
the fourth scourge of star wars

Take over a Homeworld mothership and travel to the world of Star Wars? Tang Xiao: “This world is so dangerous. Mom, I want to go home.” Wait a minute, the mothership database actually has “Original Sin of the Solar Empire”, “Halo”, “EVE”, “StarCraft”, “Stellaris”? ? And there are still Jim Raynor, Master Chief, and Archbishop Artanis sleeping in the freezer? Tang Xiao: “Humph! They will all bow down at my feet!!” The Fourth Calamity… ah no, long live the Fourth Empire!

Mallison · Movies
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229 Chs

The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars Vol 2 Chapter 130: political game

Forming a cabinet is a very critical matter. Tang Xiao can be said to have used all the resources that he can use. In terms of candidates, he finally chose his chief think tank after a long discussion.

That is also a legendary figure - that's right, in order to form a cabinet, Tang Xiao awakened two legendary figures in succession.

In addition to Ni Yongxiao, there is another person. Compared with Francis Underwood, he is not suitable for working hard in politics, but his IQ and his planning can be said to be comparable to Tang Xiao's rarely seen in film and television works.

And this person is not the type like Luther and Mengsk who have to worry about being bitten at any time after waking up, so it is more reassuring to use.

He has a very strategic mind, is good at grasping the key to the problem, and accomplishes the impossible goal with a small and broad mind.

If there is a metaphor, it's that he used a matchstick to move a building!

He is just a mortal, but he once relied on his own plan to make the powerful superheroes collapse and split!

He will be another disaster that Tang Xiao brings to this galaxy...

Tang Xiao believes that if this person becomes his chief think tank, he will have greater confidence in future struggles——

Baron Helmut Zemo (movie version)!

The man who once subverted the Avengers by himself!


"The chief assistant of the cabinet? It's a strange title, but it's the first step in fulfilling the promise." Francis Underwood threw the document aside, took the glass in front of him and sipped it lightly. took a sip.

Claire Underwood picked up the document and looked at it, "Actually, what I care more about is, what is the origin of this Helmut Zemo and Ni Yongxiao? cabinet?"

"That's not the point, Claire." Francis said with a smile.

"Then what do you think is the key?" Claire dropped the document and came to the closet. Naturally, she took off her coat in front of Francis, and began to try on the dresses in the closet.

"Location, location, location." Francis stood up, stood by the window, opened the window, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case on the windowsill, lit it for himself, took a deep breath, and then exhaled the smoke Out the window, "As I've emphasized countless times, power is like real estate, and location determines value. The closer you are to the core, the more valuable you are."

"Then the position of the chief assistant in the cabinet means that we are closer to the core?" Claire took out a long red dress for comparison, shook her head and put it down, then picked up another black one.

"On the contrary, it's farther." Francis had finished smoking a cigarette, put out the cigarette butt, and said slowly with his arms folded: "In this cabinet, Chi Jianjun is in charge of scientific research, and his position cannot be shaken. And Ni Yongxiao is Tang Xiao's assistant and is responsible for his daily affairs. Helmut Zemo is Tang Xiao's chief think tank. There is no doubt that Tang Xiao will take out many daily affairs to discuss with them. So, nominally I I'm the head of the cabinet, but I can't actually influence any of the cabinet members."

Claire's changing clothes stiffened, and her voice trembled, "You mean the manager is alienating us?"

"He made me the chief assistant of the cabinet, even if it's just a false name, but at least he is expressing a meaning - he has not forgotten his previous commitment." Francis smiled easily, "Oh yes, I I think that red dress just now is very nice."

"Tomorrow I'm going to attend a meeting of the Milky Way Outer Ring Planet Mutual Aid Fund. I think as an organization that warms up among the weak, I should still behave a little more plainly, such as solemn black." Claire frowned.

"This mutual fund is not important. What matters is the influence you get. Do you understand? Choosing red represents your enthusiasm. Let everyone focus on you, this is our purpose." Lancis said.

Claire picked up the red dress again and smiled, "Then it's red. By the way, will you go tomorrow?"

"I'm not going, I have other things to do." Francis shook his head.

"Speaking of which, Councilor Thunbak-Tura of Planet Semirth suddenly expressed his support for this mutual aid fund," Claire said.

"Planet Semis is a planet with a very developed industry in the outer ring. With their support, your mutual aid fund will definitely have a stronger influence." Francis said with a smile.

"You did this?"

"Just a little spice."


The next day, a luxury hotel on the surface of Coruscant.

Countless high-ranking Galactic Republic officials and planetary councilors gathered here, and the waiters shuttled through them to deliver delicious food to these people.

They gathered together in twos and threes, and exchanged some topics that maybe a word or two could influence the fate of a planet.

Claire Underwood, dressed in a red dress, stood on the stage and said with a smile to the officials and planet representatives below, "Let's pay more attention to the planets in the outer ring of the Milky Way! While we enjoy a prosperous life, we should Understand, there are still some backward planets whose people are starving! Some planets can't even send their representatives to Coruscant to make their voices heard!"

"...Let's unite! If the Republic can't solve the problem of food and clothing for the backward planets in the outer ring, then we can only solve it ourselves!"

"... Planet Rodia is willing to join the Galaxy Outer Ring Planet Mutual Aid Fund!"

"... Planet Jabim is willing to join the mutual aid fund!"

"... Planet Semis is willing to join and can provide a batch of robots to help the outer ring planet for production work."

Some planetary councilors also expressed their appeals and donations, and the atmosphere became warm.

In a remote corner, a tall, spirited old man was standing there, holding a glass of expensive champagne in his hand, and taking a sip gracefully.

After finishing the speech, Claire Underwood chatted with Thunbak Tula, a councilor of Planet Semith who was wearing gorgeous clothes, and immediately found the old man, so he said goodbye to Tula and came over.

"Master Dooku, it's an honor for you to be part of this event. I noticed that you also donated 5 million credits to our fund, and on behalf of the impoverished planets of the outer ring planet, I offer my high regards. You changed the way we Impression of a Jedi Knight." Claire said with a smile.