
The Game Creator in Marvel(News)

Tell me, what would happen if a regular man reincarnated and spent his young life in the Marvel Universe to only find that upon reaching 20 Years Old, he would get his Gold Finger?

Unholy_Angel · Movies
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Chapter 21

[February 13th, 2009, 3 days until Tony Stark is Kidnapped]

The next day I found that over half of the NPCs have decided to get some rest in Sanctuary and enjoy some of the free luxuries I have given them.

Quite a few of the NPCs have even given their marks to a couple of players.

The NPC Marking system worked like a friends tagging system, meaning they can invite those marked to Sanctuary, join their games automatically, message, and have voice chats with the players.

There were also a few more hidden features within the Marking system but I will not reveal them for now.

And due to amount of NPCs actually resting, most of the matches in Battle For The Top were exclusively player-based meaning that all of the participants were actually just players.

And due to the sudden NPC crises, I found a new option for NPCs in the System Shop that allowed me to make an NPC with a background and limited memory.

Did the system really add something new to the shop just for me? This was not here the last time I looked...

Based on its description, it would allow me to make NPCs with their own scripts and personalities that make them seem real, but they wouldn't be like real people like the more self-aware NPCs I currently have resting in Sanctuary.

This made me feel a little bit better seeing as I could create non-self-aware NPCs for my future games, but for any games that are MMO, massive-online-multiplayer games, Tournaments, PVP Games, and even PVPVE games, I could allow the self-aware NPCs to play for their own entertainment and recreational purposes and even hire them to act as some special-event related NPCs that offer unique storylines and quests or something along those lines.

Once I added a sufficient number of these Limited-Intelligence NPCs to Battle For The Top I finally exited my office and got some rest for the night.


[February 14th, 2009, 2 days until Tony Stark is Kidnapped]

The next morning I did some light stretches and worked out before taking a shower and entering my office and looked over the statistics on the two 'official' games, I did not need to see the statistics of Sanctuary due to it being a home for the Sentient NPCs.

[Battle For The Top

Platform(s): Steam

Rating: 4.9/5 Stars

Players: 98,134 Players

Peak Player Count at One Time: 27,030 Players

Opened Game Servers: 12,000

Player Win Count: 2,318(how many times a player has won a match)

Match Win Reward(s): Golden Apple(Consumable Item)[2%], Protection Talisman(Protection Item)[4%], Melee Weapon Mastery Skill Book, Minor Tier(Consumable Item)[4%], Hunter's Potion(Consumable)[30%], Potion of Wolf's Perception(Consumable)[30%], Potion of Animal Reflexes(Consumable)[30%]]

[Need for Speed

Platform(s): Steam

Rating: 4.9/5 Stars

Players: 43,980 Players

Peak Player Count at One Time: 8,980 Players

Opened Game Servers: 5,000

Achievment Reward(s): Golden Apple(Consumable Item)[2%], Protection Talisman(Protection Item)[4%], Melee Weapon Mastery Skill Book, Minor Tier(Consumable Item)[4%], Hunter's Potion(Consumable)[30%], Potion of Wolf's Perception(Consumable)[30%], Potion of Animal Reflexes(Consumable)[30%]]

Both games only continued to rise in popularity and I earned many points due to this popularity, but I noticed something that was a little bit concerning.

Upon getting on the internet, I found that any and all news related to my games seemed to be nonexistent...

I could only think of one reason why my games weren't already spreading across the internet in a wildfire...SHIELD must have discovered my games.

This means that until I find some way around SHIELD's blocking, both of my games' popularity will take time to increase and I would probably have to rely on word of mouth spreading, meaning I would have to rely on the players already playing the game to share the game to others around them.

Now then, outside of the game, I have been studying the Yggdrasil Magic Grimoire, more specifically the languages offered within the book, summoning rituals, and Gate Rituals.

I found that through the book and some spells and rituals, I could actually summon Undead, Angels, Demons, and many more kinds of creatures and even create a gate to their worlds and realms!

For example, I could create a Gate that could go to Asgard, Álfheim, Vanaheim, Niðavellir, Midgard, Jötunheim, Niflheim, Helheim, and Múspellsheim if I so wished, but most of those places would be filled with dangers and opportunities.

[A/N: If we ever do decide to enter the nine realms of Yggdrasil, please help me with creating places, new races, plants, monsters regarding these particular realms, and heck, even give suggestions on your own treasures and secrets which would help add variety and mysteriousness to the nine realms, since the wiki is not very specific on what is within these realms we would have plenty to work with and create ourselves! Plus as usual, I am just a single author, its impossible for one man such as myself to create an entire world on his lonesome]

Other than that, I was also almost halfway to obtaining enough mana to cast a Tier-6 Spell.

I would have had enough Mana to cast a Tier-6 spell a while ago, but I did not want to keep rushing to get as much mana as possible, I wanted to first solidify my foundations by learning each Tier of Tier-Magic extensively.

For example, I have been learning a wide variety of Tier-Spells for any kind of situation like Healing Spells, Curse Spells, Enhancement Spells, and much more.

Besides that, I also summoned or more accurately molded two Angel Sentinels with 5-Tier Magic to guard my abode whenever I am not here as well as protect the Gate to Ta Lo from anything going in and coming out.

[A/N: Art in my discord: CMZm2uJ]

Now then, I have two days left until Stark is kidnapped and even more time before he escapes, what shall I do?

[A/N: Welp, I pumped out chapters this week, I need some rest, still hate how I have to wait until next Monday until I can start reintroducing Solid Food into my diet]