
The fruit that changed everything

James is an ordinary kid in an ordinary village. But all of that changes when he is seven. James has never known that his dad was a pirate. And by the marine law. 'If a man is found on a pirate vessel not shackled by the wrists or ankles he shall be found guilty as a pirate.' James has no idea but he's a pirate and he's about to find that out.

ThunderBolt · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

The ships gone

The fireball starts to rain little balls of fire down on the ship causing small fires all over the deck.

"SHIT, FIRES!" Kenny yells as she stomps out a little flame in front of her. She starts running to the barracks before an ember lands on her back she screams in pain and tries to swat the ember away after a couple seconds she gets engulfed in flames and thrashes around the deck screaming in pure terror and pain before the screams stop and she's laying still dead.

Fire starts to spread on the deck the sky gets engulfed in a huge flame again another deafening explosion sounds and more embers fall on the ship.

"ABANDON SHIP ABANDON SHIP!" I hear Chris yell running to the barracks dodging flames and embers. "GET IN THE WATER JAMES!" He screams at me flinging the door to the barracks open. "EVERYONE OFF THE SHIP NOW!" He yells running down the stairs a couple seconds later people start to rush out of the barracks going every which way some get hit by embers and burn to death. "I SAID GET OFF THE SHIP!" I snap out of my little dream I was in and run to the side of the ship jumping in the water.

"HE CAN'T SWIM!" Is the last thing I hear Chris yell before plunging in the dark cold ocean and I sink.

'No no no no no!' I think as the light of the moon and fireballs fade I'm going deeper and deeper in the water I'm losing my breath and sinking deeper and deeper into the black void that is the sea. My visions getting blurry and I'm fading fast I see a figure dive into the ocean.

'Johan?' I think to myself. I'm starting to black out. The figure comes closer and it isn't Johan it's Rick he grabs me and starts to swim up to the surface and I black out.

"Yo James you finally awake?" Don says giving my shoulder a little shake.

"Hm what happened? Why am I on sand and not the Barbarian?" Don looks down a little and everything floods back to me Kenny burning to death, Chris running around frantically trying to get everyone off the ship, the coldness and darkness of the sea. I sit up and see the entire ship on fire and starting to sink.

"The ships gone." Chris says. "Everything I've worked for is gone." He walks to the edge of the sand and starts walking in the water before collapsing to his knees. He sits there for a while not doing anything before he stands up and walks to us wiping his eyes. "I need to know who and who didn't make it out. Everyone get in a line." Chris says.

"Kenny didn't." I say standing up.

"Lee's gone." Rick says.

"Which one?" Chris asks.


"Well he was pretty much useless anyways. In total we lost 2 then, wait where's Thomas?"

"He also didn't make it out."

"Alright so 3 total, destroyed ship, on an island." Chris says rubbing his chin and nodding. "The island should be big enough to sustain life for a while we just have to build another ship."

"Then there's no time to waste. Lincoln use your fruit and find some sticks and logs so we can make a fire." Rick says.

"Sounds good, James and Lucy you're with me." Lincoln says lighting up the area.

"So we gonna cut down a tree or somethin?" Lucan asks throwing an ax over his shoulder.

"Yes now hurry up." Lincoln says.

"I'm comin I'm comin." Lucan says getting up with a grunt. "An don't call me Lucy you hear?"

We start walking behind Lincoln finding some loose sticks along the way. There's a couple trees along the path that Lincoln says no to before coming along a huge tree.

"Get to work." Lincoln says. Lucan grins and starts swinging the ax cutting into the tree. After around 4 swings the tree cracks and groans as it falls to the dirt.

"I'm assuming you want me to cut the tree into smaller logs?" Lucan asks.

"Yeah and while you're doing that I wanted to talk to James." Lincoln says looking at me. "What do you feel right now?"

"What? Um I have no idea I feel the same." I say confused.

"Do you feel better? More powerful?"

"I mean yeah I feel a little more powerful." I say shrugging. "I feel normal though I don't feel more powerful I just feel at home I guess."

"That's good because it means you're becoming one with darkness and getting comfortable with it."

"Yeah I feel like darkness is my best friend. That sounds really weird considering I killed it." I say looking at the hand that crushed darkness I see the darkness streaming over my hands and fingers hearing the final screeches of darkness before it was crushed.

"That wasn't darkness it was kinda like a demon."

"A demon?" I ask.

"Yeah I don't know what it is but I think it's the sea devil." Lincolns says.

"I'm done!" Lucan says proudly like a child finishing building a toy. He has a huge grin on his face with 2 logs on his shoulder.

"Alright James you help out also." Lincoln says pointing to a little log near the top of the tree.

"I can do more than that." I say cocky. I put my arms across the log and try to pick it up. "WHAT THE?!" I scream confused why the log won't budge.

"HAHHAHAHAHA!" Lucan laughs pointing at me.

"I can do it." I say to myself. I grunt in frustration trying to pick the log up. It still doesn't budge even though I'm trying my hardest to lift it.

"I got it James." Lucan says walking over.

"Don't he'll figure it out." Lincolns says to Lucan holding his arm out. I keep trying to pick it up different ways but none of them work.

"Give me a shadow on the log." I say standing out of breath.

"Alright sounds good." Lincoln says he walks a little and the log gets a shadow. I take a deep breath and think really hard about taking control of the logs shadow. It speaks to me the shadow spoke to me and I speak back. The log starts to float.

"HOLY SHIT!" Lucan yells dropping the logs on his shoulder and stumbling back.

"Haahahahahaha! Amazing job James!" Lincoln says smiling. I'm struggling to keep the log up my arms shaking and I'm sweating. The log is still heavy but It's assisted like the shadow is taking some of the weight away. "Alright James drop it you're going to go out." Lincoln says clapping my shoulder.

"I-I can't." I say trying to tell the shadow to stop, it's refusing it keeps telling me it's in control.

"James let it go." Lincoln's voice is starting to fade away until it's just a sound like hearing things under water. The next thing I know my visions starts to get blurry the log drops and so do I.