2 Beta Wolf Claws (Rare)

Defeated a monster of a higher level;

Gained 150% Experience.

Experience: 50,000


"Holy shit!" Lance saw the amount of experience he just gained and was speechless. But now was not the time to rest.

'I count two dozen wolves heading our way!' Vixen kept an eye out so they wouldn't get surrounded.

"Shar, Keep that fire up. It's not over yet!" Lance adds one more level to refill his stamina and health. And added points to Hurricane and Dash to max them out.

Dozens of wolves rush past the trees, all targeting Lance. He stands perfectly still, waiting for the right moment to strike. He sheaths one sword and pulls out his gun.

Three wolves closed in fast, they leaped into the air, jaws agape, aiming for Lance's throat, and in a blink of an eye, he vanished. All three were cut down in an instant. Lance didn't stop there, he aimed and unloaded the whole clip in the surrounding monsters. None died, but he blinded a few of them. 'Dash!' he rushed in and cut another one's head clean off. 'Hurricane!' he unleashed his max hurricane on all the wolves around him, one strike, one kill. Heads and limbs were flying everywhere. and the sound of the system echoed loudly in Lance's head.

Sharna had a fireball ready, but she didn't have a chance to throw it. Lance was cutting down the pack in seconds.

With one last wolf remaining, Lance didn't hold back. 'Hard Hit!'. He thrust his sword deep into the skull of the wolf. Blood splattered out and stuck to Lance's face and clothes. 'It's finished'. Lance heaved a sigh of relief as he fell to the ground.

'I counted 58 wolves and the Beta.' Vixen kept the count in her head. She knew Lance would be crazy enough to try and fight, and she wanted to know just how strong Lance had gotten. Both angry with him and relieved to be alive, 'You're such a fucking idiot! we are lucky to even be breathing!' Vixen scolded him. His drive to get experience nearly killed them.

'Yeah yeah, I get it, I fucked up. Big deal. We survived.' Lance brushed off her comment and looked at his experience. After killing his first official boss, and over four dozen wolves, he was sitting at 55,000 Experience. 'We have a lot of experience Vix, so I say it was worth it.'

'Worth it or not, it was still reckless!' Vixen was pouting now. Yeah, Lance is getting strong, fast. But at what cost?

"R-R-Rene?" With the wolves dead, Sharna left the protection of her fire and walked over to him. She saw he was drenched in blood, from head to toe. And a little part of her was scared of him. A young man, barely even looking old enough to be a man, took out a wolf that was feared among men three times his size. Armies would gather to take out such a beast, and he single-handedly took it out. Sharna was both grateful and fearful of Lance.

"Hmmm? What's wrong Shar?" Lance looked over at her. She stayed out of the battle for the most part. And the wounds she had from the previous battle have long since healed. But her frail body still had the marks of battle.

"T-thank you for saving me" Sharna bowed and kept that pose. She truly was grateful. Without him, those wolves would have killed her for sure.

"Oh! Don't mention it". Lance shot her a smile. He laid his head back down on the ground and closed his eyes.

Sharna stood up straight and kneeled on the ground beside him. "You're really strong." Sharna took a deep breath, she felt she had to confess to him something she has been hiding, 'I joined the guards cause I wasn't qualified enough to join the academy and become a Mage. But I don't think I can do this. I'm not strong like you". She looked down at the ground. "You beat that monster with ease. I could never do that."

Lance let out a loud laugh and scratched the back of his head. "You think that was easy? Shar, I almost died. And if it weren't for your fireballs helping to distract the wolves, I would be dead. So I should be the one thanking you." Lance had a big smile as he laughed at Sharna's response. He knew that she was a bigger help than she knew, more than even he and Vixen thought.

"N-no. You took out all of them by yourself. I barely did anything." Sharna was feeling very helpless. Even with Lance explaining that she did help in that fight she still felt useless.

"Look, You blinded the Beta wolf and countless other wolves. That alone kept them from ganging up on me. Plus, you kept yourself inside a barrier, so I didn't have to worry about you getting hurt. And probably the most important, you signaled for the city guards to come to our aid. We may not need them now, but if the fight dragged on, we could have used their help. So, Sharna, Thank you for helping me. We made a great team.," Lance sat up and reached his hand out, and placed it on her shoulder. Brightly smiling at her.

Sharna's face turned a bright shade of red. She was embarrassed. She felt like she was of no help, but now she knew she was great at helping Lance. "You're welcome". She then threw herself at him and hugged him tightly. Tears started falling from her eyes.

Lance laughed and rubbed her back. "It's night, and we should get some sleep Shar. Can you make a fire for us?"

Sharna pulled away, still touching his sides with her hands, and nodded. Tears were flowing from her eyes.

"Good. Then I'll go get some firewood. Can you build a pit?" Lance wanted to rest, but he couldn't let her do everything herself.

"Sure!" She smiled wide. She got to her feet and started to run around looking for rocks while wiping the tears away.

'She is a strange one'. Lance mused to himself.

'That's one way to put it.' Vixen joked and they both laughed.