
The frozen world:I stocked up on billions supplies

The world entered an ice age, the ice end came, 95% of the planet's human species all died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the man he had helped because of his kindness. Rebirth back to a month before the end of the ice, Zhang Yi awakening space powers, began crazy hoarding supplies! Lack of supplies? He hollowed out a $10 billion warehouse in a superstore! Uncomfortable in your stay? He built a super safe house worthy of Fortress Doom! The end comes, others are frozen into dogs, for a bite to eat will give up everything. But Zhang Yi is more comfortable than before the end of the world. Bai Lianhua: Zhang Yi, I promise to be your girlfriend as long as you let me into your house. Rich second generation: Zhang Yi, I would like to exchange all my money for a meal in your family! Beast neighbors: Zhang Yi, you should share the material with us, not be so selfish! Looking at these past life betrayed their own people, Zhang Yi lying in the safe room, comfortable living the life of Xanadu general. Zhang Yi: What does it matter to me whether you die or not? I don't feed my stuff to the dogs!

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78 Chs

26 Black eating black

The neighbors began to realize that they had been tricked by Aunt Lin.

For a moment, the chat group was full of cordial greetings to Aunt Lin.

But Aunt Lin decided to cheat the neighbors from the moment, already don't even face, she certainly won't care about neighbors how to scold her.

However, someone is looking into her hands of the stolen property.

For example, social Chen Zhenghao!

It's been five days since the apocalypse, but people don't really know what's going on outside.

So it has not yet developed into a desperate scramble for supplies.

Chen Zhenghao in Zhang Yi's memory, later with a group of hands

I go around robbing people of things, even killing people.

But now, he did not want to take the neighbors' goods by means of looting.

After all, society is not all crazy, he has a little brain.

Even shot his leg off Zhang Yi, in no absolute certainty, he did not choose to continue to break into Zhang Yi's house.

Now, the family is running out of supplies.

In this society, there is no habit of hoarding goods at home.

There was a lot of beer in the fridge, but it had already been frozen, not to mention hungry, want to drink can only break the ice.

And Aunt Lin's action, let his eyes light up.

Aunt Lin said we should collect supplies and distribute them uniformly.

Although he scoffed at Aunt Lin's words, he has now

Apparently, Aunt Lin got some of her neighbors' supplies by cajoling them.

Then he has a good reason to take it!

Even after the ice and snow were released, things started to make trouble, Aunt Lin dared not do anything out of reason.

So Chen Zhenghao picked up his mobile phone and called Aunt Lin.

At this time, Aunt Lin is at home, and grandson tiger together to eat cookies.

The instant noodles need to wait for the short time each day before boiling water to soak.

At this time, the mobile phone rang quickly.

"Grandma, the phone!

Tiger pointed to the mobile phone said.

Aunt Lin snorted cold, her eyes full of disdain.

She figured it had to be neighbors who had been cheated out of supplies.

She felt no remorse for those fools, and thought they were fools.

But when she picked up the phone and saw the caller's name, a look of fear came over her face.

"Chen Zhenghao? What does he want with me?"

Chen Zhenghao was a well-known social man, who not only had many younger brothers under his command, but also was said to have a strong background.

It's not for her little neighborhood council executive to mess with.

Aunt Lin answered the phone.

Chen Zhenghao's voice said: "Hello, Aunt Lin! You are really good at getting all the supplies in everyone's hands."

Aunt Lin heard the word "materials" immediately sensitive up.

She coughed. "Ahem, as the steward of the neighborhood committee,

It's my job to manage supplies for you."

Chen Zhenghao gave a sneer: "Ha ha, that's just right. My family is now quite short of supplies, you quickly send me!"

Lin aunt face a stiff, she did not expect, this rogue should come to her to falsely goods!

She seemed to forget that she had also used shameless means to swindle supplies from other neighbors.

Although Lin aunt dare not provoke Chen Zhenghao, but she in order to himself and grandson can live, not willing to hand over the materials to hand over.

She gritted her teeth and said, "I still need to take care of these supplies. And there are still some families who have not handed in the money, so it cannot be distributed."

Chen Zhenghao was already getting impatient.

This old lady Lin really doesn't know whether to live or die, and she even put him off with such words!

He scolded angrily: "Old man, you don't give face to shame!"

"Did you line your pockets with that stuff?"

"I tell you what, if you just give me what I have. Otherwise, hehe, I'll go and get it myself!"

Aunt Lin was so frightened that her face turned white and she was trembling and did not know what words to say.

She has always been a bully, in the face of ordinary owners, she is unruly.

But how would she know how to deal with a man like Chen Zhenghao?

She could only dare to say, "What do you want? I'm telling you, don't do anything! I'm an officer of the neighborhood committee!"

Chen Zhenghao laugh more severe, "Bah, what shit, really take their own when the garlic! If you don't, I'll come and get it myself!"

After that, Chen hung up the phone.

These days because it is too cold, so he called several younger brothers to his home.

On the one hand, many people can keep warm. On the other hand, many people are sick after being poured cold water by Zhang Yi. Someone must take care of them.

Third, Chen Zhenghao, as a social person, still has some brains.

He had realized that something was going wrong, so he gathered his own men.

If it comes to it, someone in the hand can have the absolute say!

But with so many people, you always need to eat.

He hung up the phone, directly called his younger brother, and then a group of people rushed to Aunt Lin's home with great strength and vigor.

Chen Zhenghao, leaning on a mop as a cane and holding a baseball bat in one hand, rushed to Aunt Lin's door in a menacing way.

This scene, all were Zhang Yili with a monitoring probe to see a clear

Two Chu.

Zhang Yi sat on the TV, legs up on the coffee table, eating potato chips to enjoy the TV program.

"Well, it looks like dog eat dog!"

Zhang Yi smiled happily said.

It was only the fifth day of the apocalypse, and he had no idea that there was such a beautiful play, and that he hated both sides.

Zhang Yi was in a happy mood.

Suddenly, he thought of the silly neighbors who had been deceived by Aunt Lin.

Based on his memories of previous lives, and his understanding of these neighbors.

Even after this thing, there will be people will fall for it one after another.

No way, people always have a lucky mind, and Chinese people instinctively choose to obey the generation due to thousands of years of Confucianism

Mrs. Lin from the neighborhood committee.

Thus the wool was collected layer by layer by Aunt Lin.

Zhang Yi touched his chin, "If I send what happens here to the group, do not know what will happen?"

Zhang Yi mouth showing bad smile, "it must be quite wonderful!"

So he pressed Record.

After Chen Zhenghao brought people to Aunt Lin's home, he began to shout loudly, asking Aunt Lin to open the door.

Yuelu community is a mid-range community, every household has been installed security doors.

But as we all know, anti-theft door is anti-thief, for the strong and hard door is not much.

Aunt Lin's house is not Zhang Yi's.

Although we can see that Aunt Lin desperately want to block the door, but can anti-theft lock, still did not block a group of jealous flow

The mob.

They used baseball bats and steel bars and crowbars to smash the locks.

You can tell this isn't the first time they've done this.

After the door lock was broken, the table and sofa that Mrs. Lin had used to block the door did nothing to stop them.

Through the camera, Zhang Yi saw Aunt Lin's pale face full of terror.