
The Four Guardians

THIS SERIES IS ON INDEFINITE HIATUS ---------------------------------------- Over 50 thousand years ago the Demon King ruled all nations with an iron fist, it took the strongest of all around the world to stop him to end a war that had been raging on. After the war, the nations gathered to discuss a punishment for the Demon King, it was decided that the protectors of the Demon Realm, The Four Guardians, would serve all nations if needed whilst also serving and controlling the Demon Realm. The Demon King accepted and his Four Guardians, the most powerful the Demon Realm has to offer, now have to juggle ruling the Demon Realm and sorting out all the problems other nations propose, but of course, not everyone is happy with the peace that currently stands and the rise of new threats worry even the guardians. ___________________________________________ I just write this for fun so don't expect something amazing.

Fabledbyte · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Ifer Vs Gluttony

"So… I'm fighting myself?" Ifer said as he inspected the perfect clone in front of him. He wished to test the waters, he had his spear equipped on his back and moved it to his hands, ready to fight.

He jabbed it forward knowing it was going to miss. The clone flipped backwards and landed upright, something Ifer was impressed with.

"I don't know if you move like me as well or if you just know that. I guess it's cool... I never knew I looked that good doing my acrobatics"

Ifer continued to attack. He swung wide again and again. Each time he was aware of what would happen. Each attack was slow and obvious.

"This is stupid." The clone said having a feminine voice despite it being Ifer's skinny male body.

"That's not how I sound?"

"Why won't you attack?" The clone said revealing herself to be a slim female wrapped in tight clothing. Her hair revealed itself as her body swapped back, drooping into a blonde ponytail whilst her eyes were filled with sleep.

"Who are you?" Ifer asked as he was the one that was meant to be asking questions.

"I'm just a gymnast. But, although I do wield Gluttony. I guess you could call me Gluttony as well?"

"Nice to meet you, Gluttony," Ifer said rather politely. "Do you mind giving me that sword back?"

Gluttony didn't respond but instead went on the offensive. Each swing of her sword got caught up with Ifer's lance, perfectly centred to its hilt. It was unable to cut through it and was deflected away. He spun it around with expert timing, bouncing each swing and redirecting it away. His weapon wasn't used for defence, but he was filled with confidence and felt as if he should at least make a show out of it. No matter how many attacks came his way, he was easily able to dodge and block with the thinnest part of his lance.


Gluttony obeyed every order the sword gave. She dashed to the closest person and cut her clean in two. Ifer stood around and watched with a blank smile as all the civilians screamed in panic. By the time Gluttony was done, she charged back at Ifer who was struggling to deflect her attacks.

"MORE BLOOD!" The sword demanded. "MORE!"

"I see," Ifer said with understanding. "You kill people and absorb their abilities. Passing it to the user. How interesting."

"HA! He knows!" The sword said. "SO WHAT? WHAT WILL IT HELP?"

Ifer stood and looked at Gluttony with a look of tiredness and boredom.

"That is a strong sword. I'm going to need it back"


The sword was cautious of Ifer's charge for the first time with his spear held behind him. By the time Gluttony was able to put up its defence, Ifer had already ended up behind them.


The sound of metal hit the floor first, followed by a large thud. Gluttony looked down to see the sword resting below her feet, next to her cleanly cut-off hands that quickly crashed to the ground. Her brain had only just caught up. What she was seeing was the image of her own decapitation but as if she was still alive, watching her own body crash to the ground before her body.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!" The sword screamed as Gluttony's head was cleanly cut off from behind.

"Told you I'd get you back. Shame, I was expecting a stronger opponent."

# # #

"I got the sword," Ifer said to Tempus as he handed it to him, wrapped in almost a hundred layers of cloth so the sound of his complaining couldn't be heard. Although there was a faint buzzing as if there was a fly in the room.

"T-thanks…" Tempus said unsure what to think. "I need you to do me a favour." He said,

"What is it?"

"Look for Mane. He's vanished with the gloves and I fear the worst."

"What about you?" Ifer asked.

"My battle is about to begin."

Tempus looked down from the tower, into the Demon Realm, as a portal opened up in the centre.

"Space magic," Tempus said to himself. "I feared Sophia would betray me. My suspicions were true. Oh well, I guess Thorit doesn't need to come back and tell me what I already know. "

Outside the portal stepped the person that Tempus hadn't seen in a while. The boy that he humiliated at the Magia academy, the student of Beck, Ren. He hadn't changed one bit, even his arrogant walk was the same, except this time he wasn't alone.

Alongside Ren stood the other members of the Jester Masks.

"Are you going to be ok?" Ifer asked.

"I'll be fine. Go find Mane."

Ifer didn't question it. He saw the power his opponents had and ran to do what was ordered. You could call it cowardly for him to run away from his position. But all the other guardians were wishing the same.