
The Four Guardians

THIS SERIES IS ON INDEFINITE HIATUS ---------------------------------------- Over 50 thousand years ago the Demon King ruled all nations with an iron fist, it took the strongest of all around the world to stop him to end a war that had been raging on. After the war, the nations gathered to discuss a punishment for the Demon King, it was decided that the protectors of the Demon Realm, The Four Guardians, would serve all nations if needed whilst also serving and controlling the Demon Realm. The Demon King accepted and his Four Guardians, the most powerful the Demon Realm has to offer, now have to juggle ruling the Demon Realm and sorting out all the problems other nations propose, but of course, not everyone is happy with the peace that currently stands and the rise of new threats worry even the guardians. ___________________________________________ I just write this for fun so don't expect something amazing.

Fabledbyte · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

The end of the world Part 1

Ren stood in the centre of the demon realm, surrounded by buildings and empty streets. He wasn't alone as he brought along several other members of the Jester Masks, including several new members and some old ones that shouldn't be there. They stood looking towards the tower where the guardians lived, with Tempus slowly walking towards them, having left the tower, exposed to the air.

"What do I owe this pleasure?" Tempus shouted to them as they stopped moving with the space of several houses between them.

"We've come for the creator's body," Ren said, cautiously looking around at the area that was new to him. "Sophia said Brio's body was under there."

Tempus turned around to look at it. He looked at it as if he was trying to feign ignorance.

"What do you mean?" He replied sheepishly.

"Shut it."

"Can I ask?" Tempus said to Ren who was about to approach but halted promptly. "How is Wrath alive? He should be sliced into two? And why's the tiny Envy girl here? She's annoying. Also, why does Greed look like he wants to cry? So many questions… so little time..."

"Wrath was created thanks to the Necronomicon. He's dead…"

Ren spoke as if he was a different person. His anger that he was filled with before turned into arrogance, something that Tempus saw in himself.

"Very well… Where's Mane?"

"Dead." Ren didn't hesitate with his answer. Tempus shouldn't have been shocked to have heard it but his body trembled at the possibility.

"Enough talking," Ren said as Wrath stepped forward, wielding the Necronomicon in his hand. "Shall we begin?"

The earth shook as Wrath lifted his hands, the street was torn apart and the tower collapsed in seconds. Buildings were crushed until only dust remainder, clouding the air as every last aspect of the demon realm was flattened. Only dust remained, and Tempus let it happen.

Out from the rubble, a blue crystal emerged. A crystal which magnified the light that passed through it, causing the beams of light to summon several fires that they hit.

Inside the crystal lies a body. One that was in perfect condition. A man who looked no older than a teenager rested inside it. This man was Brio, the creator.

"All we need is the sword and your time powers," Ren said holding his hand out. "We can let you live if you hand them to us."

Tempus looked at the seven people that were in front of him, unamused at what they just did to his home. Six sins that wielded powerful weapons and 1 man who stood above them all.

"Not happening."

At the end of Tempus' words, Greed dashed forward. He ran across the hundred feet that separated them as if his legs were about to break, regardless in less than a second he was in front of Tempus.

Tempus, already aware that he can't look Greed in the eyes, dodged his initial punch and countered by sticking his fingers in Greed's eyes. Only to find empty sockets.

"What the hell?" Tempus said as he collapsed to the ground with his eyes slowly sealing shut.

"We found a way to give Greed his powers without the need for a catalyst." Ren stepped forward as it was over. Or so he thought…

Tempus, who was asleep for exactly the duration of Ren's words, had woken up. Sweat poured down his face as he struggled to stand, kicking Greed away before he could react.

"Impressive… To wake up that quickly. What did you see?"

Tempus didn't respond to Ren's question. He watched as his breath became uneasy and his bones grew tired as if they were quickly ageing. His face turned sour as his brain started to question his actions.

Greed walked back to join the rest of the group before the next person stepped out. A woman, with long midnight hair dragging across the ground, jumped off the remains of what little stood of the Demon Realm.

She darted around with Tempus watching her every movement. Occasionally, going in for a gentle touch which Tempus could easily dodge.

"I don't know what your power is…" Tempus said, "but please rest here for a moment…"

Tempus flooded the world with ice. The person they called Lust, was frozen in place, turned into a statue, with her hand only centimetres away from her target.

But before Tempus can jump away, out from behind the block of ice that Lust inhabited, Envy darted around, recreating Tempus' ice magic but with fire. The ice melted as they both retreated back to Ren.

"See?" Tempus said, trying not to ruin the typical arrogance others perceived him as. "Isn't as easy as you thought. I'm still alive."

The next person was about to step out. A man smaller than most with a long trench coat pulled out a solid black reflective feather before being halted by Ren.

"Don't worry…" He said, "I'll take it from here."