
the forsaken one

Closing my eyes and Waking up as Sasuke uchiha wasn't part of what i planned for the day. But here we are.

THOT_SLAYER70 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter five

Waking up to an unfamiliar ceiling didn't surprise me one bit.

I was still a bit skeptical about this new life of mine.

I remember that I fell asleep inside the car on my way home, so could I be in a coma after a car accident?

Obviously I'm not going to test it, but I heard a story about a man who lived a lifetime in a coma and woke up after dying in the dream.

But the risks were just too much for me to test it.

Letting out a tired sigh, I rise from my futon.

Grabbing desperate which was sitting a few feet away from me.

I smelled horrible, I noticed it yesterday but I was too tired to take a shower.

'I need a shower right now.'

Guided by sasuke's memories, I found his closet and grabbed a set of clothes.

Getting into the shower, I groan in relief as the hot water runs down my body.

There was still some shampoo and soap remaining in the shower, though I made a mental note to buy more later.

Getting out of the shower and Changing clothes, I decide on my next course of action.


That seems to be the best course of action in this 'strength makes right' world.

Going into the bunker and picking up the scroll of a B-rank fire jutsu called fire dragon bullet.

Opening and memorising the whole scroll without even using my sharingan, because of the 'brilliant mind' perk.

And as I read the scroll, the possibility of this being a dream was getting lower and lower.

Because no way in hell can the human brain come up with such complex concepts.

And after picking and memorising the shadow clone technique, i Placed the scrolls from where I picked them up from. I leave the bunker and go to a random training ground in the uchiha compound.

You didn't need nature transformation proficiency to use an elemental technique, but you needed it to be able modify and create your own techniques.

It also reduced the chakra cost of elemental techniques and even made them more powerful, although that depends on the degree of mastery said person has over that particular nature transformation.

Sasuke's memories came in clutch once again.

Slinging desperate over my shoulder, as I arrive in a forest with a large lake infront of it.

Deciding to test the three academy jutsu from sasuke's memories first.

Doing a single handseal, I watch as 5 clones without shadows poof into existence beside me.


I had perfect chakra control, even better than Tsunade.

So that much was expected.

The principles of it was simple, just run a thin veil of chakra over your body and then copy the same chakra pattern outside of your body.

Next in line is the transformation jutsu.

Once again doing a single handseal, a chakra veil is projected outside my body.

The principle of this justu is trying to shape your chakra into a replica of the person you want to transform into.

But no human being can remember every single detail of a person's appearance and then flawlessly replicate them with chakra.

That requires both perfect chakra control, which even Tsunade doesn't have and a perfect memory.

coincidentally I have both.

Normally this jutsu doesn't work very well against shinobi and is only useful against civilians.

Because even with very good chakra control and memory, the transformation is far from perfect.

Civilians usually can't even notice a genin's transformation, but even an academy student has vision a dozen times sharper than any civilians because of their activated chakra coils.

So noticing imperfections in a transformation jutsu is a piece of cake for ninja.

But my transformation? Absolutely perfect without any flaws.

Doesn't mean it can't be detected though, the Byakugan and Sharingan can easily see through my transformation.

Cancelling the transformation, I move on to the last jutsu.

The substitution jutsu or kawarimi.

This jutsu was the most complicated of the three.

It requires the user to attach their chakra to something and then pull the object towards you.

It's more of a party trick than an actual combat technique.

It's used for teaching the academy students to manipulate chakra outside their own body, but it's horribly inefficient and requires the user to be leagues above their opponent to even attempt this jutsu in a battle without getting killed.

Looking at a large stone maybe about 50 kilograms, lying a couple meters away from me.

I do one hand seal as the stone comes flying right at me in insane speeds, I sidestep it pretty easily.

'So the speed of substitution jutsu depends on the user's chakra density and the amount they use in the jutsu?'

I take back my previous statement, this could be useful.

Going through a few handseals and putting a moderate amount of chakra in the jutsu, I watch as 3 clones are summoned beside me.

Although this time they have Shadows.

I grin as I look at the shadow clones.

An expression quickly mirrored by them.

'Oh this is when the fun begins!'

Obito was fucked the moment I came to this world.


I'll try to upload two chapters tomorrow.