
The frozen world:I stocked up on billions supplies

The world entered an ice age, the ice end came, 95% of the planet's human species all died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the man he had helped because of his kindness. Rebirth back to a month before the end of the ice, Zhang Yi awakening space powers, began crazy hoarding supplies! Lack of supplies? He hollowed out a $10 billion warehouse in a superstore! Uncomfortable in your stay? He built a super safe house worthy of Fortress Doom! The end comes, others are frozen into dogs, for a bite to eat will give up everything. But Zhang Yi is more comfortable than before the end of the world. Bai Lianhua: Zhang Yi, I promise to be your girlfriend as long as you let me into your house. Rich second generation: Zhang Yi, I would like to exchange all my money for a meal in your family! Beast neighbors: Zhang Yi, you should share the material with us, not be so selfish! Looking at these past life betrayed their own people, Zhang Yi lying in the safe room, comfortable living the life of Xanadu general. Zhang Yi: What does it matter to me whether you die or not? I don't feed my stuff to the dogs!

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78 Chs

27 Lin Xiaohu

Soon, Zhang Yi heard Aunt Lin screaming like killing a pig.

Chen Zhenghao rushed into the room and slapped Aunt Lin in the face.

"Old man, let you cheat the neighbors of supplies, I am doing God's work!"

Chen Zhenghao said with a laugh.

Aunt Lin was beaten and fell to the ground. Her head was dizzy and she could not speak for a long time.

Chen Zhenghao said to his subordinates: "Search me, let's take away all the food and drink in this room! The neighbors have worked so hard to save this money. We can't let her have it!"

His men grinned and winked into the kitchen and bedroom, and turned over all the places where Aunt Lin could hide things.

Soon, I found a lot of instant noodles, bread and biscuits, mineral water and other things.

Aunt Lin cried, crawled over, hugged Chen Zhenghao's thigh and said, "You can't take everything away. There are also things that our family stored up. How can I and my grandson survive if you take all of them away?"

Chen Zhenghao stared at her coldly and scoffed: "I don't care! Get out of here!"

With that, he kicked her with his good leg, right in the face of Aunt Lin.


Aunt Lin let out a scream like killing a pig and fell backwards.

At that moment, there was a cry from the bedroom: "All you bastards, get out of here!"

It was Aunt Lin's grandson, Xiao Hu, who found himself hiding

Up chocolate biscuits were turned out, immediately red eyes.

He actually took a paring knife out of a drawer and stabbed a little Karami in the butt.

In this extreme cold, any injury would be fatal.

The little Karami let out a cry of pain.

Turn around to see his own was a child, but also angry eyes!

Fuck, if this gets out, how can he get away with it?

"Fuck me!"

Little Karami very angry, on the tiger's belly used up twelve points of strength to kick the past!

A full-strength kick from a grown man, not this at all

A six-year-old can handle it.

He let out a scream and flew straight into the air, then hit the wall hard and fell to the ground like a piece of garbage.

There is a saying that beating someone is like hanging a picture, and this is exactly what that saying describes.

So that to see this scene Chen Zhenghao and others are happy to laugh.

"Ha ha ha! Five, since when to practice so good leg work ah!"

"I kicked that little brat to the ground. What a blow!"

And little Karami, nicknamed Five, pulled the knife out of his hip and said triumphantly: 'Isn't he handsome? You should have filmed that!"

Aunt Lin herself was wounded and wanted to lie down on the ground and play dead.

But when he saw his beloved grandson being kicked so heavily, he cried out in despair: "Tiger, my grandson!"

He pounced on the tiger.

And Chen Zhenghao is pointing to Aunt Lin, just words said: "This is the price you cheated the neighbors, I am doing God's work!"

With that, a group of people laughed and left Aunt Lin's home with their booty.

This cruel scene, see Zhang Yi straight eyebrow.

See the despicable aunt Lin was beaten, Zhang Yi heart naturally is very cool, will not sympathize with them.

However, this scene also represents the whole owner building, the original civilized society rules, has begun to appear cracks.

Then there will be more and more cruelty.

After all, if a single corner of intact ice is cracked, it will expand rapidly.

"Well, it's a pity it has nothing to do with me."

"It's boring to watch them fight and die for a few supplies while I have to lie flat at home."

Lying on the sofa, Zhang Yi smiled and sighed.

He then posted the video to his building's owners.

Among the owners, those who have been cheated are still scolding Aunt Lin.

Until I saw this video posted by Zhang Yi.

See the video, Lin aunt home was Chen Zhenghao with people hit

Damn, and then she and her grandson were beaten up and robbed of their supplies.

The owners were immediately happy.

"Ha ha ha, big liar, serves you right!"

"How mighty he is! Thunderbolt is the way to deal with such people!"

"That's the price of a liar!"

"Hee hee, stealing chicken can not erode the rice, is really funny!"

Although the owners who have been cheated of the materials know that Chen Zhenghao took the materials could not be returned to them.

But they were glad to see Aunt Lin being beaten.

For a time, there were even people who thought Chen Zhenghao was a hero and praised his virtues.

"How mighty he is!

"Worthy of being the big brother of society, he has a sense of justice!"

"If it hadn't been for Howie, we wouldn't have been able to do anything about her."

"Hogo be careful, the old creature is shameless and cruel, before she calls the police on you."

Some people even worry about Chen Zhenghao and offer advice for him.

Chen Zhenghao this time can be described as fame and wealth, neither caused the collective boycott of the owners, but also obtained a large number of materials.

Zhang Yi looked at the owners of the chat, but skimming his mouth, shaking his head with derision.

The owners were unaware of a problem.

Chen Zhenghao can break into Aunt Lin's home today and rob her, that

One day, we can break into their homes, too.

And as people gradually lose hope in the outside world, this will happen quickly.

However, seeing the owners still able to chat freely in the group, also proves a case.

That is, in your hands, there is actually a certain amount of material.

For most families, it's not as bad as everyone says.

Yuelu community many people are working in the warehouse area, home has the habit of hoarding supplies.

Even if they do not work in the warehouse district, they will buy discounted goods at home through various channels.

A box of instant noodles for the upcoming season can save enough for a family of three to survive for four or five days.

So even now, it's very difficult for people to eat and warm themselves.

But if you save a little, you can survive for a while.

In the last life, Zhang Yi lasted a full month, and then was hungry crazy neighbors rushed to the door, eat alive.

Money is not lost, this truth everyone knows in his heart.

The reason why one is crying poor there, is afraid of others looking for them to borrow supplies.

Of course.

They are barely scraping by, if at all, in terms of quality of life, which has little relevance to them now.

Zhang Yi stopped reading messages in the chat group.

He took a target out of the space and put it on the wall.

Then he picked up his crossbow and compound bow and began to practice shooting skills.

Even if his safe house is as solid as a fortress of steel, there is no slack in the end of life.

Only by persistently practicing survival skills every day can you make yourself go to the end.

Moreover, shooting practice is also a good way of entertainment for Zhang Yi.

As for marksmanship, there was no need for him to practice.

He's a member of a shooting club, knows how to use guns.

I can't say I'm a good shot, but a gun is a great deterrent just to have it in your hand!

There are only a hundred bullets, and unlike arrows, they can't be recycled, so it's better to save some.