
the fourth scourge of star wars

Take over a Homeworld mothership and travel to the world of Star Wars? Tang Xiao: “This world is so dangerous. Mom, I want to go home.” Wait a minute, the mothership database actually has “Original Sin of the Solar Empire”, “Halo”, “EVE”, “StarCraft”, “Stellaris”? ? And there are still Jim Raynor, Master Chief, and Archbishop Artanis sleeping in the freezer? Tang Xiao: “Humph! They will all bow down at my feet!!” The Fourth Calamity… ah no, long live the Fourth Empire!

Mallison · Movies
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229 Chs

The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars Vol 2 Chapter 126: The era of big mining

Endor System, the fourth satellite in outer orbit of Endor gas giant planet, Dor.

This is a satellite composed almost entirely of metal, with a diameter of 1144 kilometers and an estimated weight of about 342 trillion tons (equivalent to 3.42 followed by 20 zeros). In simple terms, Dole is about one-third the diameter of the moon, but 500 times as massive as the moon!

According to the investigation and scanning of experts on the Glory mothership, it was found that Dole is rich in various metals, rare metals, and even natural alloys formed under extreme natural conditions!

It is estimated that if the entire planet of Dole is fully mined, the resources produced can even allow the largest spacecraft manufacturer in the Galactic Republic, the Quat Power Dock, to operate continuously for 10 years!

Tang Xiao took the spacecraft to the outer orbit of the planet Dole, and did not go down to the surface of the planet, but observed the planet through the porthole and optical sensors.

Standing behind him is a middle-aged man in his 40s, dressed in a suit and well-mannered. His name is Xu Yan, a master mining expert, and now he has another title - president of the United Mining Group.

United Mining Group is a group company jointly registered by the Fourth Group and Damask Holding Group, and is currently responsible for the mining of the Endor galaxy.

In fact, after learning of such a rich resource reserve on the planet Dole, even Hego-Damask II, a big man with high authority even in the Interstellar Banking Association, was very excited. At the same time, he also trusts Tang Xiao who selflessly shared such a resource with him.

So he came out of 200 million directly through the Damask Holding Group, and founded the United Mining Group with the Fourth Group. Tang Xiao can't pay a penny, and the main core executives of the group are all his people, and he himself holds 70% of the shares of the entire group.

At this time, Xu Yan was explaining the recent mining plan to Tang Xiao, and there were several Muun people present. They were representatives of Damask Holding Group, and now they are also senior management of United Mining Group.

"Look, manager. At coordinate A is the excavation site we originally built on Dole. This is a modular building that was originally preserved in the mothership, and it is not large. This excavation site is still in operation. , but the output has become less and less, and we plan to shut it down within half a year." Xu Yan said.

"Why shut down?"

"The Dole planet is almost entirely a metal planet. After our mining work went 1.8 kilometers underground, the rock layers encountered were almost all metal, and the equipment in this excavation site could not dig it at all." Xu Yan answer.

Then Xu Yan pointed to another area on the planet. Here, even in orbit, a piece of light could be clearly seen, showing a large scale. He said: "This is the second phase of our mining project on the planet Dole, which has not yet been completed. There are currently 100 SCVs under construction around the clock, but the planet's gravity environment takes a lot of physical strength for workers. And the B-1 robot can't work on this planet, Damask Holding Group is preparing to send a group of professional mining robots over."

"How much mining efficiency will the second-phase mining project improve?" Tang Xiao asked.

"According to the continuous expansion of the scale, it is about 10 to 200 times. This is the technology from the Traders Emergency Alliance, and it can be regarded as a planetary mining base. But for now, this speed is still not enough." Xu Yan said, Zoomed in on the screen.

It was only seen that on the surface of the planet, several huge brackets supported a super-large drill with a diameter of tens of meters, which was constantly breaking the ore, and then the transport vehicles next to it were followed to transport the ore away.

"In the cooperation agreement between us and Damask Holding Group, isn't there also cooperation with a planetary-level mining base?" Tang Xiao asked while looking at the Muun people on the side.

One of the Muuns nodded politely and replied: "Dear Your Excellency, our engineers have come to investigate and found that our current planetary-level mining equipment is also unable to mine the planet Dole effectively, so we are working with Xu After consultation with Mr. Yan, another agreement was prepared."

Tang Xiao's eyes turned to Xu Yan.

Xu Yan said immediately: "We are going to build a large-scale mining space station in the low orbit of the planet Dole, and will expand this space station into a mining star ring. For the mining work after that, we mainly rely on mining lasers to cut the ore. , and then pulled up directly from the space station via a tractor beam for separation and refinement."

He took out another paper agreement, "This mining space station and even the future mining star ring, we mainly produce technology, and Damask Holding Group will be responsible for the construction."

The Muun next to him added: "Our engineering team may not be the most advanced, but it is entirely possible to build such a large space structure. In addition to this large mining space station, we will also assist you in building two Comprehensive Dock."

"Comprehensive dock?" Tang Xiao was a little unfamiliar with this project.

Xu Yan quickly explained: "This project is still under discussion, and the comprehensive dock is still a product of the Traders Emergency Alliance. It is a large dock that can be adjusted in size, and can be built as small as 50 meters and as large as 500 meters in size. Spaceship. There are still some technical breakthroughs in the Engineering Science Department, and it is estimated that it will take a few months before the official start of construction."

Is there an emergency alliance of traders... Tang Xiao nodded silently. Now the technology tree of "Original Sin of the Empire of the Sun" has begun to be fully rolled out. Two months ago, the trader emergency alliance and the construction of the TEC construction ship have been put into use.

Sure enough, on this basis, TEC's technology tree is also climbing rapidly.

This is definitely good news, because the technology tree in "Original Sin of a Solar Empire" is much more advanced than "Homeland", and it is also more comprehensive.

"In addition, Professor Chi has also handed us a mining drone, which is currently expanding production We have built a space mine near the asteroid belt, mainly relying on this mining drone. Mining." Xu Yan added, "In the long run, the resources of the asteroid belt are limited, but it is convenient to mine, which can solve our short-term resource shortage problem."

Tang Xiao nodded. Now the resource problem of the Fourth Civilization is very serious. Because a large number of infrastructure equipment including SCV and TEC engineering ships have been put into use, their construction speed is much faster, and resources are needed almost everywhere.

What's more, Tang Xiao personally instructed that all resources should be given priority to the construction of the spaceship, and the construction of the spaceship had never stopped, which made the resources even more tense.

Fortunately, Dawn Planet's buildings are still constructed of reinforced concrete, so at least the city construction has not been slowed down.