
The fruit that changed everything

James is an ordinary kid in an ordinary village. But all of that changes when he is seven. James has never known that his dad was a pirate. And by the marine law. 'If a man is found on a pirate vessel not shackled by the wrists or ankles he shall be found guilty as a pirate.' James has no idea but he's a pirate and he's about to find that out.

ThunderBolt · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

He's lucky he isn't dead

"Man he's lucky he isn't dead after what he did." Don says laughing. "That man disobeyed the captain to the point of becoming a traitor. We have a rule on this ship though if someone can escape us then they're off free." Don says. "He ran down this deck right here you can still see a single mark we left as a remembrance of peace with him." Don says walking over to a black footprint on the wood and pointing. "That's the first time he used the devil fruit power with full control. He used the energy of the fire pushing on the deck like a little jump pad to get in the air before flying away." He says tracing the path Johan probably took in the air.

"What did he do?" I ask Don.

"Well this was right as we came up with the idea to hide our ship and anyone who saw a pirate flag who wasn't part of or didn't want to be part of our crew we killed. One day we were cleaning our flags and cannons which we had to have out in the open to get them good and clean as a merchant ship pulled in, Chris saw the ship and ordered the cannons to fire Johan refused to fire his cannon saying it wasn't morally right. And this is the first time we ever destroyed a civilian ship that didn't make any hostile actions at us they were just going about their everyday lives and weren't gonna say a thing to us and Johan knew that so he didn't fire." Don says with a dark face.

"So Chris tried to get him killed?" I ask.

"Yes he did he ordered us to fire on him and we did but he was out of our range by the time we were pulling the trigger to our muskets." Don says while looking at the footprint. "Lucky for us the deck didn't catch fire it just cooked a little making that print."

"Hey Don get over here!" A burly guy with a huge beard says. He's holding a barrel and dumps a red liquid into someones cup before tipping his head back and chugging the rest of the barrel.

"It was good to meet you James." Don says smiling as he walks away to the big guy.

"You too!" I say turning around looking at the footprint.

"Hey James come here!" Don says looking at me and gesturing to come over. "I want you to meet a couple guys." I walk over and the big guy holds out his hand as he says.

"My names Lucan." He says with a big smile. His huge hand completely wraps around mine.

"We call him Lucy." Don says laughing.

"HEY!" He says putting Don in a headlock smiling. Everyone's laughing as Don picks up Lucan and holds him like a baby.

"Little Lucy here needs to be comforted, have his diaper changed and fed." He says in a baby voice before setting Lucan down. One of the guys is on the floor rolling around laughing.

"Oh my back." Don says smiling. "I'm too old for this." He says laughing Lucan bursts out in a high pitched giggle like that of a little girl getting a kiss on the cheek from her crush. Everyone's laughing my stomach hurts from laughing so much and tears are starting to fall out of my eyes my legs go weak and I plop down on the deck still laughing.

"The hells goin on over here?" Rick says helping me up.

"We did a little demonstration." Lucan says bowing all at once everyone starts cracking up again and Rick laughs a little.

"God you guys are immature." He says shaking his head as he laughs.

"Isn't that why we're the entertainers?" Lucan says with his arms out.

"Yes that is why you're the designated entertainers." Rick says as he turns to walk away. "Don't kill them from laughter please."

"No promises." He says before turning around. "I won't kill you guys from laughter i'm getting pretty tired so i'm gonna head off to bed." Lucan says bowing and walking off to the barracks.

"He's a dork." Don says with a smile.

"I HEARD THAT!" Lucan says as he walks off.

"YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO!" Don says before turning to the group again. "So are you guys gonna introduce yourselves or what?"

"Oh right. I'm Warren." A shorter but strong looking man says shaking my hand.

"Kenny." A taller woman says. She shakes my hand very lightly smiling at me. "It's good to meet you James." She says.

"You too." I say before letting go of her hand.

"Someone likes you." Don says nudging me with his elbow.

"Shut up." I say.

"Really Don?" Kenny says smacking him in a playful way. He throws his face to the side and screams holding his face.

"OH THE PAIN! THE PAIN!" He screams thrashing around the deck. Everyone's laughing again before he stands back up laughing. "And that is the end of the show ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming and have a great night." Don says turning around to go to the barracks.

"He's right it's getting pretty late I'm gonna get some sleep." Warren says heading to the barracks. I agree and start walking over to get some sleep as a huge flash of light appears in the sky and makes a loud boom the sky is engulfed in one giant flame.