
The Four Guardians

THIS SERIES IS ON INDEFINITE HIATUS ---------------------------------------- Over 50 thousand years ago the Demon King ruled all nations with an iron fist, it took the strongest of all around the world to stop him to end a war that had been raging on. After the war, the nations gathered to discuss a punishment for the Demon King, it was decided that the protectors of the Demon Realm, The Four Guardians, would serve all nations if needed whilst also serving and controlling the Demon Realm. The Demon King accepted and his Four Guardians, the most powerful the Demon Realm has to offer, now have to juggle ruling the Demon Realm and sorting out all the problems other nations propose, but of course, not everyone is happy with the peace that currently stands and the rise of new threats worry even the guardians. ___________________________________________ I just write this for fun so don't expect something amazing.

Fabledbyte · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

The end of the world Part 2

Having successfully survived an onslaught by 2 of the 6 Jester Masks, Tempus stood with his back surrounded by rocks and debris of what was once the demon realm.

Seeing as the Jester Masks weren't able to do the job assigned to them, Ren decided to attack.

He didn't hesitate in launching himself forward in one step. Punching Tempus with the same enchantment magic he had back at the Magia academy.

"How is it?!" He screamed over the sound of his punches, "Can you dodge these?"

Tempus managed to place a barrier before the first attack hit but quickly saw it smash in front of his eyes. Between each hit, he was replacing the barrier as it smashed.

The attacks didn't stop with each hit spreading up. Moreover, Tempus was slowing down at each replenishment of the barrier. Eventually, Ren managed to knock Tempus back, breaking his back on the sharp rocks.

"This world is your weakness…" Ren said as he stepped closer, "You hate this world and secretly wish for it to be changed. You saw it didn't you? You saw what Greed showed you. Why aren't you fighting for real?"

"You're wrong..." Tempus said as he tried to sit up properly, only to cough up blood. "I don't want this world reset."

Tempus struggled to move. His back crumbled and his lungs punctured from one successful hit.

"Come on…" Ren said crouching down in front of Tempus, "Why not join us? I can give you a good life. A life empty of sin."

Tempus' eyes were in hysterics. He couldn't look at Ren but instead, look past him at the Jester Masks.

"I know all about your parents… Human mother… Demon father… Your mother was an excellent mage and was killed by humans when they found out she married a demon. Of course, this meant your father also had to go. Luckily, they saved you."

"S...stop…" Tempus tried to throw a punch but couldn't lift his arm.

"Care to join?" asked Ren.

Tempus didn't say anything. He managed to stand back up by repairing himself with magic. His body told Ren all that he needed to know.

"A shame."

Tempus was on high alert, his staff was in front of him as if he was ready to spend it all on one last attack.

"NOO!" A voice screamed from the other end of the Demon Realm, causing Tempus to turn and face Sagitta, who had returned to protect him.

But, even though he hesitated for a second, he couldn't stop it. He could see his arms fall to the ground along with his lower body, followed by the sound of his staff shattering against the ground. The blood rushed out of them as his senses quickly disappeared. He used what remained of his eyesight to see what happened, the sword of Gluttony, which appeared from what seemed like nowhere, as if it was dragged out using space magic, had sliced Tempus in two.

"TEMPUS!" Sagitta saw what had happened and run as quickly as she could to Tempus but she couldn't get passed the Jester masks.

She managed to defend herself for a while. Weaving between all their slashes and all their spells until she was joined by Ifer.

"IFER!" She called out, "Get Tempus!"

The two of them stood back to back, fighting off against the strongest weapons in the world. Their own weapons, ones which were said to be the best, didn't stand a chance.

"You see Tempus…" Ren said as he held Tempus' severed head in his hands. Using his new time magic to keep Tempus alive for a little while longer. "You never used this magic during our fight… I guess I was right."

Ren threw Tempus' head into the remains of the Demon Realm for it to be lost.

Sagitta and Ifer still fought, but Sagitta was faced with the same opponent as before, dragged back into her own mind. She was unable to defend herself whilst her eyeballs were ripped out and eaten by Greed.

"DELICIOUS!" He screamed as Ifer looked on in horror. Trying to defend himself from the gloves of Pride that broke several of his ribs in one hit.

His head, resting in the hand of the gloves, covered in blood and bruises, was crushed as if it was nothing more than a grape.

The Four Guardians. The strongest the demon realm had to offer. The ones that promised the world they would save it. Were all massacred.

"Finally…" Ren said as he soaked in all the silence and blood that was around him.

"Finally… finally finally finally finally… I HAVE WON!"

He screamed as he kept kicking Tempus' headless body, quietly gaining composure as the Jester masks looked on at him.

They all walked over to the crystal that hosted Brio's body. The clear crystal which reflected itself back at it.

"Let's have some fun with this new life…"

Thank you all for reading The Four Guardians. Sadly, this series will have to be put on an indefinite hiatus. There are a number of reasons for this but it ultimately came down to personal reasons and my thoughts on this series. Thank you for understanding.

Fabledbytecreators' thoughts