
the forsaken one

Closing my eyes and Waking up as Sasuke uchiha wasn't part of what i planned for the day. But here we are.

THOT_SLAYER70 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter four

As the lights turn on, I look around.

It's a big room, maybe around 400 Square meters, with huge industrial lights in the ceiling.

And bookshelves full of books and scrolls, with labels too.

There are also some tables and chairs in the corner.

I walk forwards as I spot a heavy steel door with no handle at the other side of the room.

As I arrive in front of the door I put my hand on it and push some chakra into it.

It immediately swings back as the other side also lights up.

This room has a stone floor unlike the previous room's wooden floor and is about twice the size of it too.

I spot an anvil and a forge at one corner and all kinds of strange and weird tools and stations throughout the room.

There are three doors at the end of the room, although these ones actually look like doors with handles.

Deciding to look through the doors one by one, I start from the left door.

Opening it reveals a warehouse looking room with industrial metal shelves stocked with giant steel boxes.

The shelves have letters carved into them, some read 'iron', 'copper', 'steel' and 'low quality chakra metal'.

At the other side some read 'wood', 'chakra wood', 'cow hide', 'chakra lizard hide' and similar beasts.

These ones were written in Japanese though.

Seeing nothing interesting I leave the room.

The middle room was a lot more different, with wooden floor and walls.

And comfortable looking chairs and table, and elegant wooden boxes with carvings on them.

Which read 'ink', 'paper', 'chakra ink' and 'chakra paper'.

'So this is the fuinjutsu room huh?'

Not what I was looking for.

As I closed the door on my way out, I headed towards the last door.

Opening it, what caught my eye first was a piece of paper stuck right beside the entrance.

It was written in English, so safe to say it was written by jump-chan.

[Hello again Jumper!

Just wanted to say that originally there was a bunker down here, made by Uchiha fugaku, with a copy of every technique in the uchiha library ( the actual one, not the one you bought in the jumpchain. ) and some chakra weapons and ryo.

So I took the liberty to merge it with the place you bought.

You're welcome by the way!




I silently watch as the piece of paper disappears from my hands.

This room is a lot different than the other ones, with weapons and scrolls haphazardly place wherever there was space.

It looks to be about 300 square meters.

It doesn't even have lighting, but my eyes could perfectly see in the dark.

I ignore the copious amount of ryo bills as I walked forward and checked every weapon carefully until I encountered what I was looking for.

A long chokuto in a black sheath, about 90 centimetres long.

I grab the sheath and slowly pull out the sword.

gasping as I see what was perhaps the most beautiful sword i had ever seen, with a with a white handle and white guard, what was it's most distinguishing trait was the obsidian looking blade.

Unfortunately, It was too big for me to use Currently.

I put the sword back in it's sheath and grab a wakizashi I found lying near it.

I was about 60 centimetres which is almost half my height, I think I was a little taller than 120 centimetres.

Which is about average for a 7 year old boy.

I unsheathed the wakizashi, it wasn't anything eye catching with a silver blade and black handle and tsuba.

I tugged at my chakra and tried to run a bit of it into the blade.


The blade immediately gains a purple hue to it.

I cut of the flow of chakra to it as it goes back to normal.

'I guess I'll be using you till I grow up a bit.'

Deciding that every good blade needs a name, I get to thinking.


I remembered that name because it was the name of ais' sword in danmachi.

'Good enough.'

This sword is temporary anyway.

Sheathing the now named sword, I look around the room again.

Searching for the dragon summoning Contract I spot it at the top of a wooden box, right next to a pair of gravity seals.

How do I know that its the dragon contract specificly?

It's written on a sticky note attached to it, although this time it's in Japanese.

'I'll sign my name on it tomorrow, just one last thing to do.'

I channel my chakra towards my eyes, I don't stop as my sharingan activates though.

My vision gets dozens of times clearer, I step out the room and go to the library section.

Unsheating desperate as I gaze into the blade and observe my mangekyo Sharingan.

It's a the exact same as sasuke's Mangekyo.

Literally nothing changed.

A bit boring, but meh.

I didn't want to try any one of the abilities here, because igniting an unextinguishable flame underground may not be the best idea.

I cut off the chakra to my eyes as I watch the MS dissappear.

The Mangekyo purchased in the jumpchain was unique, as it had 4 abilities ( plus one I added with the essence of Overcoming Limitations).

It had Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Kotoamatsukami, Kamui and kagutsuchi.

I added kagutsuchi with the essence of Overcoming Limitations.

It was also enhanced with a 8× multiplier, so the abilities should be a lot stronger.

I still felt a small dip in my chakra after I activated the MS, but it regenerated nigh instantly after I deactivated it.

'Now to test my time release.'

I sent a small chunk of my chakra to my brain.


silently commanding it to wrap around me and speed up.

My chakra was being consumed and nothing was happening.

'Oh right.'

I sheathed desperate and dropped it from the air.

I had enhanced my sense of sight to a ridiculous degree, so everything I saw since I woke up was seen in slow motion.

Civilians I saw on my way to the compound were barely moving at all.

But this time my vision felt even faster.

I mentaly memorised the time it took to fall to the ground.

Cutting off the flow of chakra to my brain and picking desperate up, I once again drop it from the same height.

It took roughly 3 times longer to fall.

'So I can speed up my own timeflow by a factor of three?'

That wasn't correct, I was barely using more chakra than what was needed for my three tomoe Sharingan.

I sent double the chakra this time.


Once again a weird feeling enveloped me.

After another test I determined my time flow was multiplied by a factor of 4.

'Exponential chakra cost, eh?'

It made sense, I used about the same amount of chakra needed to maintain a three tomoe Sharingan and it sped up my time flow by a factor of 3.

It would be too overpowered if I could use ten times the chakra cost and speed up my time flow by thirty times.

Even an average jonin could effortlessly beat a kage with a 30 times time accelator.

'That's a good name.'

I decided to name this ability 'time acceleration'.

I'm still unsure if I could reduce it's chakra cost by training with it.

But I would try it tomorrow.

My chakra was already full.

'128× multiplier on chakra coils is busted.'

Climbing the ladder as the hatch automatically opened I once again find myself in sasuke's room.

The hatch immediately closing behind me as I step away from it.

I don't even bother to change my clothes as I plop down on the futon.

'Ah, sweet sleep.'