
The Game Creator in Marvel(News)

Tell me, what would happen if a regular man reincarnated and spent his young life in the Marvel Universe to only find that upon reaching 20 Years Old, he would get his Gold Finger?

Unholy_Angel · Movies
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Chapter 1: Gold Finger

Laying within a small cabin a few miles away from a town, a young man could be seen lazily sleeping in bed.

The young man had black hair and green eyes that resembled bright emeralds.

This young man was me, Kain, a simple man in America who turns out to be a Reincarnator, and what's even worse, I am just an average guy in a very deadly universe, specifically the Marvel and X-Men Cinematic Universe...

[A/N: Fair Warning, my knowledge of Marvel and X-Men are from the Movies and if you feel like helping me learn more, then join my discord: CMZm2uJ]

I mean seriously, how am I, a normal man, supposed to survive what happens in the future? Especially when Thanos gets his Infinity Gauntlet and the Infinity Stones and snaps his fingers?

So, when I earned enough money in my teens, I moved out to the countryside as far as possible from large cities and bought myself a small wooden cabin out in the woods.

Luckily for me, it was the year 2008 and there are still a few months remaining until Tony is kidnapped.

As I got up from bed and made myself some breakfast I accidently dropped my cold glass of water as a screen suddenly appeared in front of me, hovering in the air.

[Congratulations on reaching 20 Years of age! You have unlocked the Game Building System!]

A Gold Finger!

Where have you been?!

[Would you like to enter your personal Dimension or open your Profile?]

Uh...open my Profile...


Name: Kain Evergloom

Race: Human

Current Playerbase: Earth

System Points: 0

[System Shop]


What is the System shop?

[The System Shop is a shop in which you can purchase Items, Characters, NPCs, Monsters, and more]

The system responded?

Moments pass and there was only silence.

I guess it only responds to questions...

[Would you like to enter your Workshop?]


Before my eyes, an eerie purple crack in the air appeared...

Do...do I enter it?

With a deep breath, I stepped into the crack and found myself in a small room that resembled an office with a desk at the center, a few filing cabinets, two empty bookshelves, and few empty shelves.

[Would you like to open your Starter Kit?]

Starter Kit...uh, sure?

[Congratulations on unlocking the Abandoned City(Modern) Template]

[Congratulations on unlocking the following Weapons: 1911, Glock 19, MP5, AK-47, M4A1, M16, DMR 14, M91, Pellington 703, and Kar98k along with their relative ammunition]

[Congratulations on unlocking The Classic Zombie Monster Kit]

[Congratulations on unlocking Basic Modern Armor]

(A/N: Give your suggestions for possible future kits or items/monsters to be used in games!)

[Starter Mission

Rank: 1/10

Mission Details: Create your first Dimensional Game via the Management Desk and publish the Game to Public

Rewards: 1,000 Points and a random reward]

It gives missions?

Walking over to the Management Desk I sat down and looked back over to see that the portal back to earth closed and what replaced the portal was a door.

[After a minute passes or the host enters the Workshop, the portal will close behind the host, but to return to their previous location, all that needs to be done is to walk through the door]

That's good, I thought I was trapped in here.

As I leaned back in the chair I watched as a holographic screen suddenly appeared before my eyes hovering over the desk.

[Create Game]

[Update Game]

[Spectate Game]

[Game Statistics]

[Join Game]

[Host Game Event(Event would need to be created]

[Game Library: Empty]

Clicking Create Game I was shocked and surprised to suddenly find myself on an empty field devoid of grass or even rocks, it was completely blank.

--[Game Administrator Menu]--




=[Game/World Rules]


[50km^2 Game Size Limit] (A/N: Basically just a bit smaller than the PUBG Erangel Map which is 64km^2)

Looking through my options from the screen before me I almost immediately chose Templates where I found the Abandoned City(Modern) Template.

Upon clicking the template a wide arrange of objects and items I could create appeared before me!

It went from hundreds of thousands of types of abandoned buildings covered in vines and surrounded by grass to broken down cars, overgrown bikes, and random rubble.

There were so many things I could choose before my eyes!

As I began thinking of what kind of game I should create I eventually decided to go with a Genre that was quite successful, a Battle Royale.

And my Menu says that my 'Game' can only be the size of 50km^2 so I do have some room to work with, but not nearly enough room if I wanted to use all of the recourses within the Template.

So...I need to think about this before I start designing the 'Game' and its 'Rules'.

Thinking over it, I decided to go with an Abandoned City that was taken over by nature but also had signs of decay and disrepair.

As I began designing the game world I ended up making specific sections for the map.

The Market District, The Park, Downtown, Uptown, and of course, Military Base.

By the time I was finished, I didn't even notice that over 24 hours passed...

Now then, what's next.

Ah yes, the Natural Enemies, the Classic Zombies.

Upon creating a few zombies, I found out a couple of things.

I could set their base stats such as Health, Speed, and Intelligence.

They were mostly slow and unintelligent zombies that worked much like the zombies from the Walking Dead Series.

I could even give them loot drops and armor that they could wear to help protect their bodies from the players.

After I created a couple of thousand zombies that would roam the Military Base and City I also found that I could add a rule that makes it to where the Zombies could respawn once killed.

Once done with that, I made sure to try to set up a somewhat balanced loot table.

I then went on to the Game Rules...which definitely overwhelmed me...

There were just too many rules...

Some that even affected the players that joined the game...

[Forced Strength Limit(ON)]

[Disable Magic and/or Supernatural Abilities(ON)]

[Pain Setting(Manual)]

[Forced Race(Humanoid)]

Just to name a few of the rules that were supposed to affect the players.

Basically whoever joined the game would be forced to have the strength of a human with a humanoid body while also disabling any kind of magic or supernatural ability they might have.

While the Pain Setting was self-explanatory, it allowed the players to set their own scale for pain from 1%-100%.

From there I went to the game settings that included the rules such as a Time Limit, Player Limit, the type of game and how it's supposed to work, and if teams were optional.

Basically, I tried to keep the game as close to reality as possible and molded it after the Battle Royal game I have seen.

Once I finished and was satisfied by the settings I created, I then created the 'Storm' and the waiting area the players would be in while they waited for the game to start.

Then from there, I added some more details to the world and the settings before finally clicking the Finish button.

[Unamed Game

Game Type: 100-Man Battle Royal

System Rating: D+

D+ Grade Game Creation Reward: Golden Apple(Player Reward)]

[You have become an Official Game Creator and have been rewarded with: Yggdrasil's Magic Grimoire]