
The frozen world:I stocked up on billions supplies

The world entered an ice age, the ice end came, 95% of the planet's human species all died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the man he had helped because of his kindness. Rebirth back to a month before the end of the ice, Zhang Yi awakening space powers, began crazy hoarding supplies! Lack of supplies? He hollowed out a $10 billion warehouse in a superstore! Uncomfortable in your stay? He built a super safe house worthy of Fortress Doom! The end comes, others are frozen into dogs, for a bite to eat will give up everything. But Zhang Yi is more comfortable than before the end of the world. Bai Lianhua: Zhang Yi, I promise to be your girlfriend as long as you let me into your house. Rich second generation: Zhang Yi, I would like to exchange all my money for a meal in your family! Beast neighbors: Zhang Yi, you should share the material with us, not be so selfish! Looking at these past life betrayed their own people, Zhang Yi lying in the safe room, comfortable living the life of Xanadu general. Zhang Yi: What does it matter to me whether you die or not? I don't feed my stuff to the dogs!

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78 Chs

28 A bag of instant noodles costs 2000 yuan

Lin aunt Chen Zhenghao robbed the home of supplies, himself and grandson tiger was also beaten.

The old lady held her breath, but she could move.

But her grandson Xiaohu, it was Chen Zhenghao's little Karami a foot hard kicked in the belly!

It's too much for a six-year-old to take a kick like that. It's got internal problems.

In desperation, she was able to call for help from a group of property owners, hoping someone would help save her grandson.

However, because of the things she fraudulently supplies before, let everyone to her are particularly disgusted, no one is willing to help her.

"Whoops, I know I didn't do it right. But my grandson is innocent!"

"He's a child. Save him!"

Aunt Lin burst into tears in the crowd, her voice full of despair.

The owners had no sympathy for her.

Instead, someone sneered.

"Who knows if it's real this time?"

"Yeah, yeah, and besides, we're not doctors. We can't help you."

"Would you have beaten your grandson if you hadn't lied to everyone about the supplies? After all, you asked for it."

Aunt Lin broke down and cried: "A thousand mistakes are my fault, as long as you can save my grandson, I will kowtow to you!"

Just then, a message arrived from a woman named Zhou Ke 'er.

"Let me show the child! But I do not promise to cure him."

Zhang Yi saw the news of Zhou Ke, the mind immediately emerged with a long ponytail, tall and proud of the royal sister image.

Zhou Ke 'er is a doctor at Tianhai No. 1 People's Hospital.

In her last life, she used her medical knowledge to save many lives.

One of the few nice people in the neighborhood.

She is usually a little cold, do not love to talk in the owners group.

This time to see the tiger in danger of life, only to come forward to voice.

At this time, Aunt Lin also remembered that there was such a doctor in the community, and hurriedly sent the child to the past.

Half an hour later, Aunt Lin's anxious voice rang out in the crowd again.

"Who has hemostatic, antishock, and antibiotics?"

"My little tiger needs an operation, please help! I kowtow to you!"

Lin Xiaohu was hurt so badly that his liver was broken by the kick.

Although Zhou Ke Er is a doctor, but there is not so much medicine in the family.

The owners heard Aunt Lin's help, all smiled and did not speak.

Are you kidding? No one keeps these pills at home!

Chen Zhenghao also said sarcastic remarks in the group.

"How do you kowtow, in the crowd?"

There was a loud "ha ha ha" from below.

Aunt Lin's voice was crying, "as long as you can help, I will now knock!"

Zhang Yi raised her eyebrows.

Don't tell me. He had them all in his different room.

However, he will never take out to save Lin Xiaohu.

For one thing, medicine was as important as food in the end times, and he didn't want to expose it.

On the other hand, he really hated Aunt Lin and that spoiled monkey child.

Besides, with a wound that bad, even if I managed to pull it off, I wouldn't be able to make it through the long winter.

Why don't you keep the drugs and use them yourself.

No matter how Aunt Lin pleaded in the crowd, there was no one

Stand up for her.

After a long time, Dr. Zhou Ke Er sent a message in the group.

Said she has temporarily helped Lin Xiaohu to stop the injury, but only emergency treatment, can not maintain for long.

Then he had to go to the hospital for surgery to keep the baby alive.

She also said that if people are suffering from a medical emergency, she can help treat them.

It's gonna be a bunch of rainbow farts down there.

Even Chen Zhenghao and Xu Hao, the second generation of the rich, also praised Zhou Ke's benevolence.

In the past, people were not very cool to this aloof female doctor.

But now this time, everyone is afraid of death, so they are trying to please Zhou Ke.

Zhang Yi still did not talk in the chat group, just quietly observing the changes in the situation.

In recent days, Ms. Fang has not contacted him again.

Zhang Yi was also happy to relax, but he knew that the white lotus would soon come to beg him.

Instead of looking for him now, she only wanted to maintain her poor vanity, which had always held that she was a superior woman, and that she would not bend to any man.

Except the rich, of course.

But what about the future?

The snow was still falling and the whole ground floor was completely flooded.

Now don't say leave the neighborhood, even want to leave the neighborhood

The gate, have to face four to five meters of snow.

It is inevitable that materials will run out.

When the time comes, the temperament of this white lotus flower will certainly come to Zhang Yi.

A week has passed since the beginning of the apocalypse.

Seven days is not a long time, but it is longer than seven years for a group of people who have to endure the cold and huddle in their homes every day!

From the beginning, they were filled with hope.

By now, almost everyone has realized the reality.

The chances of waiting for help at home were slim.

Because they have learned about the world through the Internet

To hundreds of thousands of years of rare snow disaster!

The whole world was flooded by the blizzard. Even in some cities in the north, the temperature reached more than 100 degrees below zero. Under the blizzard, many cities were directly flooded!

Although officials are still encouraging big families to unite and help each other survive through a few channels.

But looking outside at the frozen city, everyone's heart sank.

Because of the scarcity of materials, the problems are becoming more acute.

Aunt Lin's food was looted by Chen Zhenghao, grandson and dying lying in bed, let her into a state of madness.

All day long in the group crazy clamour, said she is the leadership of the neighborhood committee, we must give her materials!

But now, the big guys are getting smart. No

Someone gave her a bird's eye.

Owner group, living in the 12th floor of the treasure mother Xie Limei suddenly sent a message.

"Does anyone have any food at home? My child and I haven't eaten for two days. I... I can pay top dollar for it!"

It was this news that caused a subtle change among the owners.

In the past, everyone thought that the disaster would soon be over and the city would be lifted.

So, although there is a trade in food, the price is only several times higher than usual.

But now, more and more people are running out of supplies.

At such times, food is life, is the hope of survival!

Soon after, someone suddenly said, "I have a few packets of instant noodles at home, if you need to sell them. But I want $1,000 a pack!"

1000 for a pack of instant noodles!

This was unthinkable in the past.

They may not have imagined how much of an impact this transaction would have on the entire building.

Zhang Yi supporting chin looking at mobile phone, light said: "wonderful things, is about to begin."

Xie Limei did not respond, apparently hesitant.

For now, at least, there is a glimmer of hope that the snow disaster will pass.

When the time comes, people will still want to live, still want to make money.

At this time, for a long time not to talk in the group of rich second generation

Xu Hao came out of nowhere.

"I'll give you two thousand dollars a pack! I want everything you have!"